Ⅰ 安陽英語簡介或完整全英版
Anyang, located near the Huanshui River, is really worthy of its reputation for being an imperial capital 3,000 years ago.
Anyang is one of the eight ancient capitals of China; a national famous historical & cultural city; as well as an excellent tourist city of China. Anyang is the cradle of Chouyi, which ranks top of the five classic works of China; the hometown of oracle-bone inscriptions---the earliest writing of China; the place where uncovered Simuwu square cauldron---one of the masterpieces of the National Museum of China; Anyang has Yinxu---a world cultural heritage; Red Flag Canal---the man-made Milky Way, which is appraised as 「the 8th Miracle in the World」; National Museum of Chinese Writing, the only writing-themed national museum in the world; Cao Cao Mausoleum,
Ⅰ Time-Honoured History
1. Mausoleums of Emperors Zhuan Xu and Di Ku
大約4000多年前,上古時代「三皇五帝」中的顓頊、帝嚳二位帝王在安陽境內建都,分別在位70多年,是中華民族先民們所崇拜的君王。如今安陽市內黃縣就有二帝陵遺址。顓頊創制了九州,確定了兗、冀、青、徐、豫、荊、揚、雍、梁九州的名稱和分轄區域,中國首次有了自己的版圖和行政區劃。至此,華夏泱泱大國雛形初現,「日月所照,莫不砥屬」。 此外,顓頊、帝嚳加強君權,控制神權,建立人、神分治的官制;伐共工,拓疆土,平水害,利於民;締造《顓頊歷》以指導農事,促進了國家富強,社會發展,為堯舜時期的新發展奠定了基礎。
The two emperors of Zhuan Xu and Di Ku, who were among the 「Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns」 in prehistorical times, both set their capitals in Anyang about 4,000 years ago. They each reigned for more than 70 years, and were worshipped by the ancient Chinese people. Their mausoleums are now located in Nei Huang County, Anyang City. Zhuan Xu instituted 9 states of Yan, Ji, Qing, Xu, Yu, Jing, Yang, Yong, Liang, and defined each district. That was the first time of all for China having its own territory and administrative districts. Moreover, Zhuan Xu and Di Ku strengthened sovereignty, held theocracy and built the separate official systems of people and gods. They defeated Gong Gong, expanded the territory, addressed the flood issue and brought benefit to the people. They created the Calendar of Zhuan Xu to guide agricultural affairs, thus promoted national prosperity and social developmet, laying a foundation for new progress in the period of Yao and Shun.
2、Yinxu--- Imperial Capital
Yinxu is located in the northwest of Anyang---a famous historical & cultural city of China, lays astride the north and south banks of Huan River. It was called 「North Meng」 anciently, as well as 「Grand Yishang」 and 「Yishang」 in oracle-bone inscriptions. Yinxu was the capital city in late Shang Dynasty, which was 3,300 years ago. It was the first relic of ancient capital in China that was recorded in documents and has been proved by oracle-bone inscriptions and archaeological excavation.
Since the discovery of the Oracle Bone Inscriptions in 1899 and the scientific excavation of Yinxu in 1928, Yinxu, with the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Bronzes, and large-scale capital sites, has been an icon, demonstrating the height of flourishing civilization in ancient China. And Yinxu thereafter began to enjoy the repuation of the first ancient capital in Chinese history, as proved by writing records.
3. Zhangye Historical Site
In ancient times, Zhanghe River was named Zhangshui River. According to the Oracle Bone Inscriptions unearthed in Yinxu, there were many large-scale rituals held by Shang Kings, which showed that Zhangshui River, as Huanshui River and Shangshui River, were the mother river of Shang Dynasty. The "mother" of Zhangshui River left us many historical relics and cultural remains.
In Yuyang Village, the oldest village in China as bbed by some people, 6,000 years of the Anyang』s history was concentrated in this small place. The development and evolution of cultures in different historical periods can find their evidences here.
The ancient capital of Ye City was built by Cao Cao. With its strucure of closed axial symmetry and distinctive districts, it is a turning point and milestone in our construction of capital cities. Meanwhile, with support and leading of Cao Cao, the Jian'an Literature formed a bright, fresh, simple and forceful style and left many brilliant poets and writings.
4. Yue Fei Temple of Absolute Devotion
岳飛(1103年—1142年)字鵬舉 ,相州湯陰人(今河南安陽湯陰縣),民族英雄、軍事家、抗金名將。其事母至孝,家貧力學,其母在他背上刺「精忠報國」四字,岳飛以此為一生處事的准則。
Yue Fei(1103 AD-1142 AD), styled Pengju, was born in Tangyin (current Tangyin County, Anyang City, Henan Province). He is a national hero, military strategist, and a famous general resisting the invasion of the Jin. Yue Fei had a poor yet learning-oriented family and a mother of outstanding filial piety. His mother stabbed four words " loyalty to your country " on his back, that was the criterion throughout Yue Fei』s life.
