1. 英語作文父與子
《父與子》Father and Son 11
「Father and son」 is a very famous comic book, I know about it from one of my neighbor by accident. At first I laught at the ugly images of the characters, but I am surprised by the contents at last. The book talks about lots of funny scenes and the daily life between a father and his son. The son is quite naughty and always makes some a little trouble for his dad. But sometimes the boy is lovely and does some moving things. It shows us the amusing stories and the love between the father and son at the same time. However the most impressed thing is that the author who finished these funny and soothing pictures, lived in German』s wartime. Knowing of that special social background, I realize the optimistic spirit from this book. It became one of my collecting, I would never been losing interest with it and I even read it times by times for encouraging myself when I am in sadness.
2. 父與子的英語作文
Father and Son
New school term comes.The campus is full of people,most of whom are parents and freshmen.They are busy preparing for the
term.A very old man with a big quilt on his shoulder and a suitcase in his hand is walking along the path,out of breath,followed by a boy who is singing happily with his hands in his pockets.They are
.The boy is a freshman.They are going to the dormitory.The father looks very tired and hungry,but the son doesn't help him.
The son does a bad job.He is not a good son.How can he make his father carry the luggage for him?
3. 父與子500字作文
在一個陽光四射的中午,小明一家圍著桌子邊准備吃飯,可是媽媽卻看見小明,就問爸爸:「小明去哪裡了,怎麼還不來吃飯?"爸爸說:「可能在房間里看書吧。」媽媽說:「那你快點把小明叫過來吃飯吧。」爸爸說:「那好吧!」 爸爸來到小明的房間對小明說:「別看了,快去吃飯吧!」小明說:「那好吧。」於是小明就走開了,爸爸心奇的看了看小明的書,是《格林童話》爸爸看了一篇後覺得很好看,於是也像小明一樣趴在地上看《格林童話》了。 小明來了准備吃飯,這時候媽媽說:「等一下,先別吃。」小明驚奇地問:「為什麼別吃呢?」媽媽回答:「你爸爸上哪去了,一會兒你不在,一會兒你爸爸不在,你們父子倆是怎麼搞的?」小明說:「嘻嘻!爸爸可能在我房間里吧!」媽媽說:「那你快點把他叫出來吃,否則飯菜就涼了。」小明說:「好。」小明回到自己的房間里,發現爸爸正在津津有味地看著《格林童話》,這時小明的肚子已經餓得「咕咕」叫了,於是他毫不猶豫地來了個「河東師吼」爸爸嚇了一大跳,說:「幹嘛?」小明說:「我餓了,快去吃飯吧!」爸爸說:「那好吧。」於是父子倆一起去吃飯了! 天色緩緩暗了下來,夕陽的最後一絲腮紅也被快成黑色的深藍給覆蓋了。墨色的天空擠出一、兩顆星星,在天空使勁地眨著眼睛。月光柔和地照在大地上,倒映出樹的影子。家家戶戶的飯菜香從窗縫、門縫里飄了出來。 媽媽笑眯眯地從廚房端來一盆紅燒肉,熱氣騰騰,香味緊接著從盆里溢了出來。紅燒肉的香氣直往爸爸的鼻孔里鑽,擋也擋不住。爸爸饞涎欲滴,實在忍不住了,拿起筷子想夾肉,媽媽生氣地拍了一下爸爸的手:「看把你急的,你看現場少了什麼?」爸爸光顧看桌子:「少了米飯,我馬上去拿!」「錯了,兒子還沒來呢,快去叫他!」媽媽指著兒子的房間。爸爸呶著嘴,指著香味四濺的紅燒肉,但拗不過妻子,只好上樓找兒子。 爸爸敲了一下門,咦,怎麼沒反應?又敲了幾下,依舊沒反應,爸爸只得推門進入。令他吃驚的是,平時貪玩的兒子正沉浸在書海當中,他翻看著這本書,一頁,兩頁,像一匹餓狼貪婪地讀著。他時而眼睛發亮,好像發現了新大陸;時而默然神傷,似乎看見了過於悲傷的事。書似乎像一枚磁石,把他給吸引了過去。兒子像一個飢餓的人撲在麵包上那樣,不停地翻看著書。 直到爸爸擰著兒子的耳朵,他才回過神來。兒子戀戀不舍地放下書,情不自禁咽了一口唾沫,彷彿把書里所有的內容都吞了下去,然後讓頭腦把它們給汲取了。兒子似乎還想著故事主人公的悲歡離合,使他牽腸掛肚。爸爸情不自禁俯下身:「到底是什麼書有這么大的魅力,把這么不愛看書的兒子也吸引了?」這時,書又轉化成了膠水,把爸爸的眼球給粘了過去。 當兒子坐在餐桌前,用興奮的語氣表示開始吃飯時,卻發現爸爸還沒下來。 一分鍾,兩分鍾……十分鍾,十五分鍾……,過了許久,爸爸還沒下來。媽媽的臉漸漸暗了下來,拉了下來,沒了笑容。媽媽和兒子清清楚楚看見盆中紅燒肉的熱氣已散盡。媽媽便指著爸爸去的房間,用命令的語氣對兒子說:「快點叫你爸爸下來吃飯!」 兒子嘟囔著嘴,很是不服氣。他來到房間,發現爸爸趴在地上,不時交替著雙腳,像一闕跳躍著歡快音符的樂章;兩只手托著腮幫,手肋頂著地面,支撐著大腦袋;大肚子貼在地上,肥肉與脂肪好像佔了地板三分之一的面積。剛才還不服氣的兒子,看到老爸那副天真無瑕孩子的模樣,忍不住笑出了聲。 哈,真是一對有趣的父與子。 選我吧,呵呵, 不行再改。。。。。。
