❶ 初中英語作文說說毒品的危害我們應該怎麼做
❷ 關於毒品的英文文章
(1) 吸毒對身體的毒性作用: 毒性作用是指用葯劑量過大或用葯時間過長引起的對身體的一種有害作用,通常伴有機體的功能失調和組織病理變化。中毒主要特徵有:嗜睡、感覺遲鈍、運動
(2) 戒斷反應:是長期吸毒造成的一種嚴重和具有潛在致命危險的身心損害,通常在突然終止用葯或減少用葯劑量後發生。許多吸毒者在沒有經濟來源購毒、吸毒的情況下,或死於嚴重的身體戒斷反應引起的各種並發症,或由於痛苦難忍而自殺身亡。戒斷反應也是吸毒者戒斷難的重要原因。
(3) 精神障礙與變態:吸毒所致最突出的精神障礙是幻覺和思維障礙。他們的行為特點圍繞毒品轉,甚至為吸毒而喪失人性。
(4)感染性疾病:靜脈注射毒品給濫用者帶來感染性合並症,最常見的有化膿性感染和乙形肝炎,及令人擔憂 的艾滋病問題。此外,還損害神經系統、免疫系統,易感染各種疾病。
(2) 對社會生產力的巨大破壞: 吸毒首先導致身體疾病,影響生產,其次是造成社會財富的巨大損失和浪費, 同時毒品活動還造成環境惡化, 縮小了人類的生存空間。
(3) 毒品活動擾亂社會治安: 毒品活動加劇誘發了各種違法犯罪活動,擾亂了社會治安, 給社會安定帶來巨大威脅。
是指毒品加溫後通過呼吸道進入人體的吸食方式。長期吸食對呼吸道系統造成惡性刺激,輕者易患氣管炎,重者導致肺炎、肺氣腫和肺癌。First, physical and psychological harm of drug abuse
(1) drug abuse on the body of toxic effects: toxic effect refers to excessive or administering a drug with pharmaceutical length of the body caused by a harmful role, usually accompanied by a dysfunctional body and pathological changes. Poisoning main features are: lethargy, feeling numb, sports
Dislocation, hallucinations, paranoia, disorientation, and so on.
(2) withdrawal: a long-term drug use has led to a serious and potentially fatal risk of physical and psychological harm, usually in a sudden termination of medication or rece the dosage after. Many drug addicts in the absence of economic resources, purchase drugs, and drug abuse cases, died of serious bodily or withdrawal reactions caused by various complications, or because the pain is just unbearable and committed suicide. Withdrawal of drug addicts is also an important reason why the withdrawal difficult.
(3) mental disorders and metamorphosis: the most prominent drug inced mental disorders is hallucinations and thought disorder. Their behavior characteristics of the drug to focus on, even as drug and the loss of human nature.
(4) infectious diseases: intravenous drug abusers brought to the infectious complications, the most common infection with purulent shape and hepatitis B, AIDS and worrying problem. In addition, damage to the nervous system, immune system, the vulnerability of various diseases.
Second, the harm done to society of drug abuse.
(1) harm to the family: the family once a drug addict, a family will not become a home. Drug addicts in self-destruction, but it also broke harm their families, so that families into financial bankruptcy, relatives discrete, and even destruction to the difficulty.
(2) the social proctive force in the destruction: the first drug to body disease, affecting proction, followed by the social wealth caused a huge loss and waste, while drug activities also led to deterioration of the environment, recing the human living space.
(3) activities disturb public order drugs: drug activities intensified inced various illegal activities, and disturbed the social order, to bring great threat to social stability.
No matter what drug use, the human organism will cause great damage.
Third, intravenous drug
(1) intravenous opioid drugs against the most, the consequences could be serious and multifaceted: unclean injection lead to infection of various diseases, such as bacterial endocarditis, tetanus, septicemia, transverse myelitis, and highly infectious hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other serum hepatitis. Dirty injection transmission of HIV is an important way.
(2) injection of opioid drugs on the immune function has a direct and comprehensive damage. Intravenous drug is most likely to trigger drug overdose deaths, a lot of statistics at home and abroad have fully proved this point.
Fourth, muscle or subcutaneous injection drug
The skin of the site possible abscesses, infections, pigmentation, scar sclerosis symptoms.
5. Way through the respiratory drug addiction
After warming refers to the drug enters the human body through the use of respiratory way. Long-term smoking on the respiratory system, malignant stimulation, light are susceptible to bronchitis and at worst lead to pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Damage.
❸ 大家對性暴力吸毒電影的看法一篇英語作文
Violent Film Is Harmful to Children
is necessary to prevent cfiildren from seeing violent films. In recent years teenage criminals have increased alarmingly and this has happened at a time when more and more hours are being devoted to TV prngranms and films which show violent behaviour and violent solutions to all kinds of problems. Children are weak in judging right from wrong, and tend to admire film characters who solve problems by force. Then they apply what they have learned in the film to real life, which causes harmful effects on society. Therefore, violent films are harmful to children.
When I was young, I had never heard of the crime of kidnapping. But now crime like this is heard mad read frequently. Only a few days ago, I learned from newspaper that a boy who had kidnapped a two-year-old child for money was arrested. The boy said he learned about kidnapping in the film. I am not saying all crimes or even mast crimes can be attributed to violent films, but observations have shown that it is a major factor.
❹ 吸毒危害健康的英文是
smoking is bad for you health/harmful to your health.
❺ 吸毒的危害英語作文
Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people.
Man Wenjun is druggy.
❻ 用英文說的句子 要簡單的 關於吸毒的危害
Drugged decimated, drug allowing offspring, drug inced criminal,(吸毒導致家破人亡、吸毒遺害後代、吸毒誘發刑事犯罪)
Drug inced corruption, drug theft robbery, drug accelerated death,
Drug arson and murder, drug robbing, drug horrid society,
Drug corrupt social ethos, drugged self-injury committing suicide.
(吸毒敗壞社會風氣 、吸毒導致自傷自殘自殺)
❼ 吸煙,吸毒,喝酒的危害英語作文
❽ 一個人持續吸毒會怎麼樣英語作文
A person continue todrug taking
❾ 以吸毒為話題的大學英語作文
Saying No to Drugs Never to try drugs. Say "No" every time anyone ever tries to give or sell you drugs. Don't speak to that person again. Drugs are addictive, so please do not think that you might be stronger than other people. Even taking a drug just once is very dangerous. First, drugs are illegal. Buying or selling drugs, having drugs—these are all against the law. Breaking the law is wrong and it is dangerous too. Now you have a bright future waiting for you, but if you start doing illegal things, all that will change—if you commit crimes you will be punished. Second, drugs can be very bad for your health. Drugs are powerful chemicals. They give you very high blood pressure; they do strange things to your heart rate; they stop you from eating properly; they change the way you breathe. Drug addicts feel ill most of the time. They have a lot of pain. third,Drugs cost a lot of money. If you take drugs you will soon be poor. To get money to buy drugs you will do stupid and illegal things. You will lose your friends and have a lot of trouble in your life. [Often people take drugs because they are unhappy. Maybe they have love or work problems. But drugs cannot solve these problems. There is no connection between them and drugs. People need to talk about problems, get advice and change their behaviour—not take dangerous drugs. Taking drugs encourages people to make them and sell them. You are making a big social problem worse. Because of you other people may hurt themselves and die prematurely, even if you don't. You make the world a worse place. Finally, please remember: addiction grows. The first time you need just a little crack cocaine, but every time you will want more. You cannot control the drug; it will control you.]太長 括弧里的3段可不要 Please listen to me—and say "No" to drugs!