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① 安溪的50字英語作文 急救

My hometown is a small village in anxi. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here

② 安溪五中2016年初二年第一次月考英語作文答案


③ 安溪鐵觀音英文怎麼寫

[詞典] Anxi Tieguanyin Tea;
In recent year, many corporations which in the business of Anxi Tieguanyin have won great popularity and recognition from market.

④ 求一篇英語作文安溪鐵觀音


⑤ 安溪因茶而聞名 英語作文 80詞


⑥ 急求鐵觀音的英文介紹和翻譯

<pre>About Tie Guanyin tea英文版鐵觀音介紹 Origin of Tie Guanyin(鐵觀音起源) Tie Guanyin is a representatives of oolong tea,and belongs to green tea among the six major types of tea.Tie Guanyin was originally the name of a tea tree,because it is suitable for making oolong tea,its proct was thus named Tie Guanyin;the SO—called Tie Guanyin is actual ly the oolong tea made from Tie Guanyin tea tree. Quality and characteristics of Tie Guanyin(鐵觀音的質量和特色) Tie Guanyin has excellent quality,its leaves ale thick and solid,it weighs as iron with dark and moist color,it has obvious sand green color with bright-colored red points.Its fragrance is noble-minded.long-lasting,stromg and fresh,it has a unique"lingering charm" with a sweet and fragrant aftertaste;even after 7 times infusion it still has fragrance…it can be called the king of oolong tea. The healthcare function of Tie Guanyin(鐵觀音的醫療保健功能) Verified by the domestic and foreign scientists,the chemical composition and mineral elements in Tie Guanyin have special functions to people''s health,the functions are roughly as follows:anti-ageing,resisting cancer,preventing artery sclerosis,preventing and curing diabetes,losing weight,preventing decayed tooth,disinfecting,preventing dyscentery,etc. Tea set for infusing Tie Guanyin(紫砂壺是泡飲鐵觀音的上佳茶具) When infusing Tie Guanyin,the best tea set for you is the Zi Sha(purple sand pottery);the Zi Sha tea set made in Yixing is most suitable,it will never afect the flagrance of the tea,it can keep the color,flagrance and taste of the tea for a long time.China''s first professional tea farmers cooperatives .Along with the unique flagrance of Tie Guanyin,if you take a sip,the flagrance will fill your nostrils. Autumn fragrance and Spring water(秋季鐵觀音品香春季鐵觀音品水) Tie Guanyin iS made with precision and exquisite techniques.Its sprouts come out in the last ten days of March,and will be picked in the first ten days of