❶ 關於語言學習和考試不及格的因果關系英語作文
❷ 2014年運用因果關系的英語四級作文範文
Why Do We Learn English
As the society is developing fast and China has joined the WTO,English is becoming a 「bridge」 of communication between China and the world outside.With the wide use of the Internet,it is necessary for people to learn English.Now,besides the native speakers,the number of people studying and using English is larger and larger in the world.English has become a real world language.As a middle school student,we learn English not only for the need of going to a high school and finding a job in the future,but also for the developing of our country.
The Advantage of Bicycle Riding
❸ 大學英語作文怎麼用因果論證
Why School Is Dull in Our Eyes
Whenever we talk about holidays, there is always a pretty smile on our faces. But when we realize our holidays will soon be over and we have to return to school, we feel a bit sad. This is not because we hate study. What we hate is our ll life at school.
The scope①of our school life is nothing more than our school, or even the much smaller classroom. Every day, every term, we have our lessons in the same classroom repeatedly. We have no chance to get in touch with society to enrich our life. School is just like a cage that binds②our thoughts and behaviors. How can we teenagers stay in a cage? For the teenagers it is just time that our own characters are formed. One's character must be moulded through practice and experiences. But the school passes us knowledge merely from text books. And no student can free himself from so many kinds of homework. Can we form our character in this way? No, never!
We can not make free use of our time. Everyday we are forced to do what we don't like to do. Everyday we have to study for better scores. We just don't want to be slaves of scores. Sometimes we do not even have time to read newspapers. Once I heard that one of us did not even know who Ronald Reagan③ is. But most of our teachers at school think that good scores are more important than stronger characters. They highly praise students who achieve good scores instead of praising those with strong characters.
All of us hope that life is becoming richer and richer, and the scope of life much wider. In school we should acquire not only knowledge, but also learn to understand nature of life. If school life is full of fun and interests, I believe we will enjoy school life much better.
①scope [sk up] n.范圍;眼界
②bind [nd] v.捆;束縛
③Ronald Reagan['r&n ld 'reig n] 羅納德・里根(美國總統名)
本文作者在引言段為自己立論「What we hate is our ll life at school.」。接著,作者在正文中運用因果辯證關系對這一論點進行了直接論證。如果我們把「our ll life at school」看作結果的話,那麼本文就是由結果推斷原因了。作者根據自身的體驗和學校存在的事實,分析出了兩方面的原因:一是教學脫離實際、脫離社會,二是學校推行的是應試教育。最後,作者的結論是多姿多彩的學校生活才不會枯燥。
❹ 有因果關系的英語作文怎麼寫
1.表文章結構順序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second… And then,Finally,In the end,At last
2.表並列補充關系:What is more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,In addition As well as,not only…but (also), including,
3.表轉折對比關系:However,On the contrary,but,Although+clause(從句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表 因 果 關 系:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As a result 5.表換一種方式表達:In other words,that is to say,
6.表進行舉例說明:For example;For instance;such as+n/doing 7.表 陳 述 事 實:In fact,frankly speaking,
8.表達自己觀點:As far as I know/concerned,In my opinion,personally, as to me
9.表總結:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary,all in all, briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, as you know, as is known to all
良好的開端等於成功的一半.在寫作文時,通常以最簡單也最常用的方式---開門見山法.也就是說, 直截了當地提出你對這個問題的看法或要求,點出文章的中心思想. A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and
disadvantages.(用於說明某物的正反兩面) B. Compared to/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient.(用
於比較/對比 兩事物) C.Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the
city and in the countryside. (人們關於生活在城市還是農村的優缺點的看法不同)(用於表達看法) D. As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.(用於說明某物的重要性) E. Why do you go to university Different people have different points of view.
(反問語氣,更有吸引力,增強說服力)(用法廣泛) 文中正確使用兩三個好的句型,如:定語從句、狀語從句、動名詞做主語等. 賓語從句舉例:I believe Tianjin will be more beautiful and prosperous.
狀語從句舉例:If everyone does something for the environment,our hometown will become clean and beautiful.
