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① 如何做一名好護士英語作文300字


The nurse should have the quality includes political quality, occupation quality, scientific quality, physical quality.

A good medical ethics:

1, establish put one's heart and soul into the idea of serving the people.

2, carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication.

3, improve the service attitude, the patient must have love, seeing patients as relatives, get the patient's trust, make the patient have a sense of security, to meet the needs of patients.

4, self-esteem, self-reliance.

In 5 patients, forbidden to ask for money.

Two, love of nursing career:

Loyalty to the interest of the patient, patient's interests above all else, to help the patients to relieve pain, the patient's personality, respect the rights and aspirations, to give the patient the proper care, to ensure the safety and comfort of the patients. Disease need three partition seven minutes to raise. The doctor is the formulation of a treatment plan, the nurse is the treatment scheme of the executor, direct patient contact, is an important link to ensure the rehabilitation of patients.

Three, law-abiding

All the rules and regulations, abide by the 1 hospital, strictly implement responsibility of the position.

2, to comply with labor discipline: do not be late, do not leave early, do not take off hillock.

3, obey the leadership, obedience

Four, to study business, study assiously, continuously improve the technical level.

1, the development of medical science development change rapidly, need to continue to learn and progress.

2, as soon as possible to master the ability of nursing technical operation, technical operation tempers the good. For patients, in the rescue process, to enrich the knowledge, skills to relieve the suffering of patients, save lives.

3, actively participate in continuing medical ecation, learning and accepting new knowledge, new theory, new skills, knowledge update, catch up with the pace of the development of medical science.

4, careful, serious, serious, sensitive, prevent accident occurrence.

Five, respect teachers, unite comrades.

Six, to strengthen their own instrument, body, action accomplishment:

The nurse should embody the spirit of the new era style, temperament elegant, dignified and generous, skilled movements, polite and considerate, give a person with refined and cultured, sedate, knowledge rich feeling, give patients to create a beautiful atmosphere of rehabilitation.

Don't wear heavy makeup, outlandish Costume

② 贊美醫生的英文句子

with both a benevolent mind and heart
excellent skill,tender heart
humanity skill with the kindness

③ 我需要一篇關於醫患關系的英文文章,最好是中英的,不要太短

醫生為了拿到更多的利益 給病人大肆做很多沒必要的檢查 從而賺取額外的前 這種現象進一步導致醫患關系緊張 醫生與病人之間相互不信任 病人付了本不該付的費用 給家庭平困的帶來了經濟壓力 進一步影響了社會的穩定發展 醫生醫德的喪失 無法從自身去提高醫術水平和對病人的責任心 我們以後將成為醫生 我們要謹記 醫德比醫術更為重要 好的醫術無法為病人服務毫無意義
The picture reflects the fact that the doctors often order exceeding checks for extra income(這里語意有重復,更多利益和額外錢是一回事), which contributes to the tension between the doctors and the patients and distrust between them. They may compel the patients, or threaten them to do some rediculous items, making advantages of the asymmetry information and knowledge and the mind of the patients that they cannot afford any results on the health which is led to by refusing the doctors. The patients' having to pay more, which stresses the pressures on their tight budgets. Sometimes even the stability of the society is harmed would they finally find the truth or the therapy fails, and they decide to block the hospitals. There has been even more incidents that the relatives of the dead gathered a gang to go to the government in order to gain public attention, sympathy and support. (這里加了不少)The moral's deteriorating makes it less important for the doctors to enhance their technique for the immoral method allows more profit and their belief that saving lives first may be replaced by money first, which will undermine their reputations.(這句話改成提高技術不重要,這樣就比較合理了)As we are going to be doctors, we should remember that saving lives and recing others' pain is our obligations. Money can never dim the shine of humanitarianism. 謝謝 你啊~~~以後還找你幫忙呢哦 。醫患關系 四方有責
主題詞: 政策 醫方 患方 媒體
再說病人:八十年代以後出生的人群中由於經濟思想"武裝"上很少有"尊醫或尊重知識,尊重別人勞動這個概念,出了錢就得治好病,死了人(不問青黃皂白)先鬧事再說,小鬧小得錢,大鬧大發財.根本不考慮科學查原因,(有些是目前科學尚不能解決的問題,有些則由於醫護責任問題.)打人,砸醫院,心懷莫測,無理或少理取鬧者比比皆是,索賠數萬數十萬「螄子大開口」,狠不得把對方象敵人-樣整死要垮,在很多人的眼裡,將給他治病的大夫只是一個"應該幹活的勞工或工具",毫無一點人情味道,這又形成了醫生「該賠時就賠,能掙時就掙"的惡性循環。這樣下來把一些很有道得的醫生也漸漸「變了味」。同樣把許多老實善良的「患者」也「遭了怏」。醫患關系陷入了不可自拔的「爛泥譚」。真讓人痛心。好的醫生受冤枉者有之,善良百姓受害者有之,有些把死人抬到醫院,造成醫院不能正常上班,許多該治的患者不能及時治療.再加上當媒體,偏面站在一邊,不多報道醫務人員救死扶傷,舍掉節假日,不避傳染病,不怕擔風險,攻克醫學難關主流,而大篇的,連續的,"生動的"驚人的,負面的報到醫療事故的巨額陪償.兩者顛倒,加劇了醫患關系的矛盾.且不可「公說公有理,婆說婆公道」。兩個方面都有難處,都有「不良的」因素,均有受害的一方,多麼需要互相理解和尊重呀?可這真不是一件簡單容易的事呀!觀看大氣侯,誰能讓國家全額發放醫生工資,讓醫生看病不為「糊口養家」為主要目標呢?那一個能讓醫生在社會上辦事也平等去辦呢?因醫生也是人,他和家人都要在社會生存。你要打官司,子女上學,找工作,啥不化錢能行,有許多貪官貪了多少你鬧過人家嗎?只把救你的醫生當「敵人」(因為他在為你治病)良心過的去嗎?我看倒不如互信互任,調動醫生極積性倒有利於治癒自己的病。當然,有些醫療單位和個別醫務人員(只能是個別,不宜將一些一般問題的醫院和醫生均包在內,難道你本人給別人辦事也完全都是那麼完美與高尚)個別胡來的醫生中敗類也確實存在(如值班離酗酒, 人為診斷治療失誤等造成嚴重事故),但應根椐事實依照法律進行懲除。

