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A. 英文梵高簡介


van gogh is a post impressionist painter, a Protestant clergyman family born in the rural area. He worked as a clerk and a business agent in his early years, and also served as a missioner in the mining area.


He is full of fantasy and love to go to extremes. He suffers setbacks and failures in life.Finally, he devotes himself to painting and is determined to "fight with himself in painting".


His early style of painting was influenced by traditional Chinese painting and French realism.In 1886, he came to meet with Impressionists and Impressionist painters, and came into contact with the Japanese paintings of the world.


His painting style changed dramatically with the expansion of his field of vision.His paintings began to change from ll and dim in the early period to simple, bright and intense in color.


And when he arrived in the southern French town of Al in 1888, he was free from the influence of Impressionism and Neo Impressionism.In Al, he wants to organize a painter society.


In 1888, Gao Gang was invited to go, but because of their personality conflicts and differences of ideas, the cooperation soon failed.


Since then, the "crazy disease" has been recorded frequently, but he still insists on painting when he is conscious. In July 1890, he shot himself in a mental disorder, at the age of 37.





《星月夜》(The Starry Night)是荷蘭後印象派畫家文森特·梵·高於1889年在法國聖雷米的一家精神病院里創作的一幅油畫,是梵高的代表作之一,現藏紐約現代藝術博物館。


《吃馬鈴薯的人》是荷蘭後印象派畫家文森特·梵高創作於1885年的油畫。該畫藏於阿姆斯特丹的梵高博物館(Amsterdam,Van Gogh Museum)。該畫描繪了貧困農家晚上在昏暗的燈光下吃土豆的景象。


《向日葵》(法語:Les Tournesols;荷蘭語:Zonnebloemen;英語:Sunflowers),是1888年8月—1889年1月期間荷蘭畫家文森特·梵高所繪制的以插在瓶中的向日葵為主要內容的一系列油畫作品。


B. 以梵高的星空為題寫一篇英語作文,四年級

Starry Night is a painting by the Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view outside of his sanitarium room window at Saint-Ré-de-Provence (located in southern France) at night, although it was painted from memory ring the day. It has been in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, part of the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, since 1941. The painting is among Van Gogh's most well-known works and marks a decisive turn towards greater imaginative freedom in his art.

C. 梵谷的英文介紹

荷蘭藝術家 梵谷 (1853--1890)

文森特·梵谷(1853~1890年)生於南布拉邦特的格魯宗戴爾,逝於瓦茲河畔安威爾.說起來,他成為畫家的日子是1885年 12月.那時,他開始了既多產又短促的藝術生涯,因為他只需五年便完成了偉大的事業.在那時,如果他不是有個突如其來的顯露,我 們今天無疑會把他作為表現勞動與貧困,工農辛苦的偉大畫家,作為荷蘭表現主義的第一人來紀念了.

他之成為畫家乃是為了解決撕裂他靈魂的內心沖突,是為了對生活中遭受的挫折進 行報復.他出身於一個新教牧師之家,不過,有兩個作繪畫批發商的叔叔,這使他得以在海牙由他叔叔轉讓給巴黎古比爾的畫廊,作了店 員.不久,畫店把他派往倫敦的英國分店工作.在倫敦,他愛上了房主的女兒,並向她求婚.不幸,他遭到拒絕.他那不穩定的,過份神 經質和過份認真的性格使這一挫折分外沉重.他離開倫敦,於1875年回到巴黎總店.很快,他便對以巴黎為中心的思潮和運動著了迷 .他閱讀一切能找到的書籍,參觀博物館受到同情卑賤者苦難的那些人道主義作家、畫家的影響.

"Vincent van Gogh was born near Brabant, the son of a minister. In 1869, he got a position at the art dealers, Goupil and Co. in The Hague, through his uncle, and worked with them until he was dismissed from the London office in 1873. He worked as a schoolmaster in England (1876), before training for the ministry at Amsterdam University (1877). After he failed to get a post in the Church, he went to live as an independent missionary among the Borinage miners.

