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發布時間:2021-01-31 02:12:01

『壹』 背英語作文範文有用嗎(下次考試也不會再考了)


『貳』 英語作文:英語口語考試必要嗎

There can be no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As asecond language, English is often necessary for official business, ecation, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations.
It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used.
English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.

『叄』 高考背英語作文範文有用嗎


『肆』 什麼是有用的 英語作文

What is useful
What is useful for us?Money?Fame?Love?or any thing else?People always try to find what is useful to them so they can benefit from it.However,different people have different opinion about what is good and what is bad; it's very hard to decide what's useful to everyone.A rich merchant might has a lot of money,but he might not be as happy as a poor farmer.It's true that the thing that's useful to us are really not the same for everyone.Find the thing that's really useful to you,really what you want,and stick with it; there is no need to regret.

『伍』 《學英語有什麼好處》,寫一篇英語作文!急求!!

其實,英語做位一種語言,從語言學的角度來說,是一種比較古老的,原始的語言的,和俄語是屬於一個分類的,這樣的特點就已經決定了,這個語言的發展是隨著信息的總量變化而變化的。我們不能因為這樣就說英語是不科學的,因為,全世界所有語言種類的語法幾乎都是有著驚人的一致性的,也就是說,漢語的語法,在英語裡面不見得不實用。這可能可以用來解釋為什麼要學好英語,多看點文言文對英語學習語法有很多的好處。 學過邏輯學的同學也都知道,語言作為我們生活中一種必不可少的符號,是不可能避免使用的,因為我們的思想和我們的交流都是要通過語言來表達的,我們不可能象螞蟻一樣靠我們的氣味,我們的光感來判斷我們彼此交流的對象的。就中國而言,我們有56個民族的兄弟姐妹 ,雖然漢族是佔了92%的比例,但我們的少數民族的兄弟姐妹們都是有著自己的語言和生活習慣的,這個是沒有辦法改變的。據統計,中國一共有200多種的語言,這樣的數量聽起來是不是有點另人吃驚呢?但,這個就是事實。語言不僅僅是我們自己交流的工具,也是我們和世界交流的工具,作為一種交流的符號,我們沒有權利評價哪一種符號更好用,我們只是用習慣了我們經常用的那一種,而相對的另一個環境下生存的人們,他們也有他們自己的語言環境,我想他們一定不會認為英語難學,而認為漢語好學,你說對嗎? 英語這樣一種語言能夠成為世界語言也絕對不是一種偶然。首先,在資本主義的資本積累時期,英國已經開始了殖民擴張,那個時候,英語就通過對外的侵略走向了全世界,給他們佔領的很多落後的地區帶來了文明,其中英語也作為一種語言流傳到了大半個世界。當初英國的 「日不落帝國」夢就是這樣做起來的。可以說,這個就是英語走向全世界的第一步!第二次工業革命的時候,美國發展起來,要知道美國的英語,也就是現在的American English也就伴隨著經濟的發展滲透到了大部分經濟發達地區!到了二次世界大戰之後,尤其是近代,英語的發展更是隨著經濟和科技的發展、交流在全世界應用起來! 我們來看看這個世界在發生的變化吧。自從冷戰結束以來,世界向著多極化和全球化發展,我們沒有能力去改變這樣一個大的趨勢,世界在科技發展的推動下,向著一個更大的整體前進,我們越來越接近世界這樣一個大的舞台,我們要真的走上這個舞台,我們就必須要了解這個舞台,能在這個舞台上表達我們的思想,和這個舞台上的其他成員進行交流,我們總不能和他們說我們會說的漢語,而留下他們去撓頭。那麼,我們就要跟上這樣一個大的潮流,可能我們現在這樣一代人還沒有跟上,但我們的下一代呢?我們還是有未來的嘛,我們總不能讓自己的後代一樣拖著人家的後腿走路,我們都有自己的尊嚴啊!

『陸』 一門有用的學科 英語作文





『柒』 《學英語有什麼好處》,寫一篇英語作文



『捌』 英語作文有用

As is shown by the two graphs, between 1800 and 1990, the U.S population grew from about 2 million to 250 million. In contrast, at least 70 wildlife species bid farewell to the country over the same period of time. It is obvious that the extinction of wildlife resulted from the population explosion.
There are some possible reasons for the effect. First, with the rapid growth of human population, inhabitable areas were expanding so fast that few areas were left for wildlife. Second, a great number of wildlife species were killed for food, for money and even for fun. Finally, a host of newly-built factories constantly discharged harmful gases and liquids, which seriously polluted the environment. And this global instrial pollution speeded up wildlife extinction.
In my opinion, it is imperative to take effective measures to save all wildlife species. Firstly, the birth rate all over the world must be put under control. Secondly, we should establish more natural conservations for wildlife, especially for rare animals and those in face of extinction. Last but not least, we should ecate the people to realize the importance of wildlife protection. Only by taking firm actions can we prevent wildlife from decreasing continually.

『玖』 學英語有什麼好處 英語作文

There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, ecation, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations.
It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used.
English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.

My reason is that sound film is needless to have looked at captions look at a plain again. Haw-haw. Learn English in fact key is to take self linguistic competence exercise most. Learn genuine English pronunciation , once be to be able to turn self oral cavity muscle into international muscle. The of the first edition mother tongue also may speak such that pronouncing every word clearly and singing in tune. Go and give broadcasting station bbing to No problem. Two is to improve self social contact ability , can let self have self-confidence more. Other benefit has been much. The job is and so on also easy to look for a job searching for a long time , study abroad. Friend's circle waits a minute also broadly. In fact why need to mimic this problem having to answer coming self. Everyone maybe thinks that the purpose learning English is all different.



『拾』 寫一篇學英語有什麼用的英語作文 怎麼寫

There is no doubtthat English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, ecation, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations.
It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used.
English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.



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