⑴ 十篇寧夏歷年英語中考作文範文(題目,寫作要求,譯文)
1. 能根據寫作要求,收集、准備素材。
2. 能獨立起草短文、書信等,並在教師的指導下進行修改。
3. 能使用常見的連接詞和邏輯關系。
4. 能簡單描述人物或事件。
5. 能根據所給圖示或表格寫出簡單的段落或操作說明。
(08 紹興)七、書面表達(本題共2小題,76小題5分,77小題15分,共20分)
76. 假如你叫Ben, 即將參加奧運會志願者面試,請你根據自己的實際情況完成下面的自我介紹,並用一句話說明你成為志願者後的打算。(注意:文中所填內容必須全部用英語表達)
I am Ben, a student in Class 3, Grade 3. I am _______ years old. My hobby is __________. I work hard at my subjects and I am good at ____________. To be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games is my dream. If I become a volunteer, ___________________.
77. 假如你是今天英語課上的值日生,請根據表中信息完成主題為「班級新聞」的值日報告。
(09 紹興) 七、書面表達(本題有2小題,76小題5分,77小題15分,共計20分)
76.Eric 是一位來自美國的交換
Eric, it is easy to find the
Space Museum. Just go across the _________ near our school. Walk down the street, and ________ at the first crossing. Walk on, and you』ll see the Space Museum. It』s __________ the restaurant. Please ___________.
中國課堂 美國課堂
特點 不稱呼老師名字
舉手發言 學生面對面就座
There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let』s have a look.In China ___________________________________________________________________________________
★★★真題感悟: 從08年和09年連續兩年的書面表達來看,第一題主要考查學生的基礎詞彙和基本的句法,而且也沒有固定的答案,給學生提供了自由發揮的空間,應該說對考生沒有多大難度。第二題為半開放性作文,所選的話題都貼近於學生的生活,體現了以「學生能力立意」和以「教育價值立意」兩大命題特色,使每位考生有話可寫,又不會跑題。但從作文的要求來看,要求考生根據表格的內容能流暢組織成文,不能逐條翻譯,同時又要學生發表自己的想法,這對考生來說有一定的難度,要求考生有一定的知識儲備和一定的寫作技巧,才會發揮出理想的成績。
三. 2010年中考書面表達的應對策略
1. 制訂學期計劃,確立每周寫作訓練話題。
制訂了每周的寫作計劃是不夠的, 學生的寫作水平能否提高,不純粹決定於寫作的數量及頻度,其中離不開教師的有效指導,教師要幫助學生學會寫作。 為了提高課堂教學的效率,將個人才智轉化為集體優勢,每周備課組活動時,有一位教師負責主講本周寫作話題,精心設計好該話題的教案,進行說課活動,說課內容一般包括本周話題的教學內容、教學目標、教學方法、教學過程和教學理念,通過說課,充分發揮集體優勢,完善課堂設計,有效施教。在進行說課的同時,也要求主講教師做好課件,實現資源共享,共同提高教學質量,使課堂變得生動、有趣、和諧,從而激發學生的寫作興趣。另外每月推出一位教師上寫作研討課,組織其他教師進行觀摩和交流,促進全體成員整體素質的提升,以利於教學質量的不斷提高。
周次 日期 寫作話題 教材連接
3.1-3.6 有關人物描述,興趣愛好,感恩的話題
如:1)Introce myself/my friend/…
2)The person I will never forget. B8(上) Unit 6 & Unit 9
B8(下) Unit 6
B9 Unit 2
3.7-3.13 有關語言學習的話題
如:1)How to learn English/Chinese well?
2) How do you study for the test?
B9 Unit 1
3.14-320 有關校園生活,課外娛樂,日常活動的話題
如:1) What rules do you have at home/school?
