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㈠ 我喜歡開放性作業 有關英語作文

As a student, a variety of daily operations, so that we are stressed. A lot of people do not like to do homework, I also, but I have my favorite job, as long as it is this job, I will never bother.
To tell you the truth, I do not like to do tedious math problems do not love the complex analysis of reading, I love to do writing.
Almost every week, the teacher will let us write a brush. When the news release, I will be excited to applaud. A home, I will quickly open the lamp, opened the book, pour ink, it makes the Chinese nation proud brush, dipped in ink, recognize conscientiously in Mizi carefully write a pen and a pencil... After a while, Bibi Gonggongzhengzheng did leave Na convergence into a vigorous and vigorous character, born under my pen. Look! They are not great calligraphy, but still stand proudly in my book.
Every evening, you will find a small girl at the desk to hold a brush, writing one after another, thinking about how to write the next word. Although, I used to write a brush on the road, had failed, tears, but I used them in exchange for a brilliant success. When you hear the sound of praise: "you are great!", I'm so proud!
Brush heritage of Chinese civilization, the writing brush is each of us Chinese people must learn the, in my eyes, it is not a homework.
Writing brush is my interest, no matter how many brush work, I will not bother, because I hope that the Chinese traditional culture to learn, let it continue to inherit!







㈡ 一道大學開放性英語作文思路,急!在線等,有追加分: I wish I knew....


i wish i knew how to cook Chinese food. as a student in a foreign country, i do really miss Chinese food.
In taste, Chinese food is the world's best.
If I had learned some Chinese food, I can often do it myself to relief my homesick~ ~and can show to foreign friends ~ ~ ~

I wish I knew the concept of low carbon lifesytle.
our environment would be better~~
we human beings would't be confused with pollution all over the would.
resources would not be wasted ~
man and animals stay in harmony ~

㈢ 英語作文我喜歡開放性的作業

I like English
I like English because it is an awesome language.A pretty simple list of alphabets that consists of twenty-six characters,putting into good use to form millions of words.
English is widely known in the world,and is recognised as the international language for communication.It would be so useful for me if I goes on a trip to other countries.Moreover,if i have to work with overseas partnership companies in the future,English is definitely the common language for business and trades.
English is not only useful,but also beautiful and sounds great!I admire people who speaks good english,they speak it so fast and fluently that it sounded like a wonderful rhythm of music.Therefore,I really wish to be like them one day.I believe i can,as i do have great passion and interest in English!

㈣ 如何寫開放性的英語作文

My hobbies這類的題目就要靠你平時生活中的積累咯,你可以重點寫一兩個愛好,略寫其他的啊!
An experience關於自己的經歷這類題目的話,一個是平時積累,一個是你從這次經歷中能學到什麼東西,這才是這個題目的意義。
The best special news這個就不要寫過時的東西啦,多寫點時下流行的東西啊,比如說新科技啊,新葯物啊等等。

㈤ 高考英語作文中開放式作文怎麼答

北京卷自從2008年往後比較固定,讓你從圖畫裡面摸索一些道理出來,拿這個道理專來寫一篇相對簡單的英文屬的議論文。 首先做到這個題目時,應該是考試接近尾聲的時候,所以請考生在這個題目上,務必以保險為主,不要標新立異去追求一些別人根本都想不到的觀點。 因為開放式作文,考生題目的角度是自擬的,但是為了保險完成這篇文章,讓考試順利完成。請考生切記不要把開放式作文的圖畫和社會問題扯上關系,你要說的一定是和個人生活方面有關的一些問題,個人生活方面,基本上重點強調素質、能力。 這幅圖畫裡面要不然反應的一個和素質有關的問題,要不然反應的就是能力有關的問題。命題者不希望你在很短的時間內,用英文發表一篇對於社會問題這樣 有關系,我覺得這些都是考試的重點。 另外一個方面這個題目的寫作要求比較直接,你在圖畫裡面一定能看到一個對比關系。要求考生把對比關系抓出來寫清楚。

㈥ 如何寫開放性的英語作文

在學習英語必修一Unit 2 的Writing時,我給學生布置的作業是以Why should we …?為題製作一個英語海報,並借這專次作屬業進行一次英語海報製作比賽,對優秀作品進行了獎勵和展覽。先給學生講清楚製作海報的格式,即上方中間寫海報的Title,中間位置列舉5-6條Reasons,下面寫一句話作為Conclusion。學生們積極性很高,精心製作,製作出的海報內容豐富多彩,並繪制有精美的圖案,學生們在快樂地手工製作中既提高了英語書面表達能力,又提高了學習英語的興趣。上學期在自己所帶的高二二班進行了一次英語手抄報製作比賽,讓學生以學習小組為單位,小組成員各自發揮所長,協同合作,興致勃勃地製作出了一份份圖文並茂的英文手抄報,通過評比對優秀作品進行了獎勵與展覽。我還結合各種節日,讓學生自製各種賀卡。如本學期5月份,讓學生自製母親節賀卡,用英文表達對母親的感恩之情和節日祝賀。通過用英語完成各種形式的手工製作作業,使學生把學到的英語知識運用到生活實踐當中,使學生在快樂實踐中既提高了語言運用能力,又激發了學習英語的興趣。