動名詞做主語舉例:Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes. =It』s bad for our eyes to read books in the sun.
❺ 關於大學生兼職的影響的英文作文按因果法中的結果展開方式寫,怎麼寫
寫人的文章,要先確定這個人的特點,你想寫他的哪個方面。舉個例子吧。比如你想寫你的一個好朋友。寫他這個人很熱心,愛幫助人,那就先構思一些例子,比如如何幫助隔壁鄰居家的小孩,如何幫助你還有你班上的同學,如何幫助馬路上遇上的正要過馬路的老人等等。記住!舉例子是個好方法,既會讓你的文章飽滿豐富,又不會給人空洞的感覺,還能在瞬間使字數增加。寫的時候要有詳有略,詳細的寫一件事情,然後再略寫幾件事,一筆代過。採用最討巧的結構——總分總,就可以了。 總體把握小學生寫作文 一、提高認識事物和表達事物的能力。我國著名教育家葉聖陶先生指出:「寫任何東西決定於認識和經驗,有什麼樣的認識和經驗,才能寫出什麼樣的東西來。反之,沒有表達認識的能力,同樣也寫不出好作文」。 二、把認識結構作為作文的核心,包括學習知識,觀察積累,記憶儲存,訓練思維,豐富想像,培養情感,鍛煉意志;從說到寫,推敲修改,多讀勤寫。 三、樹立大作文觀,聽、說、讀、寫有機結合 一要注重審題;二要明確寫作目的,立意要新;三是選材要有根據;四要講究謀篇技巧,安排好篇章結構;五要注意文章分段,事先列小標題,作文提綱;六要注重文章寫法,因文用法;七要妙用語言,用思想調遣語言。 學會五種立意法:以事贊人,直抒胸臆,借物喻理,觸景生情,托物言志。 四、作文大目標的逐年級分解: 一年級字詞,二年級句子,三年級片斷,四年級篇章,五年級綜合,六年級提高。 五、實施五項訓練 根據認識是作文的核心這一原則,圍繞這個發展學生心理機制的核心,扎扎實實地進行了五項訓練: (一)、字詞訓練。學習掌握大量字詞。掌握運用字詞的金鑰匙:聯系自己熟悉的事物;聯系自己生活實際;聯系自己學會的語言及字詞知識。 運用「十引說」的方法,把字詞學習與說話訓練相結合。「十引說」是:1、分析字形;2、利用教具;3、憑圖學詞;4、組詞擴詞;5、選詞填空;6、詞語搭配;7、調整詞序;8、觸景用詞;9、詞語分類;10、聯詞成句。豐富了說話訓練內容,使自己積累大量會說會用的字詞,為寫作文打下堅實基礎。 (二)、句子訓練。只要是一個句子,都包括兩個方面:一是說的人、事、物、景,二是說目的。可有些教師指導學生說一句話時,沒有很好憑借圖畫和事物,認真教學生觀察、認識、分析、表達的方法,只是拿出一張圖或一事物讓學生說寫一句話,學生不知道為什麼要說寫一句話,怎樣說寫一句話,說寫一句什麼句型、什麼句式的話,導致作文中語調單一、呆板、不活潑生動。可以改讓學生憑圖、看物、對話、練習說寫一句時間、地點、人物、事件四要素完整的話,四種句型,九種句式的話。學生才會在作文中運用不同句型、句式,表達不同的思想、感情、態度、目的。 (三)、段的訓練。結合八種段式:以事物發展為序段,時間先後為序段,空間變換為序段,總述、分述結構段,因果段、轉折段,遞進段,並列段。以此認識客觀事物的發生、發展規律。不論哪種段式,都是記敘事物的發展和人們對事物的認識,即段的內容,段的中心。它和一句話一樣,也是對人、事、物、景的敘述,也是表達一個意思。只不過是把一句話進一步說得更清楚、更深刻。 (四)、篇章訓練。篇是由段組成的。通過對審題、立意、選材、謀篇、定法、用語的知識與方法,通過記敘、描寫、抒情、議論四種表達方法,文章開頭與結尾、過渡與呼應方法,各種文章體裁的知識與方法。學會寫中心明確,意思完整,詳略得當的記敘文和應用文。 (五)、生活現場訓練。採用生活現場訓練,更好地體會「從內容入手」寫作文。 通過各種作文教學活動,如「確定中心討論會」、「選材討論會」、「作文會診會」、「小諸葛審題會」、「妙用詞語比賽會」,從活動中生動具體地學到作文知識與寫作文的方法。另外,還可開展各種校內外活動,如跳繩、拔河、踢毽、球類、背書比賽,從而學會如何寫比賽作文;開展校內外義務勞動,學會如何寫勞動場面;舉行詩歌朗誦、講演會,學會如何寫會議場面及會議上的見聞;通過參觀訪問,瀏覽名勝古跡,學會如何寫參觀訪問記、游記。學習觀察方法,留心周圍的事物、事件,「處處留心皆學問,人情練達即文章」。通過現場生活作文,進一步認識到:生活是作文的沃土。從而學會寫真事、抒真情,陶冶真、善、美的情操,培養良好的文風。 實行「互評互改」,培養學生思維獨立性和創造性。學生作文寫好後,組織在小組內講評。先學習別人作文的優點,再用批評的眼光互相指出作文中的缺點,並指出改進意見。在此基礎上重新再寫,從而使學生每寫一篇都有收獲。 寫出誠實的自己的話 「寫誠實的自己的話」是老教育家葉聖陶先生說的。旨在營造「自主」作文的五彩世界。所謂「自主」就是不受條條框框的限制,讓學生無拘無束的思想,自由自在的寫作。「自主」作文就是「言為心聲」,率性而為,展現自我的風采,體現鮮明的個性。 應當脫離作文教學的陳舊方式,可以讓學生在「自主」狀態下寫作,褪去矯揉造作、模仿穿鑿,賦予其鮮活的想像力,豐富的創造力,等待收獲的將是繽紛的色彩,清新的果實和勃勃的生機。 寫作時,課堂上常發生這樣的情況:有的學生文思枯竭,三言兩語就把要說的傾倒完了,乾乾癟癟;有的學生卻思緒綿綿,腦子里如有活水,或潺潺流淌,或波瀾起伏,筆下洋洋灑灑。究其原因,與寫作材料充足與否當然有密切關系,然而,切不可忽視另一重要因素,即想像力發揮得如何。 根據近代腦生理的研究,人的大腦可分為四個功能部位,即感受部位、判斷部位、儲存部位和想像部位。就多數人而言,前三個部位注意開發,想像部位比較忽視。