『壹』 求時光倒流的英語作文
If the time could be turned back
i am sweeping the public park.my name is zhang ming. i am student ,i hope do some fun in my school time. much people love using free time in park,cause that is free use it not use money. i am hoping some money .so i do small sweeper . but i am not do worker find that jobs . so i am finding other goods in that hard sweeping life. i job in park follow other sweeper in dark early morning .i am job in much early 4 am. i mean find some cheap goods can find sort money . i plan find can sell it goods .but i onlydo sweep in park. why i only sweep in park not sweep by my home . also find home money is esay. just i am hope do real face to any other body chatting fun.i mean any day i am in usa park do sweep not glad . but i am a foreigner love job in china park cause job in park can speaking to sweeper use my chinese do it very good. i lvoe with othre do chat in job tijme. wow hmmmm i am find a chep goods also can sell 0.1 yoan that is my job find money lol . i think that is great job also o.1 yuan not big but is my first job in china do own boss.
『貳』 如果時光可以倒流,你將會去哪 英語作文
If I go back in time
"If I go back in time, that I have is not what it is today." "If we can turn back time, I will do better." People are always in the face of disappointing result of the big things, such a sigh, "back in time" seems to be a dose of special effects, "regret medicine" can treat all today's pain, make up for all regret now. I think, if one can really put back the clock, what that will mean?
People want to go back, because they saw today the modern unpleasant consequences and wanted from the beginning, in order to achieve success, to achieve perfection. If I go back in time, before doing one thing, people will no longer worry about consequences, because even if the first ?
『叄』 幫忙弄一篇 假如時光倒流 的英語作文 要帶中文翻譯
假如時光可以倒流,我願意回到以前那個5歲的我,因為那時候我過的最快樂,現在回想起來,感覺是多麼的美好。記得我剛上幼兒園的時候,遇到了像茅老師一樣的好老師,她輕輕地拉著我的手,把我領進了一個陌生的教室,我叫她董老師。在那個時候,我特別的調皮,中午老師讓我們睡覺,可我就著么也睡不著,經常輾轉反側,董老師見狀,走過來對我說:「你睡,我給你講故事。」聽了董老師的話,我一下子變乖了許多,不一會兒就進入了夢鄉。直到現在,我還好想念董老師。 假如時光可以倒流,我是多麼希望回到和茅老師在一起的那段時光,至少比我現在要快樂。正如茅老師所言如此:當你擁有它時,你不懂得好好地去珍惜它,可當你失去它時,才會覺得它可貴。是呀,或許茅老師指的就是我。在以前,我們和茅老師就親如一家人,一些心中不愉快的事也可以跟茅老師說,讓他為我們分析。他也會將自己的快樂與榮譽和我們一起分享,可是現在,他卻要走了,不知以後我們還能否遇見一個和茅老師一樣好的老師,他能和我們說知心話,和我們一起看他的榮譽嗎? 假如時光可以倒流,我真想把自己變回從前。回憶起從前那個天真、聽話的我,現在感覺是那麼的慚愧,可能是因為最近的一些原因吧,我變的越來越憔悴,越來越不聽話了,平日里那個快樂的我忽然不見了,真不知道這是為什麼。 假如時光真的可以倒流那該會有多好,可是,這是不可能的,如果我真的能擁有一台像哆啦A夢(機器貓)一樣的時光倒流機,我想,我一定會比以前過的更快樂 。 英文部分和漢字是對應的。 If time could go back, I would like to return before the age of five, because at that time I had my happiest, in retrospect, the feeling is so beautiful. Remember when I was in school, the teacher as well as melike teacher, she gently took me by the hand, and led me into a new classroom, I call her by the teacher. At that time, I especially naughty, noon sleep teacher makes us with yao, but I can not sleep, often by tossing and turning, teacher looked at it, walks up to me to say: "you sleep, I tell you a story." Listen to the teacher, I suddenly tung chastened many, not soon fell asleep. Until now, I still miss dong teacher. If time could go back, how I wish I were back