『壹』 請告訴我一篇關於熊的文章(英文)不要太難
Bears can be found throughout the world. They are generally large animals, and are characterized by a plantigrade walk (on their heels, like humans), a large body, short legs, a stub of a tail, small, round ears, and forward facing eyes.
All bears are classified as carnivores, with each species having a variable degree of herbivorous tendency. The panda, for example, is almost exclusively a plant eater. The polar bear is almost entirely a carnivore.
『貳』 關於熊的英語作文55詞左右
『叄』 關於向別人介紹朋友送的小熊英語作文
『肆』 以我的玩具熊寫篇英語作文60篇
我的玩具熊抄今天是襲我的生日,我非常高興,因為小舅媽送我一個非常可愛的玩具熊,作文 我的玩具熊,小學一年級作文《作文
『伍』 一篇關於北極熊的英文介紹
這是誰寫的 他怎麼沒寫熊喜歡吃什麼呀 他應該把熊寫的再詳細一點
『陸』 給一篇介紹動物(北極熊)的英語作文!
Unlike Black and Grizzly bears, which are primarily nocturnal, the Polar Bear may be active at any time of the day or year, searching for prey on long summer days and sometimes on long winter nights. Adaptations to its Arctic habitat include its fur color, which blends with the snowy environment and so provides useful camouflage for capturing prey; its large size, which helps maintain body temperature by recing surface-heat loss; and its furred feet, which insulate against cold and provide traction on icy surfaces. Because the hairs of its waterproof coat are hollow, they are especially insulating and increase the bear's buoyancy when swimming. An excellent swimmer, it paddles at about 6 1/2 mph (10 km/h) with the front feet only, hindfeet trailing-a trait unique among four-footed land animals-and can remain submerged for about two minutes. While swimming or treading water, it stretches its long neck for a better view, as it does on land. Owing to the scarcity of plants in its icy habitat, the Polar Bear is the most carnivorous North American bear, with canine teeth larger and molariform teeth sharper than those of other bears. An acute sense of smell enables the Polar Bear to locate prey even when it is hidden by snow drifts or ice. It stalks young seals and Walruses, and sometimes alt seals, often by swimming underwater to their ice floes. While hair seals are its staple, it also feeds on fish, birds, bird eggs, small mammals, dead animals (including whales), shellfish, crabs, starfish, and mushrooms, grasses, berries, and algae, when available. The Polar Bear hollows out a winter den in a protected snowbank, where it retires in a lethargic condition. Females den from November to March, ring which time they give birth. Males den for much shorter periods, usually from late November to late January, but may be abroad occasionally at any time of the year. Cubs remain with their mother about a year and a half, denning with her the winter after their birth. The lowlands of Hudson Bay and James Bay, one of the world's largest denning areas for Polar Bears, is the only known region where Polar Bears den in earth rather than in snow. They excavate caves in lake and stream banks and peat hummocks by digging down to the permafrost. This area is unusually far south for the species, and it is believed that they use the permafrost dens again in summer to cool off. No large denning areas have yet been found in Alaska; some Polar Bears in that region may winter in Siberia, drifting across to Alaska on ice floes in spring. Polar Bears are a source of food and hides for Native Americans. 答案補充 英文好自己從中間找到答案!
『柒』 英語作文80字 which animal are our best friends 寫關於熊
『捌』 關於小熊的英文作文了五句話
Bears can be found throughout the world. They are generally large animals, and are characterized by a plantigrade walk (on their heels, like humans), a large body, short legs, a stub of a tail, small, round ears, and forward facing eyes.
『玖』 一篇寫熊和兔子的英語作文
故事主要抄講了?友誼是一杯水襲、和幸福的味道,讓你細品出友誼的真誠與快樂友誼是什麼,讓你噴湧出心中的快樂,我們應當多多幫助同學。兔子便答應每隔三天就送熊一根又大又長的蘿卜。平時友誼是什麼?友誼是一首歌,當兔子遇到種種問題的時候,必要時;沒有了友誼。在生活中,熊看了垂涎三尺,而熊卻先後從蘿卜里吃出了眼淚的鹹味。如果沒有了友誼,全然不會像文中的熊一樣幫助兔子解決各種問題、苦澀味;友誼是什麼,世界將變得只有黑白?友誼是…… 我讀了一個故事,而感知兔子遇到了困難,每次路過總要停下來看上一會兒,我們的財富將不再閃閃發光:兔子和熊,題目叫,熊總會挺身而出,我們同學有時為了一支鉛筆甚至一道題目的答案而爭執不休:兔子有一塊很大很大的蘿卜地、辣味,幫助兔子解決各種問題,你也不要用打架來解決問題,還要換角度做思考,而是誰都不理誰。與此同時;沒有了友誼,他們之間結下了深厚的友誼,要學會互相幫助和體諒別人。如果他打了你,我們的飯菜將變得淡而無味