May;the tea can be picked in spring,summer,mid-summer and autumn.The autumn tea has the best quality,the spring tea has the highest output.The autumn tea has strong flagrance,so it is commonly called「autumn flagrance」;the spring tea gives you mellow feeling,so it is,commonly called「spring water」 The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves. China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger. 參考譯文: 中國人飲茶, 注重一個"品"字。"品茶"不但是鑒別茶的優劣,也帶有神思遐想和領略飲茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壺濃茶,擇雅靜之處,自斟自飲,可以消除疲勞、滌煩益思、振奮精神,也可以細啜慢飲,達到美的享受,使精神世界升華到高尚的藝術境界。品茶的環境一般由建築物、園林、擺設、茶具等因素組成。飲茶要求安靜、清新、舒適、干凈。中國園林世界聞名,山水風景更是不可勝數。利用園林或自然山水間,搭設茶室,讓人們小憩,意趣盎然。 中國是文明古國,禮儀之邦,很重禮節。凡來了客人,沏茶、敬茶的禮儀是必不可少的。當有客來訪,可徵求意見,選用最合來客口味的茶葉和最佳茶具待客。主人在陪伴客人飲茶時,要注意客人杯、壺中的茶水殘留量,一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去一半,就要添加開水,隨喝隨添,使茶水濃度基本保持前後一致,水溫適宜。在飲茶時也可適當佐以茶食、糖果、菜餚等,達到調節口味和點心之功效。 注釋: 1.神思遐想:reverie。 2.領略飲茶情趣:take delight in tea-drinking。 3.在百忙之中泡上一壺濃茶……:這個句子較長,譯者根據其意思的層次,把它分成了兩個完整的句子來翻譯,這樣就有較大的自由度來遣詞造句。 4.擇靜雅之處:securing a serene space。 5.細啜慢飲:imbibe slowly in small sips。 6.達到美的享受:即"享受到飲茶之美"。allure這里是名詞,意為"迷人之處",也可用beauty。 7.使精神世界升華到高尚的藝術境界:until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm。 8.利用園林或自然山水間,搭設茶室:翻譯時用了tucked away和nestled,比用built要形象、優美得多。 9.讓人們小憩,意趣盎然:意思是"(茶室)是讓人們休息、娛樂的迷人場所。" 10.禮儀之邦:即是"一個很講究禮儀的地方","很重禮節"為重復,不譯。 11.當有客來訪:是"凡來了客人"的重復,可不譯。根據下文的內容,加上before serving tea,使上下銜接貼切自然。 12.徵求意見,選用最合來客口味的茶葉和最佳茶具待客:可理解為"詢問來客他們最喜歡什麼茶葉,然後用最合適的茶具給客人敬茶"。 13.主人在陪伴客人飲茶時:譯為in the course of serving tea,與前面before serving tea相呼應。 14.主人在陪伴客人飲茶時……水溫適宜:這句話較長,譯者同樣根據其意思的層次,把它分成了兩個完整的句子來翻譯。 15.隨喝隨添:and thus the cup is kept filled或者and in this way the cup is kept filled。 16.茶食:意思為"點心、小吃"。 17.達到調節口味和點心之功效:"點心"為方言"點飢、充飢"的意思。 </pre> 安溪御廷鐵觀音批發,常年批發新鮮的各檔次的安溪鐵觀音及本山、毛蟹、黃金桂等烏龍茶。「安溪御廷鐵觀音批發」與位於藍田鄉華南路106號的「華鋒茶葉批發」屬於聯營機構,於1995年從事茶葉批發以來,本著「信譽至上,質量保證」的經營理念和堅持收購價加10%批發零售的宗旨受到各地茶友的好評。並於2002獲「藍田杯」茶王賽金獎和「青年茶葉拼配能手」等稱號。http://store.taobao.com/shop/view_shop-.htm?nekot=sLLPqsz6udvS9F%2By%2BrXY1rHP%2Bg%3D%3D1243263355206御延茶葉立足鐵觀音原產地--福建省安溪縣,堅守「同質低價,同價優質」的經營宗旨,保證同一品種、同一檔次的茶葉比當地市場價更低,質量更優,更具市場競爭力。希望為您提供正宗品質安溪鐵觀音!!沖3皇冠全場茶葉包EMS,購250克以上可以免費領取5個茶葉樣品。限茶葉類促銷:單筆訂單滿200元減5元,減後滿200元,送「御廷苑名茶白瓷茶具一套」,免運費。掌櫃推薦1:【抵制暴利共度金融危機】安溪鐵觀音7.6折136元貼運費回饋茶友掌櫃推薦2:09春茶 嘗鮮58元250克送EMS〓TH116透天香黃金桂買500克送250克掌櫃推薦3:銷量冠軍09春茶負利潤感恩回饋QA118安溪鐵觀音73元504克72小包+贈品

