1. 異族通婚的優缺點
2. 翻譯題,將它翻譯成英文,題目是這樣的,當海爾把我們計劃舉辦婚禮的消息告訴家人時,她遇到了一些阻力。
新視野大學英語第二冊Unit 3課文翻譯
當年我和你爸爸相遇時,在我眼中,他可愛、 聰明、富有魅力又善解人意。
「哦,是嗎?」 她不經意地說。
3. 異族通婚有哪些問題(1)
異族通婚不可避免會帶來很多的問題。 成功的通婚就是克服了這些問題,而失敗的通婚則是不能克服這些問題。 然而,大多數的通婚,並非能簡單以成功或失敗來概括,而是處於兩個極端的廣大中間邊緣地段。這些通婚,由於某些因素的制約,顯出一種暫時相對穩定、相對靜止、相對均衡的狀態,只要有某種外力的干涉或侵擾,本來潛在的危機就可能迅速暴露,那種穩定、靜止和均衡就可能被立即打破。 一些性學家和婚姻專家們專門研究了問題的所在以及克服之道。常見的問題主要有以下幾個方面。 一、溝通問題 任何婚姻都要求參與者互知或分享雙方之間的思想、看法、決策和喜怒哀樂的情感。這種交流和溝通的渠道一旦不暢通,就會產生誤解、猜忌、隔閡,甚至沖突。因此,美國性學家理查德·馬考夫(Richard Markoff)指出,溝通問題是異族通婚的第一大障礙。 交流和溝通的障礙首先是語言和語言後面的思維方式和文化背景。由於思維方式和文化背景的不同,以及對各種概念界定的不同,任何兩種語言之間的對譯會產生模糊性、歧義性和不確定性。 一般說來,同文化的人,在長期的、自然的、漸進的約定中,互相知道對某種事物或情形應該怎樣向對方表達和怎樣理解對方的表達。兩個不同文化背景的人,不可能在很短的時期內就全部認可、接受和理解這種互相表達的約定。例如,有這樣一段對話: 丈夫:這個周末我們應該去拉斯維加斯(賭城)賭一把。 妻子:是。 別小看這兩句簡單的對話,它們可能帶有很復雜的不確定性,因此人們可以從不同的角度、態度和深度去理解。從不同文化的價值觀和思維方式出發,可以對這兩句話做不同的解釋。 從「丈夫」的角度說,他的這句話,可能是意見的陳述,是要求的提出或命令的傳遞。到底是試探、協商、有保留、有餘地?還是鐵板釘釘、不可違抗、必須服從?在男女平等的觀念中是前者,而在封建夫權制和大男子主義中,當然是後者。從「妻子」的角度說,她的這句話,可能是高興的贊同、無心的應對、有意的取悅或無奈的服從。到底是自覺的、積極的、主動的參與感?還是麻木的、消極的、被動的依附感?在男女平等的觀念中是前者,而在男尊女卑的觀念中則是後者。 有的西方丈夫會對東方妻子一味的「是」不解、反感甚至惱火,覺得她沒有頭腦,沒有選擇,更沒有主見,是一個乏味透頂的女人;有的會覺得她表面無異議地附和,實際上是怕負責任;還有的甚至認為她言行不一、心機叵測、難以對付,因而心存戒備。小說兼電影《喜福會》中,那個華裔女子若絲對洋老公泰德總是說「是」,結果成了離婚的一個借口。 一般說來,東方人說「是」與西方人說「是」,往往含義不同;而兩者所說的「不」,往往含義也不同。 東方人說的「是」或「不」,往往表達一種對既定人與人關系和倫理秩序的根本肯定或否定態度,而西方人的「是」和「不」卻往往是一種實踐性經驗性的暫時確定性,或者說只是對某一事實肯定或否定的簡單判斷。 一個傳統的東方女人所說的「是」或「不」,並不是對某種特定事物或意見的直接表態,而是對她應該遵守的那個價值體系的間接表態,符合那個體系就是「是」,不符合那個體系就是「不」。 比如上述那個對話,一個傳統的東方妻子,說「是」,並非是對應該不應該到賭城、有無興趣、什麼時候去、賭博對不對等具體問題的回答,而是對丈夫地位、價值和權威的肯定。 與此相反,一個現代西方妻子在這個對話中所說的「是」,則可能是從自己的興趣、當時的情緒、有無時間、交通是否便利、在賭場怎麼安排孩子等具體問題的考量後,所做的肯定回答。 與一般東方人又不同,中國人的「是」和「不」,有更多的復雜性,它們既有所謂儒家的倫理「確定性」,又有所謂道家佛家的某種「無為」或「隨緣」的「不確定性」。中國人一般在用「是」或「不」時,明顯帶有迴旋的餘地和保留的態度,當一個小官僚或小買賣人說著「是是是」或「不不不」時,你很難弄清他到底是什麼態度。現代的中國人更一般不愛直接用「是」或「不」作簡單判斷。例如當一個西方主人問一個中國客人,是喝咖啡、可樂、果汁、冰茶,還是其他什麼飲料時,後者常常習慣地回答「隨便」、「都可以」、「無所謂」、「馬馬虎虎」等等,讓對方摸不著頭腦。「謝謝」的用法在不同的文化中也很不同。在西方文化中,「謝謝」可以也應該用於一切關系和場合,包括夫妻之間。如果丈夫或妻子幫對方做了一點什麼,或給了一點什麼,對方很自然就會說聲「謝謝」,如不說,會顯得氣氛很不融洽。換句話說,你說了「謝謝」,並沒有什麼特別,但不說,就有點特別了。相反,在日本,「謝謝」絕不應用於家庭之內,因為那是見外的表現。在中國,一般家庭中,夫妻之間若用「謝謝」反而不親密,顯得一種陌生感。
4. 英語翻譯
I don't oppose mixed marriage.
whether it is domestic, inter ethnic, foreign or interracial, the marriage is the same.
i think all the marriage should be based on mutual trust and mutual love, irrelevant with race or ethnic.
Marriage begins with love and then develops in life, it should be full of joys and sorrows. In fact how different is interracial marriage from the domestic marriage?
I believe love can overcome all the obstacles.
So i agree to mixed marriage.
5. 名人異族通婚例子
6. 異族通婚 有哪些 優缺點
缺 點是:習俗不同
7. 求一篇關於對跨國婚姻看法的英語作文,急!!!
Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, and custom, and social class level, many disagreements can occur. Religion can be a problem. If the two has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. After all, their offspring will encounter problems too. Childrens who are mixed are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a community. They often have a hard time fitting in. Interracial marriage is not a good idea, but it is still alright to marry someone who is different than you.