㈦ 北京高考英語開放性作文如何寫


㈧ 開放式英語作文

Personally, I think it is necessary for students to take occasional examinations. They can tell us how much the students have learned and what their strong points and what their weak points are in their study progress. Therefore, proper exams are useful to the students』 further studies. At the same time, they are also helpful to the teachers. The teachers can get to know clearly what their students』 problems are. Then they can get to change their teaching plans and improve their teaching methods so as to help their students study. However, if there are too many examinations, they will do more harm than good to the students. The examinations will become a heavy burden on the students. Sooner or later the students will get tired of them and lose interest in studying. In a word, examinations are necessary, but too many are not good. Therefore we should rece unnecessary examinations.

㈨ 題目為。我喜歡開放性作業 的英語作文

We have a lot of homework every day, Chinese, maths, english...... These jobs have been done to forget, but there is a job, I now have to forget.
On one occasion, the teacher gave us a good job, the teacher put the assignment to Sunday and Saturday, to the week to the school, after listening to this sentence, we are very happy.
I do is fried version Fried rice with egg on Monday, we jubilant to school, to the third class, the teacher said out, we immediately put the box out, the teacher began to let the students to taste, the first people rushed to eat small Cui, he is doing the twist, though I have no taste, but I looked very good, the highest score is very small, Cui got nine five, the second is the high Weijie, she was doing small snacks, I feel very delicious to taste, and finally the high Weijie also got out, after high Weijie down, and a few are out to. The last ten minutes, the teacher let us free, can go to taste all the things, I eat a small Wan mplings, and the rice cake bin Tsai and Li Xinyi, I think it is best to eat Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce, rice cake, after a while, under the Class, the students go back to your seat, my desk is all the students out of the rice, I quickly clean up the table.
Today I am very happy. This food is too interesting! I hope after this operation will continue, not only exercise our ability, but also to our learning more interesting! Is more important, we learned to be independent. Later, if Mom and dad not at home, we can also do something to eat the!





㈩ 怎樣提高英語寫作能力.特別是開放性作文


嚴格來講,我們所說的寫作其實可以分為Creative Writing 和Academic Writing 兩種,Creative Writing 會偏文學類一點,應用會相對少一些,而Academic Writing 則幾乎是所有英語學習者都必需用到的技能,比如從四六級到托福雅思的考試作文,學術論文,日常郵件,陳述講稿等,我們接下來要說的也是Academic Writing 這一類型的寫作。




Nowadays,with the rapid development of society, purpose of ecation being changed.There are some people who think that competition in children should be made .Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate as well as become more useful alts.There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguments.

To begin with, what is good if a sense of competition in children is made? They can develop themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the competition.To prove this, in my country it is popular and common to have a tutor who come to students' house to teach extra pieces of study with paying a lot of money. ...


因此,提高英文寫作水平的第一步是:大量閱讀,閱讀是一個量變引發質變的過程,在你讀到一定量的時候,可能會在某一瞬間突然發現虛擬語氣原來是這種感覺,動詞搭配原來是這么回事...當你提筆寫作的時候,你會在腦海里重現類似的例句。新手可以從泛讀開始,選擇一些生詞較少,內容簡短且情節精彩的小說,慢慢培養閱讀的習慣,有條件的可以去買個kindle, 閱讀體驗會更好。大量的閱讀會帶來詞彙量的提升,通過閱讀積累的詞彙理解最為深刻,記憶效果也最好,最容易轉化為積極詞彙從而應用到寫作中去。
<img src="https://pic2.mg.com/50/_hd.jpg" data-caption="" data-rawwidth="730" data-rawheight="404" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="730" data-original="https://pic2.mg.com/_r.jpg">

在泛讀的同時還要注意一點:強化語法。語法有多重要?舉個例子,現在分詞過去分詞及各種從句的靈活運用,主動被動的轉換,虛擬語氣表達的特殊感情,這些都是寫作的基本技巧。語法不好,寫作水平也不會高到哪裡去,具體表現為通篇語病,只會用簡單句型,不會寫漂亮的長短句,偶爾憋出個長句還是錯的。不會運用高級語法,比如獨立主格,虛擬語氣等,句式的多樣性和表達的靈活性受到很大的影響。因此我們有必要強化一下語法。基本思路是先通讀一兩本語法書,建立起基本的語法框架,然後通過大量的閱讀和聽力練習不斷鞏固完善語法。目前市面上的語法書非常多,但內容其實都大同小異,挑選好一兩本認真啃下去就是,推薦《賴世雄語法》 或者劍橋的語法在用系列。


