1. 有關奉獻愛心是我們的傳統美德,互相關愛使社會更美好,外加一個奉獻愛心的實例的英語作文
奉獻對於我們來說不僅只是付出,更多的是一種收獲。可能我們失去了暫時的利益,失去了眼前的所得,但是我們在為別人付出的同時獲得了尊敬,這是不能用利益和金錢所衡量的,同時在未來我們今天的付出將回報更多的收獲,造福長遠。 <優化提升>因此,我們要學會奉獻,學會享受奉獻後的滿足,體會其中的幸福。並且這種奉獻精神對於一名公務員來說更為重要,要奉獻國家,奉獻社會,奉獻人民,這是為人民服務最深刻的真諦。要充分把這種精神運用到日常生活中,從小事做起,從身邊做起,我為人人奉獻,收獲人人尊敬。
2. 以奉獻為話題500字英語短文帶翻譯
We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be greedy. We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, 「mine」 or 「yours」. It seems impossible to live in the modern society without money. Money is even regarded as a symbol of wealth and social position. There is a saying that goes, 「money makes a mare go.」 People seem to look more highly upon ones' possession of money rather than one's dedication to society.
Some people pursue their own personal benefits at the cost of others. Some people always ask for payment after their 「dedication」. Dedication and expecting nothing in return is the highest level of devotion. Lei Feng's spirit of dedication is such a typical example. Bees proce honey as a result of their hard work to the human beings without asking for any repayment. That is why we respect bees. Dedication can bring us happiness and a sense of fulfillment. One who devotes himself to society and people will have a lot of enjoyment from the process of dedication.
我們生活在一個物質社會,從小就受到了貪婪索取的訓練。早期物質方面的教育使我們從小就對 「你的」和「我的」東西,或者具體一點,也就是金錢,涇渭分明。在當今社會,沒有錢是不能生存的。金錢甚至被看作是財富和社會地位的象徵。俗話說,「有錢能使鬼推磨。」人們似乎更看中一個人財富的多少,而不是這個人對社會貢獻的大小。
3. 老師無私奉獻的英語作文
有人說:你是春蠶,吐不盡那綿綿的情絲至死方休!有人說:你是蠟燭,灑盡最後一滴淚雨去照亮漆黑的夜空;也有人說:你是朝露,常在黎明到來之前,默默滋潤著大地萬物;還有人說:你是晚霞,當太陽回歸之後,用最後一絲光亮燃燒蒼穹。老師啊!你自己卻說:我最渴望的就是鋪路,最幸福的還是燃燒;我只是湛藍天上的一縷飛煙,不慕華貴,美在天然;我只是征途上那塊蒼老的階石,是黑暗中那顆遙遠的寒星;我只是,我只是滔滔江河中的一滴水珠,來也悄悄,去也從容。親愛的老師!黑板上你畫出了彩虹,卻擦去了功利;講台上你舉起了別人,卻奉獻了自己;是歲月蒼老了你的容顏,是粉筆染白了你的兩鬢;你放飛了許多的希望,而守巢的卻依舊是你!親愛的老師,我想對你說:你是啟明星的迎接者,北斗星的陪伴者;你是三尺土地的耕耘者,三寸工具的駕駛者;你是人類文化的傳播者,世界前進的推動者;你是人類靈魂的設計者,社會乾坤的扭轉者。你是春風,吹綠了一座座山頭,你是陽光,照亮了每個角落;你是燈塔,引導迷茫之舟馳騁知識海洋,你是紅燭,把光熱毫不吝嗇地灑向人世間;你用火炭的心情,染紅了臘梅的枝頭,燃燒了自已,給了我春的嚮往,一片希望的綠葉;你將書砌的冰山,飄做了雪花 ,花白了頭發,給了我純潔的夢想,一雙寒風中堅強的翅膀;你從知識的海洋走來,手捧一掬甘泉,灑下一路汗水,滋潤了我乾渴的心田,一種孜孜以求的願望。當蠟炬成灰時,你就是不朽;當蠶絲吐盡時,你將會永恆!驀回首 串起春秋的腳步 我的人生 在你的期待的目光里 繼續向前 向前……
4. 奉獻就有收獲的英語作文
Because of dedication and beautiful life
They like to fire the enthusiasm to join relief work .They Huaichuai disaster areas to join the interests of the people in danger .They have the boldness of vision,I am the only real hidden from the weight of the deepest grief,distress in the disaster areas at all times acted as the spiritual pillar of the people .Tingqi in the ruins of their backbone,heal the wounds of the soul in a hopeless situation to the brink of their victims in the hope that Cheng Qi regain vitality .They do their greatest forces to promote a fair rescue dig this dangerous heavy engineering .They all of the life force into the sunshine of a Lvlv Cape Sajin the hearts of the people of disaster areas Is to the state of their emotional and social impact of the love of others .In most people is that they need time to convey the warmth between people .They caring hands to save lives Is their indomitable spirit to cope with disaster .Because of them,before the warmth of transmission,before the convergence of love .Because of them,the noble human nature to be outlined and humanity to appear before the glorious .Because of them,victims have the possibility of Health,only a few casualties of change .Their time,not a single minute to relax .Their victims,do not ignore bit by bit .
Their value in the dedication of the entire glorious .At this moment,the shock will not need to soul search .
5. 愛與奉獻英語作文
Love needs not only receiving but also giving. This issue was more like the principle outlined in the book or movie "Pay it Forward" – where you do not pay back the person who helped you, but rather help others in need. I have begun to see that those who are always available to help others are the ones who do not need to ask twice when they are in trouble. But I have also noticed that there are some people who expect others to run around them, but do very little from their side. Eventually it becomes a chore to help these people, and they might find that others start avoiding them.
6. 關於奉獻的英語作文
My name is Mengmeng, I am a midddle school student ,my grades are not very good, my favorite subject is English .
I like my English teacher Mr Li. Though he teaches me only one year, I like his lessons and teaching method.
He is a middle-age man, he often tells us that English is very important ,as a second language ,it is not easy for us to learn English very well.
I like listening English music, sometimes I listen or watch English programs on radio or TV.But these ways are not enough.So I do as he asks. For example :do one reading a day, try my best to memorise ten new words every day ,learn two or three good articles by heart every week and so on.
Mr Li is a helpful gentleman ,he makes me feel warm. He said grades are not only, I agree with him. As a student talent is not the most important, I believe I can be good at English, because I work hard and I have such a good teacher.