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1. 好書伴我成長英語作文

Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.

2. 好書伴我成長英語作文90詞

Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.

3. 好書伴我成長英語作文


4. 好書伴我成長英語作文90詞

Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us clever and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more will learn, and the bright our future will become.
However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going on line to play games. It takes much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world..
Let』 start reading now. And let it become a part of our life.

5. 英語作文帶翻譯(好書伴我成長)


Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.

6. 好書伴我成長英語作文90詞

每次唱到「世上只有媽媽好」這首歌時,我就會想我和藹可親的媽媽。 我的媽媽是一位平凡的媽媽,她沒有偉大的職業,只是默默地為家裡做「貢獻」。媽媽是一位家庭主...

7. 《我的假期生活》800字作文,

歲月悠悠,時間老人悄無聲息地沐浴於冥冥的太空,當日嬉戲於林間的小精靈們早已走出童年的紅房子,綠草地沐浴著風雪,奔向誘人的成熟,在這夾著春意的冬天,我們又迎來了一年一度的假期生活。 一 觀冰燈記 好耶!終於放假了,我們像從籠子里放飛的小鳥一樣,又自由、又快樂、又放鬆、興高采烈的,擺脫了這沉重的肉體束縛,在無際的天空中飛翔。正在這時,滿洲里一年一度的冰雪節也開始了,夜幕降臨,我和幾個好朋友約好一起去看冰燈,天上的明星一閃一閃的也來湊熱鬧,來到冰燈的門口,彷彿來到了世外桃源,一切都是那麼美好,那麼透徹,一進門首先看到的是掛著上百隻紅燈籠的天安門,那麼雄偉,那麼壯觀,猶如海市蜃樓一般美妙,椰子樹下是一條龍似的長廊,變幻著顏色,奇妙無比,站在長廊上向遠望去,琳琅滿目的雪雕;冰燈就更加絢麗多彩了,再往裡面走觀賞那高高的埃菲爾鐵塔、雪雕俄式木格楞、競相開放的冰荷花、展翅待飛的冰天鵝、還有那昂首欲鳴的冰公雞、活潑可愛的冰小貓、奔騰的千里馬……晶瑩剔透,彩色繽紛,象是步入了神話中的水晶宮。最讓我們關注的還是那萬里長城冰滑梯,我們幾個同學鼓足了勇氣站在萬里長城上,飛速的滑下去,真是又驚險又好玩兒又刺激,這時的天色也不早了,強冷的空氣也向我們敲了一下警鍾,我們要回家了,回頭望望那美麗的景色,我們十二分的戀戀不舍,它真的讓我們大飽眼福,又讓我們玩了個痛快,臨走時我們也學了一下李白、杜甫、不約而同的一起作了一首打油詩: 冰雪節,真熱鬧。 這里的景色多美好。 海市蜃樓高空聳, 迷宮裡面團團轉。 埃菲爾鐵塔真威風, 萬里長城更精彩。 這里的景色真美好; 留連忘返走不開。 拍張照片作紀念, 明年冰雪節我還來。 二 假期生活 轉眼間我的假期過去了好幾十天,我開始覺得乏味了,我又開始想念我的學校生活了,而積累和讀書成了我最大的樂趣,清晨早起執書一卷、清茶一杯,誦讀低語,心曠神怡,音樂裊裊,無考試之負擔,無作業之干擾,盡情去讀,讀書中,與作者交談中,在心愛的積累本上記下心得,這是何等愜意之事啊!可是這等美事,卻是在離開學指日可待,剩下十幾天我才發現的,我覺得以前全部都虛度了,可是我沒有放棄,因為我相信「時間像海綿里的水,要擠總能擠的出來。」在讀書時有時心有所悟,有時樂而忘憂,我發現生活是美好的,所以我有了美的思想。我開始給我可愛的娃娃製作服裝、製作漂亮的像框、畫素描、練習電子琴、在網上沖浪、製作小動畫,忙的我不亦樂乎,我真的明白了一句話:「美是到處都有的,對於我們的眼睛不是缺少美,而是缺少發現。」在假期中,我知道我的口才不是很好,所以我讀了許多關於演講與口才的書,我也覺得,我的思想更進步了,更充實了,我要用思想打敗我的心理壓力,但「冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。水滴石穿,非一日之功。」我現在邁出了第一步,相信無人能直步青雲,相信只要天生我才必有用,我一定會成功。我這才發現生活里沒有書籍,就好像人們沒有了陽光,這就是我的假期生活。我覺得我的假期雖然沒有遊山玩水,但我的假期很充實。假期使我的智慧里有了書籍,我為我的鳥兒插上了翅膀,書像一艘船,正把我從狹隘的地方載向無邊無際的海洋。新翅膀也許會遇到傷折,但正如尼采說的一句話:沒有礁石的阻擋怎能激起美麗的浪花。 所以,我不得不感謝我的假期,我的假期真美好

8. 讀書伴我成長,英語作文初三80字左右

I'm a book worm from my childhood to my green year.I love reading books so much that I read every day for a long time and store many kinds of books.Among so many books,I like essays and novels best.The figures and the plots atract me a lot.Reading makes me smarter and broaden my horizon,through reading I can learn a lot of good words or sentences that make me write better.

9. 好書伴我成長英語作文90詞

今後 ,我依然會與好書為友!因為讀一本好書就象嚴冬里遇到了炭火,它會以無私的自信,給你燃起澎湃與激情。讀一本好書就像酷熱的夏天遇到了濃蔭,在你孤芳自賞時,給你浮躁的心靈泛起輕爽的涼風。讀一本好書,就像迷途的航船遇到了航標燈,讓你高揚理想的風帆,駛向人生的旅程!



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