"He was largely self-taught as an artist, although he received help from his cousin, Mauve. His first works were heavily painted, mud-colored and clumsy attempts to represent the life of the poor (e.g. Potato-Eaters, 1885, Amsterdam), influenced by one of his artistic heroes, Millet. He moved to Paris in 1886, living with his devoted brother, Theo, who as a dealer introced him to artists like Gauguin, Pissarro, Seurat and Toulouse-Lautrec. In Paris, he discovered color as well as the divisionist ideas which helped to create the distinctive dashed brushstrokes of his later work (e.g. Pere Tanguy, 1887, Paris). He moved to Arles, in the south of France, in 1888, hoping to establish an artists' colony there, and was immediately struck by the hot reds and yellows of the Mediterranean, which he increasingly used symbolically to represent his own moods (e.g. Sunflowers, 1888, London, National Gallery). He was joined briefly by Gauguin in October 1888, and managed in some works to combine his own ideas with the latter's Synthetism (e.g. The Sower, 1888, Amsterdam), but the visit was not a success. A final argument led to the infamous episode in which Van Gogh mutilated his ear.
"In 1889, he became a voluntary patient at the St. Remy asylum, where he continued to paint, often making copies of artists he admired. His palette softened to mauves and pinks, but his brushwork was increasingly agitated, the dashes constructed into swirling, twisted shapes, often seen as symbolic of his mental state (e.g. Ravine, 1889, Otterlo). He moved to Auvers, to be closer to Theo in 1890 - his last 70 days spent in a hectic program of painting. He died, having sold only one work, following a botched suicide attempt. His life is detailed in a series of letters to his brother (published 1959)."

Vincent van Gogh is well-regarded as one of the greatest and most famous artists, ever. His life and work has inspired and influenced much of art history since his tragic death in 1890. In fact, what many people today consider to be the archetypical "artist personna" is largely a result of his influence.

D. 梵高的英文簡介

van gogh is a post impressionist painter, a Protestant clergyman family born in the rural area. He worked as a clerk and a business agent in his early years, and also served as a missioner in the mining area.

E. 10分!關於梵高的英語作文

·小學英語作文 ·@初中英語作文 ~@高中英語作文專 ·大學英語屬作文 ·考研英語作文 ·中考英語作文 ·高考英語作文 ·英56語四級作文 ·英語寫作資料 ·GRE作文 ·留學文書寫作 ·雅思考試作文 ·英語六級作文 sadawd

F. 急需 梵高 的英文簡介..100字以下!!!!

Vincent van Gogh is well-regarded as one of the greatest and most famous artists, ever. His life and work has inspired and influenced much of art history since his tragic death in 1890. In fact, what many people today consider to be the archetypical "artist personna" is largely a result of his influence.

G. 關於梵高的英文essay


H. 梵高的英文簡介 要少 有翻譯 急急急

Vincent started many jobs before he became an artist. He was real close to his family. In 1886, he moved to Paris, France to join Theo. Theo introced Vincent to a lot of painters while they lived in Paris. Gauguin didn't seem to like anything Van Gogh did in Arles. They argued a lot. Gauguin decided to leave Van Gogh. He became so angry he cut off his ear. He did many other paintings before he shot himself and died two days later. 梵高出生在一個荷蘭小村莊1853年3月30日。文森特開始很多工作之前,他成為了一個藝術家。他是真正的接近他的家人。1886年,他搬到巴黎,法國加入西歐。介紹了對很多特奧,畫家文森特的同時他們住在巴黎。放眼高更似乎不喜歡任何Arles梵高在做。他們說服了很多。放眼高更決定離開梵高。他變得如此生氣他削掉了他一個耳朵。兩天後他還做了許多其它繪畫之前他開槍自殺了。

I. 梵高《星空》的英文介紹

"Starry Night" is a work of the expressive post-impressionist painter Van Gogh. This painting has a strong brushstroke. The main shade of blue in the oil painting represents an unhappy, gloomy feeling.


Very thick strokes mean sorrow. The scene in the painting is a sight that looks out the window.The tree in the painting is a cypress tree, but it is painted like a black fire tongue, straight to the clouds, which makes people feel uneasy.


The texture of the sky resembles a vortex galaxy with many star points, while the moon appears in the form of a dim eclipse.In the whole painting, the village at the bottom is painted in a straight, short and short line, showing a kind of tranquility;


However, it is strongly contrasted with the rough curved lines of the upper part. In this highly exaggerated deformation and strong visual contrast, the artist's uneasy emotional and psychedelic imagery world is reflected.




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