⑦ chinese tea 的英文文章,介紹中國的茶文化!急!

History of Chinese Tea
Chinese tea consists of tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from China.

According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong (Shen Nung, Shen Nong, The Yan Emperor, The Emperor of the five grains) in 2737 BC when a leaf from a Camilla sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was boiling. Not everyone agrees on the origin, but no one disputes that tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China. The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Some writers classify tea into four categories, green, white, black and oolong. Others add categories for red, scented and compressed teas. All of these come from varieties of the Camilla sinensis plant. Chinese flower tea (花茶), while popular, is not a true tea. Most Chinese tea is consumed in China and is not exported. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in China.

Within these main categories of tea are vast varieties of indivial beverages. Some researchers have counted more than 700. Others put the number at more than 1,000. Some of the variations are e to different strains of the Camilla plant. The popular Tie Guan Yin 鐵觀音, for example, is traced back to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province. Other teas draw some of their characteristics from local growing conditions. The largest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in processing after the tea is harvested. White and green teas are cooked soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often called fermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the leaves. Oolong teas are partially oxidized. Black and red teas are fully oxidized. Other differences come from variations in the processing steps.

Chinese Tea History

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is native to China. The ancient Chinese used them for medical purposes, then developed the infusion we know as tea; to this day tea is said to purge the digestive system of 'toxins'. Later the Chinese learned to grow tea plants and use their leaves to make various types of tea.

Many different types of tea were grown ring each of the dynasties in China.

The Tang Dynasty

A list of the differing grades of tea grown in the Tang Dynasty:

Premier Grade Tea: Xiazhou, Guangzhou, Huzhou, Yuezhou, Pengzhou.
Second Grade Tea: Jingzhou, Ranzhou, Changzhou, Mingzhou.
Third Grade Tea: Shouzhou, Hangzhou, Muzhou, Hengzhou, Taizhou, Xuanzhou, Yiazhou, Luzhou.
Fourth Grade Tea: Jinzhou, Lianzhou, Huangzhou, Sozhou, Yunzhou, Hanzhou, Meizhou.

Tea dates back to the West Zhou Period in ancient China, when the Chinese used tea as offerings. Since then, tea leaves have been eaten as vegetables, used as medicine, and, since the Han dynasty, infused in boiling water, the new drink making tea into a major commodity. There are many different kinds of tea. The three basic categories are non-oxidised green tea, semi-oxidised oolong tea, and fully oxidised black tea. All true teas are usually made from the same type of plant, 「Camellia Sinensis」, although some teas are flavored with other plants and flowers.

Tea is made through a very long and delicate procere where young tea leaves are picked, steamed or pan fried, then dried and sifted, and finally distributed to wherever they need to go. The flavor of tea varies depending on how it is prepared.

Many people drink tea because of its health advantages. Tea promotes in occasions digestion[citation needed], is rich in vitamins, and brings a feeling of relaxation when you drink it.

The Song Dynasty

Tea was an important crop ring the Song Dynasty. Tea farms covered 242 counties. This included expensive tribute tea; tea from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, where some was exported to Southeast Asian and the Arab countries.

In the Song Dynasty, tea started to be pressed into tea cake, some embossed with patterns of the dragon and the Phoenix and was called exotic names including:

Large Dragon tea cake, Small Dragon tea cake, Surpass Snow Dragon ball cake, Fine Silver Sprout, Cloud Leaf, Gold Money, Jade Flower, Inch of Gold, Longevity Sprout, Eternal Spring Jade Leave, Dragon in the Clouds, Longevity Dragon Sprout, Dragon Phoenix and Flower, Eternal Spring Silver Sprout.

The Ming Dynasty

Ming dynasty scholar 文震亨 Wen Zhenheng's book 長物志 Zhang Wu Zhi (On Superfluous Things) chapter 12 contains description of several famous Ming dynasty teas:

Tiger Hill Tea and Heaven Pool Tea

During this time Tiger Hill Tea was purportedly developed as (still) the finest tea in the world, however, the proction quantity was rather small, and growing is regulated by the Chinese government. Some, however, consider its taste to be second to Heaven Pool tea. Zhen Heng.

Jie Tea

Jie Tea from Chang Xing of Zhejiang is superb and highly regarded, though rather expensive.

Those from Jing Qi find it is slightly inferior.

NB: "Jie" is the short hame for "Luo Jie". Luo Jie was the name of a mountain bordering Zhejiang and Jing Qi (in the Ming dynasty), where "jie"-- meant boundary. Chang Xin was south of Luo Jie mountain, Jing Qi was north of Luo Jie. Chang Xin retains its name till today.

Luo Jie tea from Gu Chu mountain in Chang Xing county in Zhejiang was also known as Gu Chu Voilet Shoot. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot had been imperial tribute tea since the Tang dynasty for nearly nine hundred years until the middle of the Qin dynasty. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot was revived again in the seventies as a top grade tea in China.

NB. Jin Qi is now called Yi Xin township. Jin Qi tea was also known as Yang Xian tea. Ruo Leaves are leaves from Indocalamus tessellatus bamboo. The leaf is about 45 cm long.

Liu An Tea

"Liu An" tea is used for Chinese medicine, although if it is not baked right, it cannot let out its aroma and has a bitter taste. The inherent quality of this tea is actually quite good. Wen Zhenheng

Note: Liu An is a county in Anhui. Liu An tea is still proced from Liu An county in Anhui province in China. The Liu An tea from the Bat Cave of Jin Zai county is of superior quality, as thousand of bats in the cave can provide an ideal fertilizer for the tea plants.