My views of Matrimony (wedding/marriage)
Matrimony is the important to all people's life, two people need to make a full psychological and material preparations.
After all, Matrimony is a new life begin, a lot of things can not be the same as pre-marital free,
And then, the choice will congsidering some elements, Marriage is easy, divorce is also easy, you must be discreet, Matrimony means you choose to take care of parents, kids, wife and husband more and more.
From now on, you are not only thinking yourself. You have to take on the responsible for this family, in particular, the relation between husband and wife.it will be influence to your family's harmony directly. Some researchers say that, true love may only three years, the family love will remaining so many years, because of this feeling is built up the responsibility and affection.
In modern times, many people had less responsibility and more like to enjoy. So, the proportion of divorces increased significantly.
Actually both spouses must learn to share the obligations, try to learning the way you treat to your lover, especially in housework...
8. 幫忙翻譯
Life is full of unexpected turns. In my life, I have experienced grief and frustration, but I have also reached success.
Although time passes, it cannot sweep away the memory of my home land. The government promotes only economic growth, but they pay no attention to the negative environmental effects caused but it. A hundred years ago, my home land has one of the world's largest tropical rainforest. But a few tens of years later, most of the tropical vegetations in the forest has been cut, which causes a great lost in the amount of soils. However, what is still comforting is that the government later provided subsidies in the planting of fruit trees, and my home land is slowly recovering to the greeness it once has been.
Leaving my home land, and studying overseas is the beginning of a new experience for me. Like many other oversea students, my reason for studying abroad is to hopefully grasp a reasonable level of english and receive a certificate of graation in the U.S. During my time abroad, I have learnt that America is a country where people come from many different backgrounds and have multicultural livestyles. Americans value time greatly, this has encouraged them to contribute a great deal in researches and investigations. "Only time can rule over us," they clearly stated: "We hope to make every minute meaningful." On the other hand, I have experienced culture shock. In the beginning, I work hard to earn money to pay for my study fees and living expenses; then I need to learn to adapt to my new living environment. At the end, I also have to put up with being homesick. Studying overseas makes me realised, knowledge, and only knowledge can get me anywhere. Finally, with my satisfying study result, I have received a well-paid-job.
