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發布時間:2021-01-28 16:07:11

『壹』 英語作文《我的前學校旅行 》

Last summer I went to Vietnam with my parents. We stayed at a small village outside Saigon. The air and water was very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. Though it』 a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. They live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field ring the day. They don』t have TVs or Internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. It was a very memorable trip that I will never forget.

『貳』 一次學校旅行英語作文 70詞左右


『叄』 我們學校去旅行英語作文50個詞

My School Day

I enjoy my life spent at school, because I
can not only learn new knowledge every day, but also I can share my
happiness with my friends. I was on ty for today, so I got up very
early in the morning and got to school at 6.30 a.m. Then I began to
arrange my classmates to clean up our classroom. The first lesson was
English, and I led them to read the text. There were four lessions in
the morning and another three in the afternoon. We took part in
after-school activities after the lessons being finished. I was the last
student who left school and returned home. It was really an exhausted
but happy day today!


『肆』 一次學校旅行英語作文

Last sunday, my parents and I went to Beijing tour.
In the morning, we take a bus to the Badaling. Imposing Great Wall stretches for thousands of miles, and then boarded the go, feel the ancient wisdom and hard work.
1:30 pm, we had lunch, and then went to the supermarket.
In the evening, happily embark on return journey.

『伍』 寫一篇關於學校旅行的英語作文包括喜歡和不喜歡


『陸』 有關旅遊的英語作文和有關校園生活的

I would like to visit France. As most of the travellers know, France is a very attractive country. I would like to appreciate travellers to visit there not only because of its beautiful scene, and also the fantastic food. I do not interested in countries such as Iraq and Thiland. Due to the recent wars and social turmoil, it is quite unsafe to travel to these countries. Normally i take air-plane to travel. Thus, i think air-plane is the best way for people to travel around the world. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time and strength for me. 我們的學校沒有高樓大廈,沒有美麗的花園。但是,卻有這樣一幅幅迷人的景色。 春天,春姑娘悄悄地跑來了。翠綠的松樹,吐出了新的像針一樣的葉子,淺綠淺綠的。在微風的吹拂下,它晃動著樹枝,彷彿在跟人們點頭微笑,雪松周圍的花兒開放了。最誘人的算是月季花了,有的還是花骨朵兒,有的飽漲得像要破裂似的,有的綻開了粉紅色的笑臉,當你走到它身邊的時候,會有一陣香味撲鼻而來。蜜蜂姑娘忙碌著采蜜,有時在花木叢林里翩翩起舞;不住的發出嗡嗡地聲音,好象在對人們說:「今年又有許多蜜吃了。」教室前方的一排排水杉樹已經醒來,伸了個懶腰,就開始工作了。在春姑娘的幫助下,露出了嫩綠的新葉。 新葉一天比一天茂盛,迎來了夏天,雪松已是枝繁葉茂,遠看像撐著的一把大傘。天氣炎熱時,雪松就像一台電風傘,同學們坐在下面乘涼,愜意極了,有的在玩耍,有的在跳橡皮筋。雪松的兩側是黃楊,就像綠色的帶子把雪松裹住。 秋季,樹的葉子開始逐漸脫落,但是,這又迎來了豐收的季節,教室門前的柿子樹上掛滿了一個個柿子,就像一盞盞小紅燈籠似的,把枝條壓彎了腰。當同學們吃到這香甜可口的柿子時,心情是多麼的舒暢呀! 秋爺爺悄悄地走了,寒老大爺又跑來了,一場鵝毛大雪之後,你走進校園會被這樣的景色迷惑:操場白了,樹木花草白了,房屋也白了。多麼美麗啊!大雪給整個校園披上了一層白色的衣裳。同學們來到學校打起了雪仗,玩著玩著,我們忘掉了一切。這時候,身上頭上全是雪。 校園給我們帶來了歡樂,我愛我們的學校,我愛那兒的美麗景色,我愛那無私的奉獻精神!

『柒』 英語作文60字左右,1.關於學校旅行 2.關於上周末活動 3.關於怎樣去學校


『捌』 我最後一次學校旅遊英文作文

也趕來不走。後來,為玩電子游自戲,他經常逃學,還向同學借錢買卡……還有的同學因為對網路游戲的痴迷,再加上教育缺失,從而走向了一條不健康的道路,如:偷竊別人的財物,對弱勢群體進行搶劫,從小偷小摸發展成為社會中的「老大」…… 我們不應該學習這種同學的行為,學生就應該以學習為主,偶爾玩一下放鬆心情是可以的,可是不能痴迷於網路游戲。古人雲:「黑發不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲」。如果我們現在不學,長大後就學不了了,就會成為社會中的「現代文盲」,不僅對社會無益,還成了社會、家庭的負擔,到那時候,想後悔都來不及了。所以我們要努力學習、遵紀守法,做一個合格的小公民。

『玖』 以學校旅行為題寫一篇英語作文

Tour is not only a personal interest but also a kind of knowledge. A merry journey will be the memory that you can』t forget through your lifetime. It』s really at ease if you wander with two or three china pates who have a little exploratory energy to stay in the interesting places as long as you want but just ignore the unsightly places. It』s not good to join the travel agency other wise we should call it gaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation but not traveling. Of course, we should learn to choose a most toward occasion for the most famous and beautiful scene in the places before we are going to. And we need enough money, enough time, special channel and also an economical plane, it』s convenient for us. And we can save more time to view the blue sky generally and look out upon the cloud dancing freely outside the plane. It』s also not bad to travel by train. Enjoy the scenery out of the train on the way, just look around here and there, maybe you can get some new friends in this narrow but long carriage. Certainly you』d better choose the different path when you return back from the place of interest so that you can make your eyes full of the landscape of interest on the way and never need to revisit the once familiar place. How far-flung and galland the rivers and mountains in our homeland are! There are still too many places we can go. Time is limited but the interest of traveling is limitless. We travel just because of our love knot to the natural mountains and rivers!
旅遊不單是一種興趣,還是一門學問,快樂的旅途是你終生難忘的回憶。要是有點探險精神的,三兩同游,好玩的多逗留,游個飽,不好的不看也罷,自由自在;不參加旅遊團為好,那叫走馬觀花,不叫旅遊。當然,出去之前應該研究一下,要知道你想前往的地方最出名最美麗的風光何時才有。 要是有足夠的錢,寬容的時間,路線也應講究,經濟許可的可坐飛機,便捷省時,一覽碧空,看雲兒在腳下自由自在的飄舞; 坐火車呢,那也不俗,沿途景緻,這邊看看那邊望望,說不定在車上還能交上朋友呢!當然來迴路線最好不要一樣,這樣可把沿途的山水名勝游個飽,將來也不用再到這一片熱土作重遊之想了。我們的祖國啊河山遼闊壯麗,要去的地方多著呢。 旅遊之趣,不是一時能談完的,不過,旅遊,皆自對山水之鍾情呵!



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