Ⅰ 大學英語作文電話留言格式
說明,按電話留言的格式和要求,以秘書Jame的名義給Mr.Green寫一份電話留言,內容以下:版 1,日期:權2011年1月10日,2、來電時間:當日上午九時,3、來電人:環球(Universal)公司的Mr.Robert,4、事由:Mr.Robert後天中午十二點從香港來昆明,按原計劃與Mr.Green商討合作項目細節
Mr. Green,
Mr.Robert from Universal Company called you at 9 a.m on January 10th,2011.Mr. Robert will come to Kunming from Hongkong and he wil discuss the detail about the cooperate according to the original schele.
Ⅱ 英語電話留言的格式範文
A phonecall for Mr.Black,
From:Mr.Webber of Honeywell
Sum.:Mr.Webber will go to Shanghai for business tomorrow(21/12/2007),so the appointment with Mr.Black in 22/12/2007 will have to be canceled.There will be another appointment when Mr.Webber come back.
Ⅲ 英語作文,留言條
Lisa the tennis racket , hat , a few apples is forgot be in home , write message slip to Tina , lets her thing be taken to go over. The hat fixes a tennis racket on the table, in the dressing table , the apple is in drawer lining. 或者Lisa the tennis racket , hat , a few apples is forgot be in home , write message slip to Tina , lets her thing be taken to go over. The hat fixes a tennis racket on the table, in the dressing table , the apple is in drawer lining.
Ⅳ 寫英語作文的留言條格式怎麼寫
留言內容:版Louis called you this afternoon but you were not in. She wanted to meet you this coming Saturday, 7 a.m., at the school gate. If that is not convenient for you, you are requested to ring him upat 88888888.
Ⅳ 英語作文,關於留言的怎麼寫
英語作文 給好朋友的專留言屬
As time goes by.We have been classmate and friend for 3 years. In the past three years. We enjoyed ourselves life . At school. We played and we had class. We did homework after school. Sometimes. We were angry. but it doesn't influence our friendship.
Ⅵ 今天早上外出留言條英語作文模板
January 31st,8:00 a.m
Dear Hellen :
I have to go to the station to meet my pen-friend from Beijing,so you neen't wait me for lunch,I will stay at school at noon,I will come back for supper at about 5:00 p.m ,I think I will buy some fish,is that OK?Don't forget to feed Cracky at noon.Keep him at home or he may get lost,thank you.
Ⅶ 英語作文留言條
Dear Mr.Brown,
Mr.Smith called you this morning when you were out.He left a message that he would come tomorrow morning to discuss the details about the annual meeting.He would arrive at about 9:00.We should make confirmation of time,number,and standard.
Ⅷ 求英語作文《留言》
DearSally, ?. I',butwhenIwenttoyourhome,youarenotin.Ihavebookedaticketforyou,thefeeis5yuaneach,andifyoubuytwotogether,itwillbe4.5yuaneach. ,,anditwilllasttwohoursfrom19:00to21:00. Ifyouliketocome,pleasegettothebus-stopat18:30. LinLin
Ⅸ 留言英語作文
I have to go to the cineme, so you neen't wait me for lunch, I will stay at school at noon, I will come back for supper at about 5:00 p.m , I think I will buy some fish, is that OK?