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① 一件難忘的事英語作文


A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. Cards with their own wishes and sent to good friends. I have also been infected by this atmosphere and ready to join the crowd, suddenly, I saw a student sitting there alone. That is not the famous "naughty King" Liu Kai do? But now, he seems like a changed man. How he got it? I looked at him puzzled. Suddenly, I wake up. Certainly because no one sent him a greeting card, and no one said to him words of wish I could not help feel sad for him. So I handed him a greeting card ,and said to him: 「 happy holiday!" He looked at me then looked at the cards, said happily: 「Thank you!" His eyes filled with happiness. He stood up and said: 「I also have a beautiful card Looked at him, and I smiled. How important Group is !

一件難忘的事英語作文二:An unforgetable thing

How time flies!I『m fifteen years the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents『to say Happy New Year to them.

In the bus,I had a good 7:30,the bus came to a woman got on with a baby in her that time,there was no she must look after her baby had to stand next to wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people sayThat girl want to be praised.I looked people were looking out of the windows and some were ,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the said Thank you very much with a big boy smiled, I told my cousin about it after that,he said The child is the father of a man. I very could』t I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

作文三:記一件難忘的事(An unforgetable thing)

How time flies!I'm fifteen years now.

During the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional festival.During the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and relatives.When I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents' to say "Happy New Year" to them.

In the bus,I had a good seat.At 7:30,the bus came to a village.A woman got on with a baby in her arms.At that time,there was no seat.But she must look after her baby carefully.She had to stand next to me.I wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people say"That girl want to be praised."I looked around.Most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping.Suddenly,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the woman.She said "Thank you very much" with a big smile.The boy smiled,too.When I told my cousin about it after that,he said "The child is the father of a man." I'm very ashamed.Why could't I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.If everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

② 英語作文 難忘的一件事


③ 一件最難忘的事情 英語作文

A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. Cards with their own wishes and sent to good friends. I have also been infected by this atmosphere and ready to join the crowd, suddenly, I saw a student sitting there alone. That is not the famous "naughty King" Liu Kai do? But now, he seems like a changed man. How he got it? I looked at him puzzled. Suddenly, I wake up. Certainly because no one sent him a greeting card, and no one said to him words of wish I could not help feel sad for him. So I handed him a greeting card ,and said to him: 「 happy holiday!" He looked at me then looked at the cards, said happily: 「Thank you!" His eyes filled with happiness. He stood up and said: 「I also have a beautiful card Looked at him, and I smiled. How important Group is !