Song Luo Tea

Song Luo tea is manufactured at Song Luo mountain located north of Xiu Ning township in An Hui proovince in China. The tea farms are scattered between a height of six to seven hundred meters on the mountain.

There is no real Song Luo tea outside an area of a dozen mu* and only one or two families possess the refined skill to prepare Song Luo tea. Recently the tea hand-baked by mountain monks is even better.

Genuine Song Luo tea is proced at the foot of the Dong Shan (Cave Hill) and on top of the Tian Chi (Heaven Pool), highly treasured by people in Xin An county. It is also a favourite for the people of Nan Du and Qu Zong counties, e to its ease in brewing and intense aroma.

One mu = 667 square meter.

Dragon Well Tea and Eyes on Heaven Tea

Long Jing and Tian Mu may match Heaven Pool tea e to the weather in their growing regions. Because the cold season comes earlier to the mountains, there is abundant snow in the winter, hence the tea plants germinate later. [Wen Zhenheng]

Long Jing tea is manufactured in the West Lake district in Hangzhou city, China. There is a Longjing (Dragon Well) on the Feng Huang mountain. Tian Mu mountain is located in Lin An county in the north west of Zhejiang province. There are two 1500-meter peaks, each with a pond on top filled with crystal clear water looking like an eye, hence the name of Eyes on Heaven.

⑧ 描寫安溪的英語作文不要只是介紹茶文化要各個方面的比如風景 人口 文化

ttfy fdtrd tyu67r456 ytfyt.

⑨ 安溪縣位置簡單英文介紹

Anxi, Quanzhou, Fujian, China=中國福建省泉州市安溪縣
Anxi is a county under the municipal region of Quanzhou city in Fujian Province. Though not as vibrant as cities like Xiamen and Fuzhou, it certainly has its own charm to attract local and foreign tourists especially overseas Chinese.
The nearest airports for international travelers to get into Anxi County is Gaoqi Airport located in Xiamen and Jinjiang Airport located in Quanzhou . The travel time is 2 hrs drive from Xiamen and just under 1 hr from Quanzhou. There is also a train service from Quanzhou East Railway station to Anxi railway station. There are many long distance buses plying between Anxi County and Xiamen/Quanzhou.
Many local city buses operate schele services in and around the city. However, there are not many taxis on the road but there are plenty supply of motorbike taxis. Car rental in Anxi is cheap and you may want to consider hiring car with driver to move around which is the most convenient and fastest way to get around.
Qingshui Rock Temple is a Buddhist temple built on top of a cliff on Penglai Mountain in the Northwest of Anxi County. It has a history of more than 950 years. This temple is well preserved and look magnificently beautiful from the outside. There is a long path and many steps to climb before getting to the temple , so wearing a pair of good walking shoes will certainly help. (Admission : RMB-20)
Another well kept temple is the Confucius Temple which was founded in 1001. Here you get to see the art of work of ancient architecture as this temple was built in palace-style design. ( Admission is free.)
Located at the foot of Fengshan Scenic Area is another beautiful temple- The 'Chen-wan' temple (or Seng-Ong Temple). This temple was built in 956. (Admission: RMB-5)
Anxi County is famous for its tea proctions and has gained the name -China Tea Capital. Tieguanyin-tea is one of the most famous Chinese tea around the world. This tea is proced in Anxi county. There are many tea factories or tea gardens for visitors to learn and appreciate tea culture.
來源: 維基旅遊.

⑩ 英文介紹,泉州的風景和特色小吃

Quanzhou is the State Council released the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city, one known as "Lu Zou Waterfront"'s reputation. Here rich historical and cultural heritage, historical sites spread all over, heritage treasures have attracted worldwide attention. With nation-state units to be protected 12, 27 provincial-level. Quanzhou, an ancient "Oriental first port." "Marine Silk Road" starting point, specialty Youde of porcelain, stone Huian, puppet head, the old Divine Comedy Fan million should be expected silk lanterns, Qingyuan tea, Anxi oolong tea, Yongchun Vinegar, Yongchun paper texture painting.



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