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⑴ 初中英語作文關於游泳安全 要點: 1.游泳有益健康,但有些地方不安全,不適於游泳 2.不要獨自到江


⑵ 英語作文 寫一篇關於游泳安全的作文, 1,安全是首要的,我們必須記住安全守則2

Safety is put in the first place, so we must remember the safety rules or we may gonna die.

⑶ 游泳安全的英語作文

Summer swimming safety can not be ignored(標題)
More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.歡迎採納

⑷ 9月26日去游泳,早上7點在門口集中,提醒大家要注意安全的英語作文


School Swimming Trip Notice

We are taking a swimming trip on Sept. 26th. All who want to participate shall gather at the school gate at 7:00 a.m. with your swimming gears ready. Water safety shall be strictly maintained. In addition to safe guarding your food and drink, sun lotion is also suggested. All participants must make prior registration with Mr. Wang Ming, Room 101, with your emergency contact details. You are expected to follow the lead teacher』s direction all the time, and to act orderly inside and outside the pool areas.

⑸ 以《游泳安全》為題英語作文 60詞左右

您好:More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.


⑹ 英語作文關於游泳的安全問題

More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.

⑺ 游泳中如何保持安全英語作文80左右

游泳,是廣大青少年喜愛的體育鍛煉項目之一。然而,不做好准備、缺少安全防範意識,遇到意外時慌張、不能沉著自救,極易發生溺水傷亡事故。 為了確保游泳安全,防止溺水事故的發生,必須做到以下幾點: 1、不要獨自一人外出遊泳,更不要到不摸底和不知水情或比較危險且宜發生溺水傷亡事故的地方去游泳。選擇好的游泳場所,對場所的環境,如該水庫、浴場是否衛生,水下是否平坦,有無暗礁、暗流、雜草,水域的深淺等情況要了解清楚。 2、必須要有組織並在老師或熟悉水性的人的帶領下去游泳。以便互相照顧。如果集體組織外出遊泳,下水前後都要清點人數、並指定救生員做安全保護。 3、要清楚自己的身體健康狀況,平時四肢就容易抽筋者不宜參加游泳或不要到深水區游泳。要做好下水前的准備,先活動活動身體,如水溫太低應先在淺水處用水淋洗身體,待適應水溫後再下水游泳;鑲有假牙的同學,應將假牙取下,以防嗆水時假牙落入食管或氣管。 4、對自己的水性要有自知之明,下水後不能逞能,不要貿然跳水和潛泳,更不能互相打鬧,以免喝水和溺水。不要在急流和漩渦處游泳,更不要酒後游泳。 5、在游泳中如果突然覺得身體不舒服,如眩暈、惡心、心慌、氣短等,要立即上岸休息或呼救。 6、在游泳中,若小腿或腳部抽筋,千萬不要驚慌,可用力蹬腿或做跳躍動作,或用力按摩、拉扯抽筋部位,同時呼叫同伴救助。 7、在游泳中遇到溺水事故時,現場急救刻不容緩,心肺復甦最為重要。將溺水者救上岸後,要立即清除口腔、鼻咽腔的嘔吐物和泥沙等雜物,保持呼吸通暢;應將其舌頭拉出,以免後翻堵塞呼吸道;將溺水者的腹部墊高,使胸及頭部下垂,或抱其雙腿將腹部放在急救者肩部,做走動或跳動"倒水"動作。恢復溺水者呼吸是急救成敗的關鍵,應立即進行人工呼吸,可採取口對口或口對鼻的人工呼吸方式,在急救的同時應迅速送往醫院救治。 希望你滿意

⑻ 關於游泳安全的英語作文,60詞左右

Summer swimming safety can not be ignored(標題)
More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.

⑼ 求一篇關於游泳安全問題的英語作文。初中水平

Summer, the weather was very hot, many children have to go swimming, but we should pay attention to the following questions:

1. To choose in a regular swimming pool.
2. Swim well before the warm-up exercise
3. Must not go wild swimming alone, it is very dangerous!
4.When swimming should observe good personal hygiene

If you follow these suggestions, you will be able to safe swimming




⑽ 有關安全的英語作文不要游泳 小心用電 之類的80詞左右




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