Ⅰ 誰知道關於日本富士山的英文簡介
呵呵,用GOOGLE搜一下 FUJI SAN 就可以了.
Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people.
Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.
The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo.
Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better ring the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours.
If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort.
Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing ring July and August via several routes...
Ⅱ 富士山英文介紹
富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象徵,被日本人民譽為「聖岳」。Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位於本州中南部,東距東京約80千米,面積90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高聳入雲,山巔白雪皚皚。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains. 山體呈圓錐狀,似一把懸空倒掛的扇子,日本詩人曾用「玉扇倒懸東海天」 、「富士白雪映朝陽」等詩句贊美它。Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. 在富士山周圍100千米以內,人們可看到富士山美麗的錐形輪廓。Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline. 自海拔2300米至山頂一帶,均為火山熔岩、火山砂所覆蓋。Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered. 因此在這一地區,既無叢林又無泉水,登山道也不明顯,在沙礫中僅有彎彎曲曲的小道。Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gravel trail. 在海拔2000米以下至山腳一帶,有廣闊的湖泊、瀑布、叢林,風景極為秀麗。At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.
自公元781年有文字記載以來,富士山共噴發過18次,最後一次是1707年,此後變成休眠火山。Have been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes. 由於火山口的噴發,山麓處形成無數山洞,千姿百態,十分迷人。Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, the mountain formed and numerous caves, wonderful, very charming. 有的山洞現仍有噴氣現象,有的則冷若冰霜。Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted. 最美的富岳風穴內的洞壁上結滿鍾乳石似的冰柱,終年不化,通稱「萬年雪」,被視為罕見的奇觀,山頂上有大小兩個火山口。Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the "perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak. 大火山口,直徑約800米、深200米。Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep. 天氣晴朗時,從山頂可看到日出、雲海、影富士等大自然風光。The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact. 坐落在頂峰上的聖廟-久須志神社、淺間神社也是遊客常到之地。Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.
富士山地區,春節櫻花盛開,夏季山風習習,秋季紅葉滿山,冬季白雪皚皚。Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow. 山周圍各種植物多達2000餘種,為一天然植物園。Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden. 每年7、8月間,日本人競相到此處登山。JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.
富士山北麓有富士五湖,從東而西為山中湖、河口湖、西湖、精進湖和木棲湖,以山中湖最大,面積6.75平方千米,湖東南的忍野村,有通道、鏡池等八個池塘,總稱「忍野八海」,與山中湖相通。Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said "in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. 西湖岸邊有紅葉台、青木原樹海、鳴澤冰穴、足和天山等風景區。West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice caves adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas. 河口湖在五湖中交通最為方便,湖中有島,是五湖中唯一有島之湖,湖中反映的富士山倒影,被成為是富士山奇景之一。Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.
Ⅲ 全面介紹富士山的英語作文
Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people. Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days. The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo. Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better ring the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours. If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing ring July and August via several routes...
Ⅳ 描寫富士山的英文文章 (有中文對照)
富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象徵,被日本人民譽為「聖岳」。Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位於本州中南部,東距東京約80千米,面積90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高聳入雲,山巔白雪皚皚。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains. 山體呈圓錐狀,似一把懸空倒掛的扇子,日本詩人曾用「玉扇倒懸東海天」 、「富士白雪映朝陽」等詩句贊美它。Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. 在富士山周圍100千米以內,人們可看到富士山美麗的錐形輪廓。Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline. 自海拔2300米至山頂一帶,均為火山熔岩、火山砂所覆蓋。Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered. 因此在這一地區,既無叢林又無泉水,登山道也不明顯,在沙礫中僅有彎彎曲曲的小道。Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gravel trail. 在海拔2000米以下至山腳一帶,有廣闊的湖泊、瀑布、叢林,風景極為秀麗。At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.
自公元781年有文字記載以來,富士山共噴發過18次,最後一次是1707年,此後變成休眠火山。Have been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes. 由於火山口的噴發,山麓處形成無數山洞,千姿百態,十分迷人。Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, the mountain formed and numerous caves, wonderful, very charming. 有的山洞現仍有噴氣現象,有的則冷若冰霜。Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted. 最美的富岳風穴內的洞壁上結滿鍾乳石似的冰柱,終年不化,通稱「萬年雪」,被視為罕見的奇觀,山頂上有大小兩個火山口。Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the "perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak. 大火山口,直徑約800米、深200米。Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep. 天氣晴朗時,從山頂可看到日出、雲海、影富士等大自然風光。The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact. 坐落在頂峰上的聖廟-久須志神社、淺間神社也是遊客常到之地。Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.
