① 關於中西飲食文化的文章(用英文表達)
The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests (e.g. four people, five dishes). If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish.
A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic. These are followed by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable dishes. Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy "staple" food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes mplings. Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last, but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes, you should say so early on.
Everything is relative, cultural difference being no exception. Culture, as the total pattern of human behavior and its procts, oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways, and it is characterized by its strong penetrativeness and fusibility.
It is no surprise to see phenomena characteristic of one culture existing in another. As a result, some people even fear that the world will become a ll place when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike.
Nevertheless, the 「cultural sediment」 formed through long-range accumulation is not to be easily removed, and the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation shows great consistency and continuity. The cultures of different regions and nations still have their own distinctive peculiarities, and therefore significance still needs to be attached to the study of the indivialities of different cultures against the background of their universality.
之間的主要區別中國和西方的飲食習慣不同的是,西方國家,每個人都有自己的板的食品,在中國菜放在桌子上,每個人都股份。如果您正在接受治療的中國主機,准備一噸糧食。中國感到非常自豪自己的文化的食品和將盡力給你一個口味許多不同類型的菜餚。朋友之間,他們將公正的秩序不夠那裡的人民。如果有人正在為晚餐和關系是禮貌半禮貌,那麼他們通常會以一個更多的菜比賓客人數(如4人死亡, 5菜) 。如果它是一個商業晚宴或一個非常正式的場合,有可能是大量的食物,將不可能完成。
然而, 「文化沉澱」形成長期的積累是不容易被搬走,並移交文化傳統代代相傳顯示偉大的一貫性和連續性。文化的不同地區和國家仍然有自己獨特的特點,因此,意義仍然需要重視的研究個性不同的文化背景下其普遍性。
② 中西方飲食文化差異英文資料,我在做手抄報,盡量簡潔,別太復雜
③ 中西方飲食文化差異用英語怎麼說
全部釋義和例句>>Differences between Chinese and Western diet culture
④ 中西飲食文化差異論文 要英文版的,,請你幫幫忙啦!
⑤ 關於中西方美食文化差異的英語文章
Eating Custom and Practice
American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.
美國人的飲食習慣很有趣。 他們吃所有東西都用叉子。好像用右手拿刀幾秒鍾就被認為與好的桌上進餐禮儀相違背。
The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they transport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑), but it is considered good manners.
這種用法就是如果絕對需要用刀的話, 人們就用左手拿叉, 按平常的方法切下移小塊肉和者其它的東西。然後他們把刀放下,把叉轉到右手, 只有這時他們才把食物送入口中。這顯然很滑稽, 但卻是被認為是好的禮儀。
There are several results of this system. First, if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans don't use one, because obviously this greatly complicates(使復雜化) things, and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes, fish and even bacon(熏豬肉) with a fork. Second, towards the end of a course, since only one implement(器具) is being used, food has to do chased around the plate with the fork - and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place, although one is not supposed to do this.
這樣做有幾種結果。 首先,如果不是絕對需要用到刀, 美國人是 不用的。 因為這樣使得事情復雜化了。所以你就會看到他們用叉來切土豆, 魚, 甚至熏豬肉。其次, 由於只是用了一種器具, 在吃完一道菜時, 就要用叉來到處弄食物,最後一口往往就需要大拇指的幫忙, 雖然是不該用的。
Third, tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks, the outside fork being for the salad. There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remember to save it for the meat course.
第三, 桌上通常會放一把刀, 兩把叉, 外面的叉是用於吃色拉的。 外國人是不必跟美國人一樣試圖用一把叉來吃色拉。但是如果你用刀,記得用來切肉類。
Even desserts(甜食) (except ice cream) are eaten with a fork if at all possible, and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).
在可能的情況下,甚至甜食(除了冰淇淋) 都用叉來吃,在你看到的甜品邊上的小勺是給你的咖啡用的(但是如果你用它來吃甜品,沒人會說什麼。
⑥ 介紹中國和西方人們的飲食差異(英語作文,用張個單詞寫的)
在中國,大家團團圍坐,共享一席。筵席要用圓桌,這就從形式上造成了一種團結、禮貌、共趣的氣氛。人們相互敬酒、相互讓菜、勸菜,在美好的事物面前,體現了人們之間相互尊重、禮讓的美德,符合我們民族「大團圓」的普遍心態,反映了中國古典哲學中「和」這個范疇對後代思想的影響。 而西式飲宴上,食品和酒盡管非常重要,但實際上那是作為陪襯。宴會的核心在於交誼,通過與鄰座客人之間的交談,達到交誼的目的。中式宴會和西式宴會交誼的目的都很明顯,只不過中式宴會更多地體現在全席的交誼。
而西式餐飲的主要特點是:一是生,如牛排帶血絲;二是冷,如凡是飲料都加冰塊;三是甜,無甜不餐,無餐不甜。此外西式餐飲不講究精細,追求快捷方便,也不奢華,比較大眾化。 同時,還重視各類營養成分的搭配組合;選料精細,用料廣泛;講究調味,調味品種多;注重色澤;器皿講究。
⑦ 求一篇關於中國和西方國家飲食習慣差異的英語作文。80字左右。加中文意識。
The Kingdom of Thailand lies in the heart of Southeast Asia, making it a natural gateway to Indochina, Myanmar and Southern China. 。 Its shape and geography divide into four natural regions : the mountains and forests of the North; the vast rice fields of the Central Plains; the semi-arid farm lands of the Northeast plateau; and the tropical islands and long coastline of the peninsula South.
The country has seventy-six provinces that are further divided into districts, sub-districts and villages. Bangkok is the capital city and centre of political, commercial, instrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand's revered Royal Family, with His Majesty the King recognized as Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder of the Buddhist religion and Upholder of all religions.
用google搜索 travel in The Kingdom of Thailand 看一下就行。都是關於泰國的介紹,自己寫作文的話就改一下吧。畢竟作文和資料不太一樣。看不懂可以直接看譯文。
⑧ 急求!!!有關中西飲食文化差異的外文參考文獻,3個以上
1.Dominique Bouchet.Differences in Food Culture – Traditions & Trends.Odense University,1999.
2.Hansen, Barbara. Taste of Southeast Asia. Tucson, AZ: HPBooks, Inc., 1987.
3.Hyman, Gwenda L. Cuisines of Southeast Asia: A Culinary Journey Through China,Thailand, Myanmar,Japan. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.
4.Hallock, Constance M. Fun and Festival from East Asia. New York, NY: Friendship Press, 1968.
⑨ 急求英語作文 講中西飲食文化差異的 高分懸賞
Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from become the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision, exchanges and melted into whole mankind's civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of ecated medium west food culture of difference, but this kind of difference come from medium the west different mode of thinking with concting philosophy.
This text introced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea, food object, food method, food ownership and property etc. carry on the comparison of the culture.