2)How to spend your weekend? B8(上) Unit 7&Unit 11
B9 Unit 3
3.21-3.27 有關計劃和願望的話題
如: 1) My dream
2) If I had a lot of money, … B8(下) Unit 5
B9 Unit 4
3.28-4.3 有關健康,飲食,運動,衛生,安全的話題
如:1)How to keep healthy
2)How to protect ourselves B8(上)Unit 1& Unit 2
B9 Unit 6 Reading
4.4-4.10 有關旅遊和交通的話題
如:1)Where would you like to go on a vacation?
2)An unforgettable experience B8(上) Unit 3&Unit 8
B8(下) Unit 3 & Unit 9
B9 Unit 7 and Unit 10
4.11-4.17 有關志願者活動,愛心表現的話題
如:1)What could you do to help people in trouble ?
2)How to be a good child B8(上)Unit 10
B9 Unit 8
4.18-4.24 有關風俗習慣,禮儀,節假日活動的話題
如:1)The customs in China/in foreign countries
2) The most important festival B8(下) Unit 7
B9 Unit 12
B9 Unit 13 Reading
4.25-5.1 有關評價,分析利弊的話題
如: 1) The movie/book /music you like best
2) The advantages and disadvantages of… B8(上)Unit 12
B9 Unit 6 & Unit 9
B9 Unit 13
5.2-5.8 有關環保,關愛動物,節約的話題
如:1)How to make our city more attractive?
2) How to protect animals?
B9 Unit 15
5.9-5.11 有關個人情感,人際關系,生活瑣事的話題
如:1)How to get along well with your teachers?
2)How to deal with our problems? B9 Unit 1 Reading
B9 Unit 3 Reading
十二 5.16-5.22 有關問路,購物,就餐,打電話,提建議,
邀請,感謝,抱怨,天氣等小話題 B8(下) Unit 2,Unit 8 and Unit 9 B9 Unit 11
十三 5.23-5,29 有關熱點話題
(1) 教師上課前,組長負責,討論並整理好每周話題所涉及到得詞彙、句型、和亮點等,讓學生以寬松的方式激活原有的知識,拓展知識面
(2) 獨立完成自己的文稿之後,根據中考作文評分標准給自己打分,然後組員交換批改,又要給組員評分,通過這樣兩次批改的方式,使每位學生能明確意識到自己的不足,就會主動去寫出最優秀的英語作文。
3. 科學評價學生,提高作業批改質量
教師對學生的作文的評語不能過於單一,要採用積極肯定的評語,首先表揚他寫作的優點或進步之處;然後婉轉的表達自己的建議,例如 I am glad you have made some progress. By the way, are you pleased with your handwriting? 這樣的話,學生會很樂意接受自己的不足。
(1) 加強語言基礎知識的學習和訓練。 ①要有足夠的詞彙量; ②要掌握好英語的五種基本句型; ③要把握基本的語法知識,如:動詞的時態和語態、主謂一致、非謂語動詞的使用、形容詞/副詞的比較等級等等; ④熟悉習慣用語和習慣搭配; ⑤注意相似詞語、易混詞語的辨析。
⒉ 把握技巧,在考場中充分發揮
(1) 認真審題,明確要求。 審題是做好書面表達的前提,做題之前應認真分析說明材料,明確題目要求。審題包括「三審」:審文體,審格式,審人稱。
(2) 捕捉信息,組織要點 。書面表達的評分依據之一就是內容要點。因此,在認真審題,弄清題意的基礎上,逐個地完整無缺地把內容要點列出(一般為5—8個要點),並用明白、恰當、得體的語言表達出來;其次要盡量杜絕中國式英語,更不能逐字逐句地將漢語譯成英語,使得文章支離破碎。
(3) 注重開頭,寫好結尾。 大家都知道「Well begun is half done」。從歷年的試題來看,都有一定的材料提示,而且有明確的字數限制。所以開頭宜開門見山,確保不出任何錯誤,最好能做到引人入勝。另外文章能否得高分,結尾也很關鍵。好的結尾能起到畫龍點睛的作用,也能使閱卷老師的眼睛為之一「亮」,這樣的作文,高分非你莫屬。至於說怎樣結尾,應根據不同體裁的文章而定,或總結全文,或表明對所寫人物的態度,或適可而止,水到渠成。
(4) 譴詞造句,准確表達。 清理了要點之後,就要組詞成句了。要盡量用課文中學過的較為規范的詞語、句型、範例。當遇到生僻的短語或句式時,可靈活地使用自己已經學過的表達方式巧妙地繞過去。對於英語水平較高的同學,在能清楚表達文章內容的前提下,盡量措詞有加,不時出現「閃光點」,為你的文章增輝添彩。而達不到這個層次的同學,還是盡量用簡潔、精煉的語句表達,做到言簡意賅的為好。
(5) 整理成篇,行文連貫。 在根據要點完成連詞成句的步驟後,要分清文章的層次,先說什麼,後說什麼,把這些句子重新排列組織起來,使之前後連貫,構成一篇語氣通順的文章。同時還要注意句子與句子之間過渡要自然,可加上適當的表示並列、遞進、因果、轉折等關系的連詞,使文章更加流暢。
(6) 規范書寫,一氣呵成 。上述所有的環節完成之後,最後一步就是規范、整潔的將草稿上的文章抄寫到答題卷上去。一篇切題、內容豐富、表達清楚、自然流暢的文章,加上瀟灑、漂亮的書寫,自然就會成為一篇佳作。
⑵ 給我准備一些2013年江西省中考英語可能考的作文,最好有範文和翻譯,謝謝
以my mother為題 然後····
⑶ 2013年大連中考英語作文是什麼
1.Where is the best place to go?
2.What is the place special for?