據研究測試,一般人只用了自身想像力的15%,潛力很大。學寫作,就要重視想像力的發展。人們說,科學是從想像開始的,如果人們不幻想能像烏一樣飛,像魚一樣游,哪來今日的飛機、潛艇寫文章也一樣,發揮想像力,讓思想插上雙翅飛翔,就能上下求索,神遊八荒,獲得十分豐富的寫作材料。 開展想像應選擇不定向的、跳躍式的、自由自在的方式,也就是浮想聯翩,不受限制地思考。一般地說,人們思考問題常常是按一定的常規、一定的角度進行,思維的范圍比較窄,而想像卻不是按部就班地思考,是不受任何拘束放開來想,思維充分發散。思維發散,頭腦中就能形成許多從來沒見過的事物形象,創造出前所未有的新形象。 寫作文常犯的簡單錯誤 小學生寫作文,最常犯的錯誤,就是作文偏題或離題。 另一個常見的毛病是文筆不好,詞彙不夠,如果再加上內容「天馬行空」,胡亂寫一篇現實生活中不可能發生的事,或搗蛋、有負面影響的作文,那可就慘了。 幾個原因: (1)選材不恰當:尤其是看圖作文,沒有照圖片發揮,而是任意「創作」。 (2)詞彙不夠:形容「開心」的事,通篇都是「開心」,沒有別的形容詞; (3)句子不通順:尤其是英語式華語,例如「小麗掉了課本」(正確是「小麗的課本掉了」)。 (4)構思不完整、詳略不當:開頭寫了一大半,來到主題中心思想時卻兩句話帶過,結尾更是草草了事,犯了主題不突出的毛病。 (5)觀察力不夠,描寫不深入:例如描寫弟弟頑皮,沒有舉例具體說明。 小學作文:看圖作文最容易 竅門:依照個別的圖片造句,然後將個別圖片的造句串連起來,加上一些連貫詞彙、描寫和形容詞等,便能達到基本要求。 中學作文:敘述文最易掌握 竅門:先不要考慮、擔憂字數,一口氣把一個人(例如我敬愛的人)、一件事(例如我難忘的事)描述和交待清楚,只要達到文字通順就可及格;如在內容及技巧上下功夫,還可拿高分。 學生經常出現的錯誤包括抓不到重點、詞彙不夠、題材不夠、聯想力差等。 應多加練習 夠多了吧
❻ 急需一篇英語作文,通過因果關系說明,闡述成功的主要因素。題目為On Success 要求按寫作模式寫,拜託各位
1) A closer analysis of the top achievers』 success can find that their success has much relation to the common factors as follows. 2) In the first place, it is the proct of their readiness to capture the fleeting but bright ideas. 3) As a growing body of evidence reveals, what separates the average person from the top achievers is the ability to encourage creative impulses and then act upon them. 4) In the second, it is the result of their effective adjustments to the changing world. 5) In response to difficulties and challenges, they manage to bring into play all the positive factors, such as changing their plain names, striking a balance between work and leisure, and motivating themselves in adversity. 6) And most of all, it is the effect of their perseverance in their struggle for success. 7) No matter what may happen to their pursuits, nothing can pull them away from striving toward their goals. 8) In sum, unyielding efforts in combination with the effective reaction to bright ideas and adaptive ability can almost always lead to success.
❼ 為什麼微博如此流行用因果的手法寫一篇300個詞的英語作文
In recent years, Micro-blog has been more and more popular. Precisely, Micro-blog has become part of people』s life. It seems that everybody has a Micro-blog now. Many factors contribute to the widespread of Micro-blogging. First, Micro-blog enables people to convey their emotions and indivial thoughts more conveniently. Micro-blog has no fixed rules and needn』t professional knowledge and skills, which enables millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.