④ 關於醫德的英語作文200字


⑤ 用英文翻譯周先生不但醫術精湛而且醫德高尚not only ... but also

Doctor Zhou is not only accomplished in leechcraft,but also in possession of medical virtue.

⑥ 醫生要提高自己的專業水平和醫德修養的英文

Doctors should improve their professional level and medical ethics

⑦ 寫一篇英語作文《作為一名護士,如何護理病人》,

1:your heart like this job.
2:have a good heart too,medical and service,
3:must have compassion and patience,
4:afraid dirty,eat got
5:in nursing practice will continuously strengthen learning,studying hard and humanities knowledge of nursing management,strengthening connotation construction,improving and perfecting modern nursing leaders of the image,the nursing management to aesthetics and modernization

⑧ 有關醫德 的英語作文

As is shown in this picture, two doctors are trying hard to squeeze a sheet, but
out of our expectation(出乎意料), where they get from the wet sheet is not water but

Obviously, this picture implies a horrible phenomenon in China:
what hospitals care most is earning money instead of saving lives. It is a
secret from no one that some hospitals nowadays are making profits by
prescribing more expensive medicine to patients or arranging unnecessary medical
examinations for them. They get such a high profit hat it seems they』ve got the
license to print money. What these hospitals forget is one crucial principle
that should be observed as their doctrine—hospital should be the right place to
save lives rather than somewhere to make une profits.

Then how to avoid
a further worsening of this tendency has become hotly discussed topic in media.
One measure is to make the purchasing process more transparent, thus to bring
down the price of medicines. Moreover, the patients should be well informed so
that they may buy cheaper medicine which has the same effects as the expensive
one. We have confidence that, if sound measures are taken, hospitals will become
a much purer place in the near future.

⑨ 英語作文醫德

醫德 The Merit of A Doctor 25 When we read the newspaper, there is always something bad about the doctor, it is said that the doctor will ask the patients to use the expensive treatment, they do it for the high profit, we feel shocked, because since we are young, we are told that the doctors are angels, they save people』s life, they contribute their lives to the career. During the decades, people are intrigued by the profit, even some doctors do. As a doctor, they should not give up to the profit, they should treat the patients in the first place. Some patients are poor, the doctor should consider the situation, operating the treatment according to the patients. When there comes the emergency patient, the doctor should take the treatment right now, some doctors must wait for the patients to hand in money, this is not right. Doctors are still honored by the people, they should keep on their merit.

⑩ 急求英語達人給我創作一篇關於現在中國醫生醫德的英語作文,是諷刺意味的

Wo you.xu Yao de hua jiu zhui wen.
Ni xu Yao ji pian?



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