3.What should you pay attention to?
It's a good idea to go travelling ring the summer vacation. I think the best place to visit is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
⑷ 成都市2013年中考英語作文題目
Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to changshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,「, don』t do anything halfway.」at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept these shoes。i was very happy
⑸ 2020年中考英語作文必背10篇(列印背誦版)
一、My Friend George(我的朋友喬治)
George is my friend. He is 12 years old. He is 152 centimetres tall. He weighs 40 kilograms. He usually plays basketball and table tennis at the weekend.
He lives in the countryside. There are a lot of houses with gardens in the countryside. There are hills, rivers, lakes and a lot of trees.
People there like to walk or ride their bikes. I often go there at the weekend. We enjoy ourselves there.
二、Changes in Shenzhen(深圳的變化)
In the past, Shenzhen was a small village. There were some low houses. There were not many trees. There were not many people in the village.
People rode bikes or walked to a faraway place. They got the crops in by hand. So the life was very hard.Now Shenzhen is a beautiful city.
There are a lot of tall buildings. There are many trees and flowers in the city. The air is very fresh here. People likes shopping and playing with their friends.
Some people enjoy themselves at the parks or museums. They often use the computer to work. They can take a subway or plane drive the car to a faraway place in a short time. People in Shenzhen have a modern life. They like Shenzhen very much.
三、My school in the future(學校的將來)
In the future , my school will be very big . It will be even in space . We will go there by a space ship . There will be a big library .
There will be many books in the library . We will read books there . We will use a machine to find books . There will be a big playground . We can play ball games there .
And we will have a lot of fun there . There will be a computer room . Students will do a lot of things and play games there. Some students』 homes are far away from school.
So they will study online at home . Students will have a little homework , so we can have a good time at home . Sometimes we can play in the garden with our friends .I think my school will be very better and better .
四、My favourite painting(我最喜歡的畫)
It is a famous picture by Xu Beihong. Mr. Xu was a painter who was good at Chinese ink painting and oil painting.
The name of the picture is Running Horse. It was painted in 1941. It』s a Chinese ink painting. It』s in black and white.
Look at the running horse , it has strong legs. It looks powerful. I like it because I like horses. This horse looks powerful.