In 1129 AD, Jin Wushu crossed the Yangtse River to the South, and then captured Jiankang city. Yue Fei insisted on resistance, and recovered Jiankang city the following year. He broken "Guai Zi Soldiers" of the Jin troops in Yan city, and recovered Zhengzhou, Luoyang etc. Insurgents in the Two Rivers Region (Huaihe River and the Yellow River) echoed Yue Fei's action and prepared to attack Zhu Xianzhen.But Qin Hui,the Prime of the Southern Song Dyansty was advocating reconciliation, and sent twelve golden medals in one day to recall Yue Fei』s army. Yue Fei then was framed by Qin Hui with a pretexted charge and died in prison.
To commemorate the thisnational hero with "loyalty to your country", the later people built a magnificent Yue Fei Temple in his hometown, seeinga continuous stream of pilgrims year after year.
Ⅱ Rich Culture
1. The Culture of Yin Shang
Since Pangeng----the King of Shang Dynasty----moved his capital to Yin, which is called Xiaotun in Anyang now, Shang dynasty lasted for eight dynasties with 12 kings in total. In its control of 550 years long, Yin became the center of politics 、economy and culture. Anyang is one of the cradles of Chinese culture.
The culture of Yin Shang is a splendid civilization with city、characters and bronze ware. The massive and neat building of palace and ancestral temple were outsanding in the world in that times; the exquisite bronze ware is famous in china and foreign countries with a variety of applications; the well-developed handcraft of bronze, jadeware bone and pottery is world-renowned; the oracle-bone inscriptions, with rich content and well-developed methods of coinage,enjoy a unique significance in the word civilization.
2. The I-Ching Culure
The Book of Changes was written by the King Wen of the Western Zhou . The King Wen of the Western Zhou was imprisoned by the King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty in Youli where was in Tangyin of Henan Anyang now. Accroding to classics, King Wen 「wrote Chouyi ring his imprisonment」. People at that time used it to predict the future.
The Book of Changes research the heaven, land and people, with people as its root. The Book of Changes promote 「constantly striving to become stronger and regarding people and matters with generous virtue」, 「Unity of Man and Nature」 and 「Sageliness within and Kingliness without」……The Book of Changes lays the foundation of Chinese traditonal culture, and is the root of Chinese culture.
3. The Culture of Nouthern Dynasty
In the Wei-jin Northern and southern Dynasties,there were lots of temples and grottoes being builded, and the Buddhist culture became one of the main pillars of Chinese traditional culture. The Xiaonanhai Grotto of Northern Qi Dynasty, the Lingquan Temple, the Xiuding Temple Pagoda and the Wanfo Valley, were all builded in that time. All of the buildings reflect the prosperous of Buddhist culture, promote the development of the grotto art and painting and calligraghy art, and provide the material objects for the research of development of Buddhist culture and stone carving calligraphy art.
Ⅱ 用英語介紹安陽紅旗渠,殷墟,中國文字博物館
