1. 英語二的小作文應該准備哪些類型的
2. 2021年考研英語二小作文解析
Section III Writing
Part A
Suppose you are organising an online meeting . Write anemail to Jack,an international student .
(l) invite him to participate , and
(2)tellhim the details.
You should write neatly on ANSWERS HEET2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail.Use“LiMing”instead .
Do not write the address .(10points)
Dear Jack,
My name is Li Ming.chairman of the Students' Union in our university. It is my honor to organize the forthcoming online meeting on Chinese-European culure exchange,andIam wring this email o cordilly ivite ou to participate in this meting.
Due to the widespread impact of the curent COVID-19 pandemic,i is been decided that this meing wil be hold online at 10 am this Saturday, via the sofware called Tencent Online. We are hoping that you could give us a 15-minute alk about the culture in your motherland,or any culture shock you haveexperienced after coming to China.I doesn'thaveto be a formal one,but Ibelieve i will definiely become meaningful infommation for us al.
We truely hope youcould give me a favorable reply,and lave us a wonderful memory in this meting
Sincerely yours,Li Ming
首先,從形式來講,2021考研英語(二)小作文的出題形式基本和歷年真題保持一致,給出一個簡要的指導,且依舊延續了歷年小作文兩點提綱的風格。其次,從難易程度上來看,2021考研英語(二)基本也和歷年真題持平。題目屬於邀請信,圍繞一個在線會議展開話題,具體來說就是邀請一位留學生"Jack"來參加"你"所籌辦的一次在線會議。題目中要求除了在信中表達邀請之外,還要給出會議的一些細節信息。因此,考生在寫信件主體段內容時,注意需要給出會議的主題、時間、方式、希望對方參與的活動等。最後,有關會議的安排,仔細分析,跟2015年考研英語(二)小作文有相似之處,該年題目是關於大學運動會的通知,涉及活動必然要求寫明活動起止時間、持續時間以及活動地點,所以,認真備考過的考生在寫第二點提綱時可以借鑒2015 年背過的句式及表達進行寫作。
2021年考研英語二小作文解析的內容小編就說到這里了, 更多關於考研備考技巧,報名入口,考研報名時間,考研成績查詢,考研報名費用,准考證列印入口及時間等問題,小編會及時更新。希望各位考生都能進入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好復習。取得佳績。
3. 考研英語一英語二的小作文是一樣的吧
4. 考研英語二於英語一小作文有區別嗎
5. 2017考研英語2小作文怎麼寫
A、The cartoon describes a very common phenomenon in our society that 內容-SVO.
B、As can be seen from the picture ,(there is)內容-SVO.
A、The set of drawings describe a very common phenomenon in our society that 內容-SVO.
B、Presenting totally different /sharply contrasted scenes, the two pictures suggest that 內容-SVO.
In recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主題has become a hot issue of the general public , especially for those who are confronted with the situation .
Nothing can be more serious (upsetting, outstanding, meaningful…) than the issue of…
It is most likely that by drawing the picture, the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of … but also to let us think more about 主題.This is something we should give more thought to.
A、After carefully thinking and reflection , we come to understand the enlightening picture step by step . I believe that this thought-provoking picture conveys two layers of meanings. For one thing 方面1-SVO. For another 方面2-SVO. This simple picture wakes up the whole of the society.
B、Having scrutinized the details of the pictures, we can discuss the implications subtly conveyed from it. For one thing 方面1-SVO. For another 方面2-SVO.This simple picture wakes up the whole of the society.
A、There are several driving forces this trend/phenomenon. The main reason is no other than that 原因1-SVO .What』s more,原因2-SVO.原因3-SVO also plays a role in this case.
B、To account for the above mentioned phenomenon (issue, tendency) various reasons (causes) have been put forward. In the very beginning 原因1-SVO.And then 原因2-SVO.What is more, last but 原因2-SVO.
Taking into account the factors above, we can safely draw a conclusion that主旨(不多寫、簡單句). On one hand 建議1-SVO. On the other hand 建議2- SVO.
I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.(社會和諧)
In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with the nature. (自然和諧)
What the thought-provoking picture illustrates is a common phenomenon in contemporary society. Examples to prove the view are abundant. It can be given a concrete example 舉例1-SVO . Another good case in point is that 舉例2-SVO. In my belief, 主旨-SVO is extremely significant to all of us in our society. We should translate it into proper action in daily life, and then we will benefit from it.
Then, what can we do to deal with the problem have become a concern to many people. From my views, the following measures should be attached importance to. To begin with , we should appeal to the government to make relevant laws(plans, rules) and carry out a series of policy to 跟主旨相關內容 to guarantee a proper order and justice. What』s more , we should enhance the awareness of people that 主題 is vital to us . The general public should also made realization that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a brighter future.
6. 求考研英語二,小作文和大作文的模板