① 求2011年上海中考英語作文範文。。急用!!!
I』m a Member of the Singing and Dancing Club
Hello, everyone! I』m very glad to be a member of the Singing and Dancing Club. I have been in this club for 2 years. I』m an actor in the club. I like singing and dancing very much. I sing and dance with my classmates on weekends. Though I am very tired, I like to sing and dance every day. It makes me feel very happy.
② 關於上海中考英語作文,給考生提幾個醒
1.英語知識運用英語一來和英源語二的完型填空考查的都是英語知識的綜合運用能力,都是20道題,10分。但是英語一的文章是240~280詞,英語二則是約350詞,英語二的文章增加了閱讀量,但是未嘗不是好事,這樣一來,留出的空格間的間距加大,不僅已知信息無形中增加了,對長難句的分析能力的要求也降低了,而且,英語二的完型填空文章本身就較好理解,做題也更輕松,選項在原文中的復現也較普遍,一般很容易找到或者選出答案。因此英語二的完形填空有所變化,但是總體難度降低了。 2.閱讀理解Part A 英語一的四篇閱讀理解總長度約為1600詞,而英語二的四篇閱讀理解為1500詞左右,閱讀量有一定的降低。此外,基於上面提到的英語二對閱讀能力的六條要求與英語一八條要求的差異考慮,可知英語二的閱讀理解試題難度低於英語一,選項的迷惑性和干擾性遠遠低於英語一。
③ 上海中考英語作文格式
④ 2011上海中考英語作文 《I am a member of ...》範文
In this world , every family has a mother.a father.a daughter or a son.For plenty of people ,families are very important .when you are very said ,you can found one or two persons to make you feel happiness ,this is you family .
I am very gold to become my family member,beacuse i have a pertty good parent and a fairly younger brother . when i come back,i always feel freedom and relaxed.My mother is a kind cook ,she has lots of experience in cooking ,so my brother and i are heathly.
As a daughter,l shouldn't make my parents worry .As a sister ,l should look after my brother .l want to be a great member of my family ,l would try my best to do what l should do in the family.
⑤ 2007~2012上海中考英語作文
07年 Things I Hate to do
08年 Love around me
09年 I Want to Do Something for My School
10年 I'm proud of myself
11年# I'ma member of ------- 有圖
Write a letter in at least 60 words accordingto the given situation (根據所給情景寫一封不少於60詞的信)
Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty isupset about a coming exam for she cares too
muchabout the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty
完全手打版 望採納
⑥ 上海中考英語作文題目2010-2016
Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.
Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries .
⑦ 上海中考英語作文提高有沒有好的資料書推薦
說實話,高中生的話有點晚了。首先要培養對英語的興趣,只靠死記硬背,我相信專你是不幸福的,而且屬還是很辛苦的。 我的建議就是:不要為了當前的考試成績去做什麼改變,不要為了分數而去做什麼改變,而是為了長久目標去做一個興趣規劃。基礎我覺得只要學會語法,會拆分組合音標就可以了。養成看英語書籍的一些習慣養成看英文電影、電視等一些習慣參加一些英語角經濟條件允許的話請個家教吧
⑧ 上海中考英語作文
應該是不空的,反正初中英語作文沒有換行要回空行空格的說法,答實在不行就擴點字,一行里後面省點空格讓老師知道你是在這里換行了,比如說你擬稿的時候用want to do發現正好滿一行,但又想讓批卷老師知道你在這里換行另起一段的話就用would like to do就好了,道理是一樣的,在保證正確率的情況下能用從句更好
⑨ 中考英語作文Shanghai in my view(我眼中的上海)最好原創,大概80詞在線等
Shanghai nowadays is becoming more and more modern.Many skyscrapes and greenlands are built which add color to the city landscape.
But in my point of view,Shanghai is the place where i was born and now grow up.It's not a famous sight but a historical hometown.Shanghai Stone Gate is a symbol of Shanghai's growth.And in my regular life,with the trees and flowers grown more and more,there are more birds flying in the blue sky so that it forms a harmonous atmosphere which makes me feel proud of this city.And I love my town,Shanghai.