五、The name of the picture()
The name of the picture is Sunflowers. This is a painting by Vincent van Gogh. He was a Netherlands painter. He painted this picture in France , 1888.
It's a famous oil painting. In the picture , there are some beautiful yellow flowers in the vase. I like the picture because it's colourful. And it makes me feel alive when I look at it. This is my favourite painting.
The name of the picture is Mona Lisa. It's a famous oil painting. This is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
He was a great painter. He was from Italy. In the picture , there is a beautiful woman. I like the picture because I am very curious about her smile.
六、A gift for my father(一個給我父親的禮物)
Father』s Day is coming. I want to make a pen holder for my father. I need a piece of paper, a bottle and some sticks.
First, colour the sticks and write some words on it. Next, stick the paper with glue around the bottle. Then, stick the sticks on the paper with some glue. Finally, I make a beautiful pen holder.
七、A gift for my cousin(一個給我表兄的禮物)
Hello, I am Alice.Look! I made a puzzle.I used a picture, a piece of cardboard, some tape, a pair of scissors and a pencil.
First, I stuck the picture onto the cardboard with the tape.Next, I drew some lines on the back of the cardboard.
Then, I cut the picture into pieces.Finally, I put the puzzles into a box.I made it for my cousin.Because he likes doing the puzzles.
翻譯:你好,我是愛麗絲,看! 我做了一個拼圖。我用了一幅畫,一塊紙板,一些膠帶,一把剪刀和一個鉛筆,先,我用磁帶,下一個,我在後面畫了幾條線硬紙板。那麼,我把照片剪成碎片。終於,我把拼圖放進一個盒子里。我為我的表兄。因為他喜歡做拼圖。
八、My PE lessons(我的體育課)
Hello, I am Mike. there are eight subjects. I am good at Chinese, Maths and English, but my favourite lesson is PE. We have three PE lessons at school every week.
I like the short races. And I run very fast. I like the high jump, too. Every day I do some exercise. Because I want to be a sportsman in the future. How about you?
九、Bob--A helpful boy
Bob is a helpful boy. He always helps his classmates and teachers. The blackboard is always dirty after lessons.
He often cleans it. His teacher always carries many books to class, so he always opens the door when his teacher came in.
His classmate Ann is not good at Maths, Bob often helps her. Bob is very helpful, he often helps old people carry bags. He often gives money to poor people and he also gives his seat to old people.
十、Help people(幫助人們)
Helping others is a beautiful thing. My father is a doctor.He often helps sick people.Under my father's influence,I also learn to help people.
At school I help my classmates and my teachers.After school I often help old people cross the street and carry heavy bags for them.
At home when I finish homework, I help my mother clean the house,wash dishes and water the plants.When I help people, I am so glad.
⑹ 北京市歷年中考英語作文
1、 小作文5分
一個美國小孩 來中國後 給你郵的一張明信片有內容
要求版 你給他回寄一張明信片
旁邊有個表 是往那權里寫的
I learn english for ...
內容:學英語的目的 原因 今後打算
要求: 80 ---100 字
⑺ 2013年中考英語作文萬能句子匯編
1. We ' re often told that ......But is this really the case ?
2. People used to ......however , things are quite different today .
3.some people think that ......Others believe that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth in both sides.But we must realize that ......
4.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution .
5. It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face .
6. In short , we must work hard to make the world a better place .
7.Lost time is never found again.
8.Everybody should have a dream.
9.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
10.Failure is the mother of success.
11.Let's look on the bright side.
1. 重點句型
1). It』s adj for sb to do 做…對某人來說…
2). … so … that … 如此… 以至於…
… too … to do 太… 而不能…
such … that … 如此… 以至於…
3). not…until… 直到…才…
例: I didn』t go to bed until my mother came back.