富士山地區,春節櫻花盛開,夏季山風習習,秋季紅葉滿山,冬季白雪皚皚。Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow. 山周圍各種植物多達2000餘種,為一天然植物園。Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden. 每年7、8月間,日本人競相到此處登山。JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.
富士山北麓有富士五湖,從東而西為山中湖、河口湖、西湖、精進湖和木棲湖,以山中湖最大,面積6.75平方千米,湖東南的忍野村,有通道、鏡池等八個池塘,總稱「忍野八海」,與山中湖相通。Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said "in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. 西湖岸邊有紅葉台、青木原樹海、鳴澤冰穴、足和天山等風景區。West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice caves adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas. 河口湖在五湖中交通最為方便,湖中有島,是五湖中唯一有島之湖,湖中反映的富士山倒影,被成為是富士山奇景之一。Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.
Ⅳ 有關富士山的英文介紹 急用
Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain."
Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains.
山體呈圓錐狀,似一把懸空倒掛的扇子,日本詩人曾用「玉扇倒懸東海天」 、「富士白雪映朝陽」等詩句贊美它。
Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it.
Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline.
Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered.
Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gravel trail.
At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.
Have been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes.
Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, the mountain formed and numerous caves, wonderful, very charming.
Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted.
Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the "perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak.
Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep.
The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact.
Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.
Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow.
Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden.
JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.
Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said "in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same.
West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice caves adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas.
Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.
Ⅵ 日本富士山 介紹,幫我翻譯一下,用英文哦
Highest peak of Mount Fuji in Japan, observation of the weather, can help forecast the typhoon. So very early in the top of Mount Fuji, Japan set up the night view of Mount Fuji, the meteorological observation.
1880 (Meiji 13), the start of meteorological observations in the top of Mount Fuji, but until 1932 (Showa 7), the only set up a temporary meteorological observatory of Mount Fuji, for year-round meteorological observations, observations sent to the Meteorological Agency via FM radio . In 1936, observing the peak of Jianfeng moved, and replaced by a permanent meteorological observatory. This was the world's highest meteorological observation. Set in 1964, observed by the radar. The top of Mount Fuji Radar as a symbol for the climber who is very familiar.
With perfect weather satellite and Doppler radar technology, radar Peak graally lost importance, so in 1999 (Heisei 11 years) abolished the radar. Observation is also September 30, 2004 nobody is automatic (in fact, e to bad weather, until October 1 before the implementation of unmanned), which is still present in the automatic temperature, humidity and air pressure observations. Abandoned weather radar receiver, on display at the Fuji Fuji Yoshida City Hall in the radar for the visitors.
Ⅶ 富士山英文導游詞誰能提供一下,大約可以講10分鍾的
Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak, with an elevation of 3,776 meters above the central Japan's Honshu Yamanashi, Shizuoka counties junction.The lava flows, volcanic ash and gravel piled up to form the main part of it, about 220 meters deep in the mouth of the volcano like a big alms bowl.It was revered as the "imperial legacy."Mount Fuji is a relatively young figure in the dormant volcano, which has erupted in history over 100.1707, in the last eruption, magma emitted by the two older submerged volcano.The conical shape Kyoho.Scientists use the latest technology to Mt recent tests found "Mt still alive!"10% annually "volcanic earthquakes," the only source of deep, it is not caused by the volcanic eruption.However, many localities still emit up to 80 ° C heat outside, and all indications are that it may erupt again.Mount Fuji is a standard conical volcano.Cone beautiful snow covered peak of the year, they stand proud in the space between the sacred and serious, delicate and elegant upright.People often use "inversion Yushan" to describe its Extremely Wonderful gesture.Mt flat Peak, 2,900 meters above sea level, are covered by volcanic lava, volcanic sand.no jungle without springs, very bleak, the only one who walk around making of a winding mountain road.Following the 2000 meters above sea level, and people all over the dense jungle, a vast lake and the waterfall and Fei Xie.Sansiyue year, a precarious in full bloom, the hills of Mount Fuji, piles of cherry, beautiful scene in brilliant purples and reds.scatter a few Lane; summer, the mountains green, the peak number of snow melt, watching the sunrise from the top of the mountain is the best season; fall, a beautiful day.Hongye valley everywhere, have some lush amenities; winter, the frozen scene of the northern landscape.So picturesque Mt season, and attracted a large number of tourists come to visit."The people are not ignorant landed on Mount Fuji", which is to spread the word in Japan.For the Japanese, Mt like a sacred place, in their view, life, to climb the mountain at least once a year.Each July 1 to August 31, climbing Mount Fuji open season.Jin Shan visitors from the moment many of them women, elderly and children.From the foot to the summit, nearly 100 days of hard climbing often requires.Along Now storms, now a bright and sunny day and 10 degrees the temperature margin and unpredictable situation,But climbers but never bored.Many boarded Peak before sunrise in order to meet the sun, standing on beam starry night march.People also like the mouth of the volcano along the outer ring, called "walk along the edge of a bowl."