④ 急需一篇600字以上的英語作文(有關於一件難忘的事)急用啊

在我的人生中,有許許多多的第一次,令我終身難忘的是第一次游泳。 從小,我就怕水,對水有一種不詳的預感,自從1998年那次特大洪水,我就更怕水了。 6歲那年,父母就開始動員我去游泳,最後,我才勉強答應了。 當天晚上,爸爸就帶我去了龍王山游泳池,一進游泳池我就心慌意亂,我怕水太深,會把我吞沒,我怕水太涼,會在水裡打哆嗦。我看到游泳池裡那些在盡情地游泳的人,就壯著膽子下水了。 啊!水並不像我想像的那麼深,那麼涼,我順水而行,後面總有什麼人推著我似的,哦!原來是波浪,順著波浪走動,真是舒服極了。 當我看到游泳池裡那些自由遨遊的人,羨慕極了,叫爸爸教我游泳,爸爸答應了。 爸爸先教我閉氣,再教我游泳。將近一小時,我學會了游泳,像一條快活的小魚在水中游來游去。 經過這件事,我得到了一個啟示:做什麼事都要敢於試一試。隨著天氣的變化,天氣越來越熱了,我每天只能躲在房間里開著冷氣空調,生怕那烈日會把我給曬黑了。那天在黑的前幾個小時,爸爸說帶我到體育館去游泳,我高興極了。在游泳池裡百分之百很舒服。我心裡美著。我坐著爸爸的單車,帶著游泳褲來到了體育館。 來到了體育館,哇,游泳的人還真多。門口的車子還真是不少,一共有幾十輛呢。我們買了兩張票,我買了一個游泳圈,便來到了游泳池,哇 這么大有幾百多平米呢,我不顧一切的跳進了游泳池。還真好玩,由於我不會游泳,只能在不深的游泳池裡走來走去,我便叫爸爸教我學游泳,爸爸答應我了,我高興極了。心裡快要瘋了,好像吃了蜜糖一樣,我來到爸爸。看著他的動作,我興奮極了,仔細的看著爸爸的動作,我心裡想,我這一次,一定要學好,我也下了水,我一下深水區就被淹了進去,喝了幾口水,就吐了出來。爸爸還教我在水中游泳,我太快樂了。 真好玩啊。 我打開自己的抽屜找東西時,突然發現以前游泳的健康證,再回想起那一段段搞笑的畫面,現在還真想捧腹大笑。 記得那是個炎熱的夏天,不會游泳的我一聽同學們說游泳池開放了,就高興得不得了。一放學,我便飛似的跑回家告訴爸爸,爸爸一聽,就說:「好吧!一會兒我就帶你去。」說完,他就象變魔術一樣拿出遊泳用具。 我們換好衣服,帶好用的東西就來到了游泳池。哇!這水可真藍啊!看著那些大哥哥大姐姐自由自在地向水裡走去,可是腳一碰到水又縮了回來,心想:我這種不會游泳的人,要是不小心掉進深水裡,那肯定就要完蛋了! 爸爸見我這個樣子,就對我說:「怎麼了?不敢下去?膽小鬼!」我是個很愛面子的人,一聽這話,我馬上走進水裡,心想:「不就是下水嘛!有什麼了不起!」碧藍色的水漸漸漫過了我的膝蓋,最後到了我的`腰部,走到這兒我就慢慢停了下來,生怕再往前走就會被淹死。爸爸對我說:「快伸平腿!」他用強有力的胳膊撐住我的腰,我就好象浮在了水面上。爸爸又說:「兩腿使勁往後蹬,雙手向兩邊劃…… 」,我不一會兒就會游一點了.爸爸見我進步快,就想開個玩笑,把手放開了誰知我「撲通!」一聲就沉了下去,一連嗆了幾口水.才站得起來,只是覺得鼻子酸溜溜的,耳朵好象被什麼東西給堵住了,十分難受. 爸爸看著我這副狼狽相,不由得笑了起來.我不理他,只想自己試試能不能游.於是我吸足了氣,閉上眼睛,身子往水裡一撲,兩腿使勁向後蹬,雙手用力向兩邊劃,再憑自己的知覺向前游,耳邊只聽見嗡嗡的劃水聲.遊了一會兒,我實在憋不住了,馬上站了起來,哇!我遊了好遠哪!我不禁歡呼起來:「我會游泳了!」對面的爸爸望著我,楞住了,嘴巴拉到了下巴下面.他吃驚地說:「哇!你進步真快,這么快就學會啦!」這回,該輪到我笑了…」

⑤ 求一篇最難忘的一件事英語作文

The most unforgettable thing
Campus life there are many things are forgotten. But the thing I remember, it was the first time I honor certificate.
I was in grade three, participated in the math class, I go to class, because the teacher is too difficult, I don't understand. When I get home I asked my neighbor, tube neighbor named Wei elder brother, at that time, Wei elder brother has started three.
After I finished my homework, run upstairs and ask him questions. He was down for a look, be startled at you," a few years, begin to do so."
Then he taught me two or three hours, I was able to understand some. Then about two or three hours, see a bell, now has twelve points.
The exam, the answer after I did not hold out much hope, I think a certificate of merit and good, but I got a three star honor certificate.
At that moment, I shed tears, because there are too much of my pay!
I am the most memorable thing, is the first to take a certificate of honor.

⑥ 英語作文最難忘的事

Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won』 forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world, I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact, although I have guessed so many times, I still couldn』t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her, I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn』t forget the moment I saw her.

⑦ 英語作文,一件難忘的事

An unforgettable thing
Do you have any unforgettable thing? Certainly I think, so do I. Last spring, on a sunshine day, our students and teachers visited East Park. When we went into the park, we saw many colorful flowers and several beautiful butterflies dancing on the flowers, even the little bees were attracted by such beautiful scene. Suddenly, we smelled the stinking air. We all frighted and looked for the reason. On the back of a food shop, there were many plastic bags and bottles with dirty oil floating on the lake. We all felt angry. We thought we must do something to change the situation.



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