4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 … 的原因是…
The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. ( 他生氣的原因是她對他說了謊。)
5). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因
6). That is because + 句子 那是因為…
7). It is said that + 句子 據說…
It is reported that + 句子 據報道…
8). There is no doubt that + 句子 毫無疑問…
9). It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫無疑問
10). There is no need to do沒必要做…
11). There is no point in doing 做某事毫無意義
2. 提建議
had better (not) do 最好(不)做
how about / what about doing …怎麼樣?
I think you should do 我認為你應該…
I suggest that you should do 我建議你做…
If I were you, I would do…我要是你的話,我會做…
It』s best to do 最好做…
Why not do / why don』t you do…? 為什麼不…
3. 表示喜歡和感興趣
like / love doing
enjoy doing
be fond of doing 喜歡做…
be keen on n/doing 喜歡做…
prefer to do A rather than do B 寧願做A也不願做B
be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing 感興趣
4. .努力做…
try to do努力做…
strive to do 努力做…
try one』s best to do= do one』s best to do 竭盡全力做…
make efforts to do = make every effort to do 盡力做…
do what sb can (do ) to do 盡力做…
spare no effort to do 不遺餘力的做…
do what / everything sb. can to do 盡某人全力做…
5. 打算做… / 計劃做…
intend / plan to do 打算做…
be going to do 打算/計劃做…
decide to do 決定做…
determine to do決定做…
be determined to do決定做…
make up one』s mind to do下定決心做…
6. 表示想/希望
want to do = would like to do 想做…
hope to do 希望做…
expect to do 期待著做…
wish to do 希望做…
consider doing 考慮做…
7. 只加doing 作賓語的動詞
finish 完成/ practice 練習 / suggest建議 / consider 考慮 / mind 介意 / enjoy 喜歡doing
look forward to doing 盼望做…
keep on doing 堅持做…
dream of doing 夢想做…
can』t help doing 情不自禁地做…
keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做…
be busy (in ) doing be busy with + 名詞 忙於做…
spend time / money (in )doing spend time / money on + 名詞 花費時間做…
have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得開心
have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing 或 with + 名詞 做…有困難
■ 中考考點
■ 必背知識
1. Actions speak louder than words. 事實勝於雄辯?
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難朋友才是真朋友?
3. A good beginning is half done. 良好的開端是成功的一半?
4. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成?
5. All roads lead to Rome. 條條大道通羅馬?
6. Easier said than done. 說起來容易,做起來難?
7. Easy come, easy go. 來得快,去得快?
8. Every man has his weak side. 人人都有缺點?
9. Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母?
10. Look before you leap. 三思而後行?
11. Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人?
12. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若無友,就如同生命中沒有太陽?
13. All things are difficult before they are easy. 萬事開頭難?
14. Always prepare for a rainy day. 未雨綢繆?
15. As you sow, so shall you reap. 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆?
16. I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort. 成功要靠三件事才能贏得:努力,努力,再努力?
17. Don』t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 有事莫推明天?
18. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧?
19. Bad news has wings. 好事不出門,壞事傳千里?
20. Honesty is the best policy. 做人以誠信為本?
21. You have to believe in yourself. That』s the secret of success. 你必須相信自己,這是成功的關鍵?
22. Don』t judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人?
23. 表起始的過渡語:first of all, to begin with, in my opinion, according to, so far, as far as等?
24. 表時間的過渡語:first, at first, then, later, in the end, finally, afterwards, after that, since then, for the first time, at last, as soon as, the next moment, meanwhile, later on, soon, finally等?
25. 表空間的過渡語:on the right/left, to the right/left of, on one side of… on the other side of…, at the foot/top/end of, in the middle/centre of, next to, far from, in front of等?
26. 表因果的過渡語:for, because of, one reason is that… another reason is that…, thus, so, as a result (of)等?
27. 表轉折的過渡語:but, yet, however, after all, in fact, while, on the contrary, instead of, unlike, although, otherwise,nevertheless, in spite of, after all等?
28. 表列舉的過渡語:for example, such as, that is, like, as follows, in other words, and so on等?