❽ 英語作文考試掛科因果關系
Why Do We Learn English
As the society is developing fast and China has joined the WTO, English is becoming a 「bridge」 of communication between China and the world outside. With the wide use of the Internet, it is necessary for people to learn English. Now, besides the native speakers, the number of people studying and using English is larger and larger in the world. English has become a real world language. As a middle school student, we learn English not only for the need of going to a high school and finding a job in the future, but also for the developing of our country.
The Advantage of Bicycle Riding
Bicycle riding has many advantages. It is the least expensive way of traveling
apart from walking. If you travel by bicycle, you don』t have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. Besides, it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car.
Bicycle riding is especially good for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need every day. Bicycling is also good for our environment. It is less noisy and does not pollute the air. I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school.
Why Should We Play
Play is an important part of life. Some people ever think that the purpose of life is play. Most Americans spend their holidays playing and more people come to believe that play is the lubricant of life. Open the newspaper, and you will see a great deal of news about movies, concerts, art exhibitions, television programs and all kinds of sport events. Indeed, if you will just step outside, you will see people heading for the park for picnic or taking their children to the zoo. During the weekends, life is play.
Why Do We Need to Rece the Population
Overpopulation is a serious problem in many less developed countries because it can bring about lots of trouble for us.
In the street we can see a number of people. We can』t breathe the fresh air. When we catch the bus or the train, there are so many people that it is very difficult for us to catch it. When we want to buy a ticket for a film, we may stand in a line for a long time. The more people there are on the earth, the more rubbish we have. And the air and the water are polluted more quickly. And one day the earth can』t stand so many people. So we must rece the population.
❾ 關於大學生兼職的影響英文作文按因果法中的結果展開方式寫,怎麼寫呢