Ⅷ 日本富士山的英文簡介,很短,大概50個字。要中學生看得懂的!!!
呵呵,用GOOGLE搜一下 FUJI SAN 就可以了. 以下是一個例子( http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2172.html): Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people. Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days. The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo. Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better ring the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours. If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing ring July and August via several routes...
Ⅸ 全面介紹富士山的英語作文
你要全面介紹的話 ,估計你守都要寫酸了,就給你這些吧
如果覺得多 就自己去掉一些(一段一段去)
Mount Fuji in Japan is a ShanLiXian of active volcanoes and across shizuoka, located in about 80 miles (kilometers) southwest of Tokyo, the elevation 3776 meters, in August, 2002, the Japanese homeland geographic court to measure, to 3775.63 meters, is the highest mountain in Japan. Mount Fuji in winter snow, until the next year of July 6, only will melt in the management of state of the area belongs to the Fuji complex Iraq within the scope of the state park beans. Mount Fuji in Japan not only famous mountains, is also one of Japan's three famous mountains. Mount Fuji in Japan is famous the world over is one of the important symbols, in ancient documents also known as not two, not rich, often also or kindness called FuRongFeng or rich yue. Since ancient times, the name of this mountain is often in Japan's traditional poetry and song "in appear.
The Fuji mountain foothills, distribution around the five freshwater lake, collectively referred to as "the lake, is Fuji five Japanese famous sightseeing MingShengDe holiday. Mount Fuji has four main climbing mouth, respectively for Fuji palace mouth, should be left to the mouth, the mouth, Fuji, immature field (lake) river mouth etc, with the first three in the entrance in shizuoka.
Because of Mount Fuji in Japan itself charm and the position, people always want to declare its for the world natural heritage. But because of a large number of tourists and mountain climber and bad vendors have discarded junk, constitute the magnificent appearance Mount Fuji under dark side. Even in the world between the mountaineers around "don't treat treated as well as Mount Fuji mount Everest" such rumors. Also because of this, so far into the world heritage to Mount Fuji has not been successful. So, the efforts to log on Mount Fuji for inclusion criteria and more liberal world cultural heritage.
About 11000 years ago, before the start of the ancient Fuji west to a large eruption molten lava. These lava formed now of the main body of the Fuji mountain new Fuji. Since then, the ancient Fuji and new Fuji mountain things coordination. About 2500-2800 years ago, the ancient Fuji mountain in part e to weathering, caused a massive landslides, finally only new Fuji mountain.
According to estimates that 11000 years ago to 8000 years ago, the 3000 new Mount Fuji is still on the eruption out molten rock. Since then, the top of the mountain, but no new eruption of the long tail mountain and treasure ever and mountain etc are still the volcanic eruption on and off activities.
History of the eruption has recorded about: the Japanese delay (19 to 21 years calendar) "delayed eruption", and calendar in 864 (Japan zhen zhen eruption of 6 years). Mount Fuji last erupted in 1707 (Japan four years), and treasure this from a smoke and treasure mountain arrived in the atmosphere, stratosphere at the time of the edo (now says Tokyo) falling ash are plot a 4 cm thick. Then continue to HuoShanXing observation of the earthquake and spray smoke, geologists have generally classified as the list of an active volcano Mount Fuji, but estimates that the outbreak is very low risk.
According to the university of Tokyo earthquake research institute in April 2004 for drilling in the above investigation, 3 substations under the mountain still has more old mountain. This mountain was named a 4 first small royal yue.
As Japan's natural beauty is the most important symbol, Mount Fuji is dated back to ten thousand years ago, used the island for the beans peninsula, e to earth changes in this continent island with fierce smashed into each other when formed extrusion uplift mountains, is a had ever wrote a dozen times spray fire of volcano. Hugh record The top of the mountain for about eight hundred meters in diameter, depth of two hundred meters in the air, according to a bird's eye view of the crater is like a can of a beautiful lotus open, but it is a few people to understand the other a personal style. A cone shape of mountain, 18 times the eruption, a recent eruption in 1707. Although dormant, but still have the jet phenomenon. There are about 10000, form is typical of layered volcanoes. Basement for tertiary strata. Early quaternary, volcanic lava tertiary formation, and break through the eruption formed by landslides after accumulation, DuoCi volcanic eruption, PenFaWu layers of accumulation, become a cone into layer volcanoes.
Ⅹ 富士山的英文介紹
Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people.
Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.
The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo.
Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better ring the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours.
If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort.
Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing ring July and August via several routes...