But, like what they say, "money doesn't necessarily make you happy". Mary and I have fallen in love in the first sight, we face each other's merits and weaknesses frankly. By having respect and trust in each other, it strengthened our relationship, and has also taught us to be tolerant and honest. After living together for two years, we have decided to get marry. But our parents disproved the marriage because we come from different countries.
I am already more than 70 years old now, I am concentrating fully in my grandchildren's ecation. I wish they are able to explore the world while not forgeting about their home country.
9. English 高手進 幫忙翻譯一下~~
The life was filled with to rise and fall.My whole life experienced the frustrate and distress, also creating brilliancy.
The passage of the years can't also put on is in my branding in the heart to the home town.The government concern economy development, but is careless of economy development to the influence of the global ecosystem, basically have no environmental protection consciousness.A hundred years ago, my home town owned the biggest tropical rain forest in the world, but after few decades, big and parts of forests of the home town were chop down almost exhausted, soil erosion severity.Make person delighted BE, the government passes to subsidize fruit tree to plant to return a wood by backing infield , the home town presented a new feature.
Keep off home town, go abroad to study abroad is a lately- experience personally beginning to me.Similar to together other students, my go abroad is for controling good English with take the diploma that the United States distribute.This period, I understood the United States on the other hand-this people's life style that has multicultural race.American time idea is very strong, this ecate a throw a body whole heatedly in study with investigate of race."Only time then can control us", they say clearly, "we hope every minute leads meaningfully".On the other hand, I also meet cultural conflict.Just start, I wanted to pass frequently the work 儉 to learn to come from F to pay the whole studieses and cost of living;Immediately after, I want to adapt a new living environment.End, I still have to face a bitterness of think the house.The abroad study makes me accept this idea:The knowledge adds an ability just is unique exit.End, I found out a to remunerate a big work also by excellent result graation.
But, positive if the common saying say of"rich uncertain happiness".I fall in love at first sight with the 瑪 benefit, the open heart faces each other of merit and shortcoming.The mutual respect and trust strengthenned our relation, also church we forgive with frankly and earnestly.Live together two plan matrimony after years.Can the different clan relate by marriage to encounter to the parents' objection, our marriage plans end cancel.
Now I already 70 old, I make oneself's all loves and the energies pour into the grandsons ecation all.Hope their breadth of view motherland, survey the world
10. 關於異族通婚的英語作文 或者幫忙翻譯下面的文字 答的好加分··謝謝
To marry the man she loves, no matter what nationality he is human, is a good thing. However, I believe that interracial marriage, there are still many problems, the main reason is: the world is not to ethnic assimilation, the world stage. Alien yuanyang changed is a special indivial, on cultural background, living habits and social circle, have special adaptation to do.
Theoretically, two diluted, is to two different world together, life should be more abundant. Actually otherwise, the mixed mandarin ck doesn't get two different worlds at the same time, usually one to give up their world, to adapt to the other side of the world.
Of course, it related to the geographical environment in the Chinese married to an American wife in the United States, life very americanized, most children also don't know the Chinese culture. On the other hand, the Chinese married to an American wife in Taiwan, his American too much or less would adapt to more of Chinese culture, children are mostly in English will be. Hong Kong is a special place, although the Chinese account for ninety-eight percent, but foreigners seem to be not assimilated completely, once to marry the westerners, Chinese people ninety percent total westernization, even don't speak Chinese, children are most only know English. Here and this is not the geographical factors, psychological factors however, worship, and even some Chinese couples are afraid that their children Chinese, thought only speak English can't speak mandarin is high, this kind of person once and westerners married, more don't want to know is the Chinese, and traditional Chinese circles completely out.
My friend many hybrids, has also half-blood watch sister in law, but I never failed to fully understand their point of view, is not never asked, but they also say don't have much idea either. I think they are very chaotic, it's hard to know what you're like a little more. In our eyes, they like westerners, in western eyes, they are like the east - it is not difficult to understand, people look at, look is to find the difference, the characteristics of the hybrids with east and west, so in the eyes of two kinds of people, they are diluted, it is really confused by them also.