29. 表推進的過渡語:what』s more, on one hand… on the other hand…, in addition to, as well, still, also, in other words, not only…but also…, besides, furthermore, moreover等?
30. 表總結的過渡語:in short, in a word, in general, in brief, in all, on the whole等?
1. 不用說…… It goes without saying that …
= (It is) needless to say (that) ….
= It is obvious that ….
It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.
2. 在各種……之中,…… Among various kinds of …, … /= Of all the …, …
Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.
3. 就我的看法……;我認為……
In my opinion, …
= To my mind, ….
= As far as I am concerned, …
= I am of the opinion that ….
例:In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.
4. 隨著人口的增加…… With the increase/growth of the population, …
隨著科技的進步…… With the advance of science and technology, …
例:With the rapid development of Taiwan』s economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.
5. ……是必要的 It is necessary (for sb.) to do / that …
…… 是重要的 It is important/essential (for sb.) to do / that …
…… 是適當的 It is proper (for sb.) to do / that …
……是緊急的 It is urgent (for sb.) to do / that …
例:It is proper for us to keep the public places clean.
It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.
6. 花費 spend … on sth. / doing sth. …
We shouldn』t spend too much time on something we aren』t interested in.
7. how 引導的感嘆句
At least it will prove how honest you are.
8. 狀語從句
A) 如果你不……,你就會…… If you don』t ..., you』ll ...
例︰If you don』t keep working hard, you』ll lose the chance.
B) 如此 ……,以至於…… so … that …
例:At that moment, I was so upset that I wanted to give up.
C) 每當我聽到……我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.
每當我做……我就忍不住感到悲傷。 Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.
每當我想到……我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.
每當我遭遇……我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened.
每當我看到……我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.
例:Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.
= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.
9. 賓語從句
我認為,…… / 我認為……不 I think / I don』t think that …
我想知道是否…… I wonder whether …
例:He doesn』t think I should stop him joining the club.
10. Since + S + 過去式, S + 現在完成式.
例:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.
⑻ 2013年至2015年河北省張家口市宣化區中考英語的作文題目
張家口電腦學校更好的當屬張家口嘉程電腦職業學校,那裡有專科和本科,專回科全學電腦,本科答除電腦外還有會計英語和汽車駕駛等熱門就業技能,畢業發專科或本科畢業證書,安排工作。給你個網址你看看 http://www.jcpts.com
⑼ 近幾年中考英語作文!帶翻譯,要5篇
If I am able to create a holiday, it would be the "Food and Fun Day". Think about it, with all the school homework and exams; it would be really nice to take a break from all the studies and just relax. Also I think everyone would enjoy the great food and lots of fun. It』s just like a big party where everyone is invited. I would like the "Food and Fun Day" be set ring the middle of the school year, where everyone can relax from their studies for a day. On that day, everyone will bring food and drinks to school and share what they brought with friends, students, and teachers. There will also be games and winners gets great prizes. Think about it, how great it would be to have a holiday like that!假如你叫李華,請根據以上要求,寫一封想作奧運會的志願者申請信。
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I』d like very much to be a volunteer.
All our Chinese are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests and athletes from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What』s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication ring Olympics, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English.
To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.根據國務院發布的「限塑令」,自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商場實行塑料購物袋有償使用制度,超市、商場一律不得免費提供塑料購物袋。請你寫一篇英語短文,要求包括以下內容:
參考詞彙:禁令 ban 意識 awareness 提倡 advocate
The problem of 「white pollution」 caused by used plastic is becoming increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution. Luckily, The government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1. The rule will undoubtedly rece the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on.
參考詞彙:捐款 make a donation to
Dear friends,
I』m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown. Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you. I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for you. Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty. A better hometown can be rebuilt. Therefore, never give up whatever happens. Remember we won』t be far away when you need any help!
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
(1) 家鄉的地理位置;
(2) 解放前的情況;
(3) 解放後的變化;
(4) 對家鄉的感情。
My Home Town
My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.
But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.