4. <父與子> 看圖寫英語作文
My father is very serious.He hardly ever show a smile on his face.I get really worried.But when I read the comic DAD&SON,I think a lot.The father is very funny and always make his son get happy.I really want to make my father like him,but I know that I am not strong enough to change his mind.So I just wish I can keep such a secret in my heart.Some day,I really want to see it come true.
5. 誰能幫我寫一片關於漫畫父與子的英語作文。不要太多。
My father is very serious.He hardly ever show a smile on his face.I get really worried.But when I read the comic DAD&SON,I think a lot.The father is very funny and always make his son get happy.I really want to make my father like him,but I know that I am not strong enough to change his mind.So I just wish I can keep such a secret in my heart.Some day,I really want to see it come true.
6. 關於父與子的關系英語作文50字
A Serious Social Problem
Oct. 24thSaturdayFine
This morning I found many students playing video games near the school. I felt rather worried.I hope these students will give it up as soon as possible.
Now video games are becoming more and more popular with young boys and girls.They spend most of their time on the video games. It is bad for their eyes and their study.Some students can get money from the parents, but some of them haven't the luck.Their parents can not give them so much money. So they may steal from others.This is a serious social problem.
Stop! Stop doing that.Why do you try to make your parents sad?
7. 父與子作文
8. 父與子的漫畫改寫英語作文,求幫助
Father and Son
One day, the son ball broke the window, the father was angry, then the son ran out of the house.
Until 7 at night, son hasn't come back, dad is worried.
In 9, dad decided to go look for his son.
Dad went around shouting the name of his son in the street, but did not find a son.
Dad disappointed to go home, the window of a ball, broke a piece of glass.
Dad thought is his son back, do not blame the son broke the window, embraced her son
9. 英語父與子作文怎麼寫
英文: father is very serious.He hardly ever show a smile on his face.I get really worried.But when I read the comic DAD&SON,I think a lot.The father is very funny and always make his son get happy.I really want to make my father like him,but I know that I am not strong enough to change his mind.So I just wish I can keep such a secret in my heart.Some day,I really want to see it come true.