在大量閱讀,強化語法的基礎上,相信你現在寫作時已經能夠做到少犯或不犯語法錯誤,寫出來的英文還算湊合了,這個時候如果需要進一步提高文筆應該怎麼做?可以採用精讀經濟學人以及使用英英詞典和搭配詞典的方法。以Academic Writing 為例,一篇漂亮的文章至少要做到以下幾點:句式豐富多變,長短句靈活應用,用詞准確出彩,論點豐富,論證有力,邏輯嚴謹。而經濟學人就滿足這種「漂亮」文章的標准,是非常好的閱讀和模仿素材。好的文章是模仿出來的,要學會模仿閱讀時遇到的優美的詞彙用法、句型結構、巧妙的比喻、幽默的風格等等,慢慢化為自己的熟練表達。

比如很多人習作中出現的一個問題是句式單一,用詞平庸。我們可以學習一下經濟學人文章的寫法,增加語言的張力。舉個例子,下面的這一段節選自上周的經濟學人文章 The enemy within:

EMPLOYEES are often said to be a company』s biggest resource. It is equally true that they are its biggest liability.Scarcely a week goes by without a company falling victim to employees-turned-enemies-or-embarrassments. On July 20th Ashley Madison, a website for married people looking to have an affair, announced that it had been hacked. Noel Biderman, the company』s chief executive, says that he thinks the attack was 「an inside job」. On July 6th HSBC fired a group of employees when it emerged that they had filmed themselves engaged inan 「ISIS-style mock beheading」 of an Asian colleague dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

The most familiar type of enemy within is the fraudster. The Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister organisation of The Economist, concts a regular poll of senior executives on the subject of fraud committed by insiders. In 2013 the poll discovered that about 70% of companies had suffered from at least one instance of fraud, up from 61% in the previous survey. Fraud is often petty: a survey of British employees for YouGov in 2010 found that a quarter of staff eligible for expenses admitted to inflating claims. But fraud can also be more audacious and more harmful: think of former employees setting up rivals using stolen technology and purloined client lists.



1....are often said to...it is equally true that...

2.Scarcely a week/month/year goes by without...

3....when it emerged that...

4.discovered that about 70% ...up from 61%...


2.fall victim to
3.have an affair
6.eligible for
7.inflate (to make a number or price higher than it should be)
9.set up

這僅僅是兩小段而已,整篇文章能學到的東西更多。你可以有意識地將上面學到的單詞和句式應用到你的寫作中去,比如第一個句型"...are often said to...it is equally true that..."可以用來說明事物具有兩面性,這個句式不知道比那句蹩腳的 "there are advantages and disadvantages..." 要高到哪裡去了。

送個福利給大家吧,我用kindle看經濟學人的過程中碰到好的句型以及值得注意的詞彙短語會把它們都做上標記,到目前為止已經積累了1000多條筆記了。我打算把它們共享出來。這1000多條筆記里既有像 "That so many people in so many different parts of the world are prepared to risk so much for this idea is testimony to its enring appeal." 這樣讀起來鏗鏘有力的長句,也有像"Their likes and dislikes make or break procts." 這樣短小精悍,用詞驚艷的短句。沒事把這些句子讀一讀,學習其中的好詞好句,並將它們運用到寫作中去,相信你會有很大的收獲。(筆記下載鏈接在文末)
<img src="https://pic4.mg.com/50/_hd.jpg" data-caption="" data-rawwidth="1290" data-rawheight="489" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="1290" data-original="https://pic4.mg.com/_r.jpg">



如果換做是經濟學人的話,它除了報道基本新聞事實之外還會提出一個解決方案:大家別忙著悲傷了,冷靜一下,既然現在已經發生槍擊案了,為了防止悲劇再次發生,我們需要 a.修改槍支管理法律 b.個人要加強槍支安全意識 c.回收部分管制槍支 d...... 有理有據地跟你擺事實,講道理。而我們要學習的就是經濟學人對新聞事件的解讀分析思路,關注從新聞推斷事物的邏輯過程,從而提高在寫作時發散論點的能力以及論證的力度。

The weaker sex 這篇文章就很好地體現了從發現問題到提出解決方案的過程。文章的背景是富裕國家男孩的表現正在落後於女孩。我們來看看經濟學人是怎樣分析問題提出解決方案的:

1. What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes. 解決方案1

2. Policymakers also need to lend a hand, because foolish laws are making the problem worse. 解決方案2

3. Even more important than scrapping foolish policies is retooling the ecational system, which was designed in an age when most men worked with their muscles. 解決方案3

4. More generally, schools need to become more boy-friendly. 解決方案4




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