最早的一枚安陽題材的郵票是 1954年發行的特 9號 《偉大的祖國(第五組)古代文物》中的 「石罄 ·商代樂器 」郵票,當時面值 800元,摺合現在的人民幣 0.08元。這套郵票是我國發行的第一套古代文物郵票, 1954年 8月 25日發行,共 4枚。郵票分別選取了我國新石器時代的彩陶罐、商代的石罄、西周的虢季子白盤和戰國的漆羽觴四件古代文物。其中我們安陽的虎紋石罄是從殷墟遺址出土的,是中國最早的打擊樂器。現在我們的這枚 「石罄 ·商代樂器 」郵票現價已升值到近千元,而且市面上已很難找到。
第二套安陽題材的郵票是 1964年發行的特 63號《殷代銅器》中的 「司母戊鼎 」、 「 亞觚 」郵票。郭慶朝介紹說,《殷代銅器》是我國發行的第一套專題青銅器郵票,這套郵票共 8枚,收錄了安陽殷墟出土的兩件青銅器,其中的司母戊大方鼎是已發現的世界上最大、最重的古代青銅器。
舉世聞名的紅旗渠是發行的第三套安陽題材的郵票主題。紅旗渠是林州人民為解決飲水困難,歷盡千辛萬苦,克服重重困難,經過近 10年的艱苦奮斗修築而成的引水工程。紅旗渠在太行山東麓林州市境內,總長 2000公里,包括一條主幹渠和三條分乾渠,從山西省平順縣開始引漳河水,在太行山中盤山開渠,逢山開洞,遇溝架橋,開鑿了長達 70公里的主幹渠。這套 1972年發行的編 49-52號的《紅旗渠》郵票共 4枚,包括 「愚公移山 」、 「青年洞 」、 「桃園橋 」、 「人間天河 」。這套郵票的第 1枚為 「愚公移山 」,體現了林州人民艱苦奮斗、克服重重困難的精神。後 3枚郵票圖案反映了紅旗渠工程的主要部分。
1996年,國家郵政局發行的 1996-23號《中國古代檔案珍藏》中的 「甲骨片 」是第四套安陽題材的郵票。此套郵票是為 1996年召開的第 13屆國際檔案大會而發行的。古代檔案有甲骨、金文、石刻、竹簡、木牘、絲帛等類。此套郵票的 4幅畫面分別為 「商代龜甲 」、 「漢代木牘 」、 「明代鐵券 」、 「清代國書 」。全套面值 1.9元,現價翻了一番。這裡面還有一個小插曲, 1936年,在現在的殷墟宮殿宗廟遺址內發現了一窖多達 1.7萬余片的甲骨片,被學者認為是我國最早的檔案館。如此看來,甲骨片被收入此套郵票應是眾望所歸的事了。
乃文乃武的岳飛是安陽的驕傲,從某種意義上說,他也是安陽的一個符號。 2003年,為紀念岳飛誕辰 900周年,國家郵政局在全國發行了《古代名將 ——岳飛》紀念郵票。該套紀念郵票一套三枚,一枚小版張。郵票圖案個性鮮明,設計精美,人物栩栩如生,具有很高的收藏價值和藝術欣賞價值。
2006 年7 月13 日 ,這是一個值得安陽人銘記和自豪的日子。這一天,我們的殷墟被列入了世界文化遺產名錄。就在同一天,《殷墟》個性化郵票隆重發行。該套郵票為4枚版式,附圖 12枚環繞主圖四周,主圖為 「吉祥如意 」。附圖分別為殷墟宮殿宗廟遺址及出土的甲骨、青銅器、玉器等圖案。市郵政局黨委書記毛萬秋介紹說, 「吉祥如意 」4枚版式個性化郵票為我國首次發行,具有極高欣賞和收藏價值。郭慶朝說: 「那本面值 298元的郵冊市值已漲了一倍, 1980元的十二生肖銀幣已漲至 4200元。 」
今年 7月 13日,為紀念殷墟申遺成功一周年,在市郵政局的積極努力下,《世界遺產 ——殷墟》個性化郵票成功發行。它是《殷墟》個性化郵票的姊妹篇,一上市就受到了集郵愛好者的熱烈追捧。
Ⅲ 安陽殷墟英文簡介
The Yin Dynasty ruins, also name the Yin empty, discussing dynasty later period capital city ruins. Mr. Guo Moruo in "Visits the Anyang Yin Dynasty ruins" in a poem acclaims: 「the area south of Yellow River culture Yin initiates, view this victory in reads the ancient book」. Yin Dynasty ruins located at the Henan Province Anyang west northern suburbs Huanhe both banks, area approximately 24 square kilometers. According to the literature record, moves the capital from the plate age in this (Emperor Xin) perishes the country to the King Zhou, the entire Shang Dynasty later period take this as, altogether passes through 8 generations of 12 kings, 254 years. The age approximately worked as B.C. 14 century's ends before the 11th century.
Is located shore in the Henan Anyang Huanshui River Yin Dynasty ruins is the well-known both in China and abroad Shang Dynasty later period the kings ruins, is also has the literature record and the inscription on animal bones and tortoise shells verification and after the excavation discovery confirmation at present may the determination of age Chinese earliest capital city. The people understood truly this capital city is starts 100 years ago. in 1899 discovered the inscription on animal bones and tortoise shells, the bright group star, attracted likely people's vision on Yin Dynasty ruins this land, in 1928 started Yin Dynasty ruins archaeology, also has turned on this Underground museum front door. For dozens of years, the archaeology worker with theirs both hands, whisks off the st-laden soil, excavates Yin Dai the palace, Wang Ling, the inscription on animal bones and tortoise shells, the bronzeware and so on important heritage attraction, has unfolded a richly colorful historical picture for us.
