⑴ 高一英語期中考試作文範文
If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence,it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.– Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay.But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill.
The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised
⑵ 高一上半學期英語期末考試的作文
Last Sunay, I went to the zoo and Sam.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weather was good, a lot of people go to the zoo, we decided to walk to the zoo. Along the way, we tell each other stories, unknowingly went to the zoo. In the zoo, we saw an elephant show, watched the bears, giraffes and other wild animals., spent a happy and meaningful day.
⑶ 高一英語期中考常見考作文題目
⑷ 高一期中英語作文題目以及答案。。。。跪求~
⑸ 高一英語期末作文
London (none) is the capital of England, the first city and a port, is one of Europe's largest metropolitan area is one of the world's four and world-class city, with the United States, New York, Paris and Tokyo. London has not been British cities, it is not a formal city (the heartland of London, and Westminster city is the city), but since the 18th century because she has been one of the world's most important political, economic, cultural and arts and entertainment center, it is generally thought that she was a mistake.
From the beginning of the 20th century to 1801, as the British empire's capital, because in the London in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, etc, and the remarkable achievements as the world's largest city.
London is a diversified metropolis, the people from all over the world, with multiple ethnic, religious and cultural, The language used in the city more than 300 kinds. At the same time, London or world famous tourist resort, with numerous scenic spots and museum, etc.
London will host the 2012 Olympics in London.
⑹ 求一篇 關於期中考試的英語作文 高一水平
I'll try my best to love them. I will express my love to them in every aspects.
Firstly, will remember every family's birthday and important holidays. In their birthdays, I'll prepare special gifts and special celebration. And I'll spend time with them in some important festivals, such as the Spring Festival.
Secondly, I will stay in touch with them. When I travel, I will give them a call.
Thirdly, I will work hard to make more money, providing them a better life.
At last, I will take the time to travel with them, and that would improve our relationship.
In short, I love my family, I will do my best to care for them, I will love them every detail of life.
Tell me what you will do with your English skills after graation
English might be used at any time in our lives, after graation, English is still important to me.
Firstly, I would read a lot of foreign books and browse more foreign websites to learn more knowledge.
Secondly, I will encounter a lot of foreigners in my life. I will communicate with them with my English skills.
Thirdly, If I am traveling to foreign countries, I can communicate with them with my English skills, and this will be very convenient.
In a word, there are many places to use English in my life after graation.
Explain what your goals this year are and how you have accomplished them
This year I have many goals, such as learn to swimming, get certificates in English CET 6.I will pay more efforts for these goals.
Firstly, I will collect more learning materials, and spend more time in learning.
Secondly, I will spend more time to train myself so that I can become more familiar with it, and I will have a lot of harvest.
Thirdly, I will communicate with my friends, and I will learn from them. I will also ask the teacher for help, and in that case the teacher's guide would help me even more.
I believe I can achieve my goals through my tireless efforts.
⑺ 高一期中考試英語作文會考什麼呢順便給個範文吧~
⑻ 高一英語期中英語作文
是因為喜歡眺抄望窗外。這學期一開學,我就被分到了靠窗的位置,這令我欣喜若狂。 透過陽光,外面法國梧桐的樹蔭稀稀散散的灑在課桌上,甚是一道美麗風景。現在是第二節下課後獨有的、特別長的大課間,因為確實懶癌入骨,我選擇待在教室里。 草草寫了幾筆作業,我就因為窗外的嘈雜聲而無法專心,於是我索性放下筆,饒有興趣地朝窗外望去。 六年級教室是一排平房,掀開窗簾就能看見鋪著綠草坪的操場。操場不是特別大,但也算寬闊——這是男生們鍾愛的地方。而此時,我望向操場,一眼瞧見了那群在陽光下踢足球的同學們。就瞧那一眼,我就再也移不開視線了。你看到了嗎?他們矯健的體魄,一個個都在熾熱的陽光下奔跑著,儼然把這課間的一次嬉戲當做了比賽,每個人都盡力,向湛藍的天空展示自己瀟灑的身姿。 都是男孩在踢球啊。他們在太陽的炙烤和劇烈的運動下累的滿頭大汗,汗水順著臉頰淌下.但他們卻沒有絲毫懈怠,積極阻攔「敵人」的進攻,臉上掛著比太陽還燦爛的笑容。 他們是一個團結的隊伍,與其說是隊伍,還是兄弟更為恰當。在傳球時給對方一個眼神,或是大喝一聲,兄弟立馬會意,
⑼ 高一英語期中考試考什麼作文要有題目的
我根據自抄己的理解寫寫 因為作文考到的范圍會很廣
The Internet
How to be a good Learner
Global shortage of Fresh Water
The importance of Hard Work
The Advantages of......
也可有對比類 書信類 看圖寫作類等