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『壹』 老師的價值 英語作文

The Significance of being a primary school teacher

If you have ever read the bumper sticker, "If you can read this, thank your teacher," you will understand the importance of becoming a teacher. Without the basic ecational foundation a primary school teacher provides, it would be virtually impossible to function in the world of today.

A teacher is responsible for guiding students into becoming creative, imaginative, critically thinking young alts who are contributing members of society. This is no easy task, and is not for the faint of heart. The importance of becoming a teacher is immeasurable.

The primary school teacher play a direct role in teaching students basic information that will encourage them to read, write and perform science or mathematical functions that will allow them to function in everyday life, and may lead them to higher ecation and a career goal.

Teachers help students to learn how to become functional in society.

Learning opens up doors for students by sparking their imaginations. The primary school teacher engage their curiosity by making learning a hands-on, fun experience.


『貳』 《英語老師上課全部用英文講課的好處》英語作文

可以把分給我嗎?我是12的小妹妹 老師,你會說英語、會有情感地朗讀文章,會唱動聽的歌曲,會畫畫,還會算難度很高的數學題,會……但你有一樣不怎麼會,而且是最重要的一點--笑。 \r\n你每天扳著臉走上講台,我們剛下課玩後的愉快心情又被破壞了。這時我多麼希望你能笑一笑啊!開始上課了,你一直眉頭緊鎖,忽然叫起一個正在開小差的同學回答問題,那個同學丈二和尚摸不著頭腦,答得牛頭不對馬嘴。老師頓時火冒三丈,問他怎麼回事。\\「後面的同學告訴我的」,他解釋道,全班鬨堂大笑,但老師不笑,仍然眉頭深鎖,用箭一樣的目光盯著我們,我們只好馬上閉上嘴巴,正襟危坐。這時,我們多麼希望老師你也能笑一笑啊!這樣,你的不快、同學們的不認真,也許就會在一笑之中飄然而去,我們與你的距離會因這一笑而變得親近起來。 \r\n下課了,有很多同學跑上講台,想跟你談談話,可一頭忙碌的你一句:\\「什麼事?」正欲張嘴的我們不好意思開口了。那時,我們多想你笑著與我們放鬆地聊一聊啊! \r\n\\「笑一笑,十年少,我們學習會更好;笑一笑,真輕松,苦惱、傷心拋腦後。」我以前也寫過這樣的兒歌或小詩,但都沒敢唱,什麼時候能在你面前開心地唱一唱呢? \r\n老師,我們知道你嚴厲是為了我們好,我們經常會惹你生氣,但如果你時時刻刻都調整好心情的話,這點小事你不會在意的。 \r\n今後,我們會好好地學習,拿出良好的表現和最好的成績給老師看,讓老師開心,讓老師微笑!

『叄』 求一篇英語作文。和老師建立良好的師生關系是必要的。該怎麼建立。良好的師生關系該怎麼樣

The Teacher-Student Relationship
A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.
To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teacher's behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict. Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them. Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard. On the other hand, being too strict may frighten the students. So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students. And teachers should encourage the students to think independently and learn to study by themselves.
As for the students, they must always respect their teachers. Students should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It's important to listen with attention in class and it's more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.
In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.
5,Full imagination of "0"
Possible version:
"0" is like the sun which is rising in the east. The sun shines brightly, which makes our motherland warm and beautiful.
"0" is like the globe which our geography teacher often uses in class. He tells us we can travel all over the world and enjoy the beauty.
"0" is like the football. Our football team packed into the World Cup and our 44-year hope came true. This year, we have already gained many achievements in sports, especially Li Xiaopeng, who has made a great breakthrough in the Olympic event.
"0" is like the moon of mid-autumn night. On the night, every family reunite and spend the night together. We expect that Taiwan returns to our motherland and we believe that the reunion of our country will come true, which is the greatest hope of all the Chinese people

『肆』 英語作文 論述一個好老師的重要性

A teacher is responsible for guiding students into becoming creative, imaginative, critically thinking young alts who are contributing members of society. This is no easy task, and is not for the faint of heart. The importance of becoming a teacher is immeasurable.
The primary school teacher play a direct role in teaching students basic information that will encourage them to read, write and perform science or mathematical functions that will allow them to function in everyday life, and may lead them to higher ecation and a career goal.

『伍』 老師與電腦相比重要性英語作文


『陸』 關於老師的英語作文


If I were a teacher, I would not treat my students just as some know-nothing kids. I wouldn't give them homework that can never be done.If I were a teacher, I would try my best to let them like me, not be afraid of me. I wouldn't teach them just as if I were a sage. If I were a teacher, I would make friends with my students. I would respect them and understand them. If I were a teacher, I would make study a happy thing to my students, but not a burden to them


『柒』 在學校,對於我們學生來說,與老師建立良好的關系非常重要。請就「師生關系」這一主題用英語寫一篇120詞

Good relationships between our teachers and us play an important part in our study and life. Only with good relationships can our teachers achieve the desired teaching effect, and can we do well in our studies.
This ideal relationship depends on mutual effort. One the one hand, we should respect our teachers and their efforts paid to us. We should be ready to follow their practical advice. On the other hand, our teachers should not only be kind, friendly and patient to us, but also treat each student fairly and equally. They must be responsible for their teaching and ready to help us when we are in trouble. In a word, if teachers and we are willing to do their best, the relationship between us will be quite beneficial.


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