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㈠ 介紹我的小夥伴的英語作文

my friend Qiangqiang
I have a close friend Qiangqiang,in common with me,he likes sports such as football,basketball,baseball and then some,he always wears a red hat no matter where we go and do something,maybe i think it is his characteristic,he is a little tall among persons of the same age,but he doesn't discriminate those he has the grab on in height.besides,he is thin.
Qiangqiang likes studing,and he likes math specially,in fact he always reflect on those difficult math problems that makes him more and more intelligent.Beseides,he is pretty eager to answer all the questions he can,he always play a active role in classes and all the activities organised by our school,he is at the top in our class all the time,and i often show my envy of him,obviously,i think i can learn a lot from him!
Qiangqiang has a healthy body and heart,everytime he has to be faced with troubles he can be optimistic and try his best to solve them.For example,one day he was playing football with us.suddenly,he fell,which stop him playing any longer,to our surprise,he was not sad,on the contrary,he watched our playing and encouraged us.
To tell the truth, Qiangqiang is a friend of me that is worthy of being learned from.
翻譯: 我的夥伴強強
強強的身心都很健康,每次當他面都問題時,都從容不迫,保持樂觀,努力卻解決他們。 由一次,當他和我們一起踢足球的時候,他不小心摔倒了,令我驚訝的是,他並沒有因此而傷心,而是給我們打氣。

㈡ 描述你的搭檔穿了什麼,英語作文

Different people have different hobbies:for example some one like swimming and someone like collecting stamp.
My partner has many hobbies.He likes play basketball. sometimes friends invite him play basketball together in school .He likes reading beacuse reading english book can improve his english level and improve his knowledge.Sometimes he felts reading book is very bad for his eyes,so he only reads in morning and night .He likes running, he often runs in the morning with me .Running is helpful.It can make heat rapidly and sweat of body.it can improve my body temperture.Running also promote metaolism.

㈢ 誰幫忙寫個英語作文 題目叫我的搭檔

Hey, finally changed seats, I can finally and very, very nasty "fish uncle" worship, and I looked at with hope Lin, hides a heart as he kept a rabbit jump ... ...

"Well, you can tidy bags, quick, change seats it!" "Wow, Terrific yeah!!!" I am excited to attend to the matter, I think this time I will work with what a "princess" and "Prince "at the same table it? "I started a newspaper," Lin said, "Shi Wang Lok and ..." when it to me! The first group, second group, third group, in the fourth group I'm.

㈣ 學生如何找好一個搭檔 英語作文

How to find a good partner is a
concern for students. My suggestions
are as follows.
To start with, you can get along with him/ her to find whether you have a lot
in common.

㈤ 描述你的搭檔都穿了什麼,英語作文

My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.

㈥ 寫一篇介紹自己好朋友的英文作文(最好有中文)




「有什麼了不起,不就是老師選上你了嗎?」 「作文競賽拿獎,就她呀?」…… 一句句挖苦的話如針一樣刺痛了我。天哪,不就是一篇參賽作文嗎?哪兒來的這么多議論?我拿著作文本獃獃地坐在空盪盪的教室里,感受從未有過的孤獨。忽然,「叭」的一聲,窗外飛來一隻紙折的小飛機。我很納悶,滿懷疑惑地撿起來一看,只見上面寫著「我要飛翔,哪怕沒有堅硬的翅膀;我要歌唱,哪怕沒有人為我鼓掌……,還記得汪國真的《檔不住的青春》嗎?」我猛回過頭向窗口一看,一張真誠的笑臉映在玻璃上,——哦,是小紅!她向我招手。我看著小飛機,心頭一熱,先時的空盪、孤獨頓時煙消雲散了。我笑著向窗外的小紅揮揮手:「我們一起去放小飛機吧!」她微笑著點點頭。——是朋友的理解,讓我掃除心中的陰霾,我感謝朋友。


班會課上,我正收拾書本,把桌凳弄得「嘣嘣」直響。老師嚴厲地看著我:「怎麼?你有意見?」我低頭嗜噥著:「為什麼把我和小紅分開?我們坐得好好的嘛!」「把你調到後面去,是為了照顧視力差的同學,班上視力差的同學有很多,你也是在為班上做一件好事啊!」老師和藹地說。我又小聲地埋怨說:「你怎麼知道我視力好?我說要和小紅坐。」這時,老師臉都氣白了。身邊的小紅拉拉我的衣角,站起來:「老師,我坐到後面去!」下課了,小紅怒氣沖沖地站在我面前:「你剛才的舉動太令老師傷心了。」「她要把我們分開,我才……」我小聲分辨著。「分開又怎麼樣?生離死別還是咋的?老師很為難啊,你看把老師氣的……」小紅的語氣緩和了些。「那我該怎麼辦?」我求饒似地看著她。「快去 向 老師認錯。」我站了起來,她終於笑了,「好嗎,我和你一起去?」——是朋友的幫助,讓我學會了勇於承認錯誤,我感謝朋友。


100米賽跑,真要命呀!望著長長的跑道,我的腿都軟了。 「別緊張,你能行的!」眼前出現的又是那張熟悉的笑臉——小紅!



㈦ 英語作文:我的夥伴

I have a friend named Wang Shuo. He is 13 years old at the moment. He is active and we always play with eath other. He always works hard. He is good at studying and is known as a good student in the class

㈧ 寫一篇英語作文介紹我的朋友(小夥伴)六年級,女 採納10分哦

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.
I think our friendship will last forever.



㈨ 幼兒園老師的工作搭檔英文作文

我的好搭檔就在我的書桌上,那是一盞精緻的護眼燈,是六歲生日時媽媽送給我的禮物哦。 護眼燈的左半部分是一座漂亮的愛心小屋,非常小巧,屋裡還有兩只透明的小熊,它那憨厚、笨拙的模樣可愛極了。屋子的旁邊有一根長長的燈桿,燈桿上方是一根用淡紫色燈罩罩著的燈管,很漂亮。燈座是個淺藍色的小筆架,筆架的左邊有一排白色的按鈕,用手一按,燈就亮了。 每天晚上,我都坐在這盞燈前寫作業、看書、練字。兩只憨態可掬的小熊全神貫注地注視著我,好像在說:"陳逸非,仔細一點,不要粗心哦!" 多好的搭檔啊!有了它的陪伴,每天晚上我不再孤單,覺得渾身是勁,學習充滿了樂趣。我越來越離不開它啦!



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