Yin Dai pursued commerce to perish Tang Jianguo to business King Zhou, has experienced 31 kings, more than 400 years history. After the Yin Dynasty ruins are the history book once recorded the plate age which move the capital, to the King Zhou body dead country extinguishes the period business. The Yin Dynasty ruins are the first batch of state-level Cultural relic preservation organ which our country announces, its key protectorate is area Xiaotun Village's palace ancestral temple locus, is Wang Du the heart, Yin Wang lives the daily life and the processing government affairs' place; North shore north Huanhe's military officer village, is Yin Daiwang the mausoleum, after the plate age moves the Yin later king died, buries in this, here is a broad in scale the murder ancestor worship sacrificial offering field.
for 70 years, the archaeology worker has altogether discovered palace ancestral temple architectural complex ruins more than 50, Wang Lingda in the Yin Dynasty ruins grave 12, aristocrat common people grave several thousand, sacrificial offering pit 1000, the city trench more than 1700 meters, Handicraft workshop 5, the chariot pit more than 30 places, the excavation unearthed animal bones and tortoise shells 150,000 pieces with large quantities of bronzewares, the jade carving, the earthenware, the bone implement and so on.
Recently, Anyang just held the inscription on animal bones and tortoise shells to discover that the 100th anniversary seminar, under attending Chinese and foreign expert's suggestion in abundance, Anyang decided reports the Yin Dynasty ruins for the world culture inheritance. 「the tiger bites the human」 from the Yin Dynasty ruins unearthed carved stone, such image, also has many in the Yin Dynasty ruins cultural relic, it has reflected the Shang Dynasty humanity in the nature the difficult survival, the crisis-ridden scene. Anyang then, the forest was densely covered, the lion tiger in groups, might tame including the elephant. This carved stone's original part, has been plundered by the Japanese. the Yin Dynasty ruins' big grave is buried along with the dead, often has the chariot pit. Yin Dai the vehicle has the al purpose; first, uses in the war; second, to go on a journey. The Yin Dynasty ruins discovery's carapace, according to the expert concluded that the big prolificacy in the South China Sea, thought is from the south high quality goods, this explained that before 3000 transportations already quite developed, carriages and horses' application also is very naturally widespread.
Ⅳ 安陽英語簡介或全英概況
Anyang, located near the Huanshui River, is really worthy of its reputation for being an imperial capital 3,000 years ago.
Anyang is one of the eight ancient capitals of China; a national famous historical & cultural city; as well as an excellent tourist city of China. Anyang is the cradle of Chouyi, which ranks top of the five classic works of China; the hometown of oracle-bone inscriptions---the earliest writing of China; the place where uncovered Simuwu square cauldron---one of the masterpieces of the National Museum of China; Anyang has Yinxu---a world cultural heritage; Red Flag Canal---the man-made Milky Way, which is appraised as 「the 8th Miracle in the World」; National Museum of Chinese Writing, the only writing-themed national museum in the world; Cao Cao Mausoleum.
Ⅳ 安陽英語簡介
Anyang is one of 3,000 years of history and cultural cities, is the major birthplaces of Chinese civilization, is one of China's seven ancient capitals, and more, "the first ancient capital of China," said. Anyang heritage, the city's heritage preservation of existing state-level units two, 36 provincial heritage conservation units, county-level cultural relics in the more than 200 units. Here are the flood control Ximen Bao Ye City, with the first one Xiaoyong Shanzhan good tomb of the female and two women Mausoleum (legends of the Ku Zhuanxu and Dili's tomb), there are key national heritage conservation units, the ancient capital of China's earliest -- Yin Ruins.
Ⅵ 家鄉的著名食物,安陽,英語作文
My hometown inTunChang,where the proction of crystal. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate. Now there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.
Ⅶ 求 有關安陽的英語作文500詞
Ⅷ 用英文介紹一下安陽到五中
My house is three kilometres from the school. I can walk, cycle or take a bus to school. Walking to school will take me thirty minutes. cycle to school will take me ten minutes whereas taking a bus may take me five to twenty minutes. Taking a bus has a variance of timing because, sometimes, I have to wait for the bus longer before the bus arrives.Therefore, I had decided that the best way to go to school is by cycling
Ⅸ 用MY CITY安陽寫一段英語作文
Anyang is a small city in Henan province, The northernmost city in Henan, Anyang borders Puyang to the east,Hebi and Xinxiang to the south, and the provinces of Shanxi and Hebei to its west and north respectively.
Anyang has beautiful natural scenery—the Taihang Linlu Hill Scenic Area on the 400-kilometer Taihang Mountains and the grand 1,500-kilometer Red Flag Canal.
So when you come to Anyang, you will see museums here and there. It is the hometown of Yue Fei,Yue Fei temple is located in the tangyin county ,which is a county in anyang 『 south, Located about 2 km northwest of this city are the ruins of the Shang Dynasty capital known as Yin, In it built a museum, and includes the famous Tomb of Fu Hao. The site is inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. China's earliest Chinese prison Youli Castle and the origin of zhouyi also lacated in the south of anyang . Within the city,there china』s first words museum and so on. this is a city full of cultural atmosphere and i am sure you will like it.