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① 關於改革開放30周年的英語作文

2008 is a comprehensive implementation of the party's 17 major strategic deployment of the first year is to implement the "11th Five-Year Plan" link of the year. 可以預見,2008年將大事不斷。 It is expected that the 2008 event will be continued.

「兩防」確保經濟穩健運行 "Anti-" to ensure the sound operation of the economy

中國經濟在連續5年保持10%以上增速基礎上,2008年能否保持穩健運行的勢頭,防止出現大的顛簸和起落,為社會各界所廣泛關注。 China's economy in 5 years in a row to maintain the growth rate of over 10% based on the 2008 can maintain the momentum of stable financial operations, to prevent big ups and downs and the ups and downs, all sectors of the community concern.

按照中央經濟工作會議的部署,「防止經濟增長由偏快轉為過熱、防止價格由結構性上漲演變為明顯通貨膨脹」成為2008年宏觀調控的首要任務。 In accordance with the central economic work conference, "to prevent fast economic growth from overheating to prevent prices from rising structural evolution of the obvious inflation" in 2008 to become the primary task of macroeconomic regulation.

2007年以來,物價持續走高,通脹壓力加大。 Since 2007, prices continued to rise, increasing inflationary pressures. 自8月起,居民消費價格指數連續4個月同比漲幅超過6%。 Since August, the consumer price index for 4 months or more than 6% year-on-year. 其中11月上漲6.9%,創近10年來最高。 Which in November rose 6.9 percent, hitting a 10-year high.

明顯通貨膨脹是經濟穩定運行的大敵。 Inflation is clearly running the enemy of economic stability. 基於當前經濟面臨的突出矛盾問題,2008年宏觀調控政策已作出重大調整,穩健貨幣政策實施10年後轉為「從緊」。 Based on current economic issues facing the outstanding contradictions, in 2008 macro-control policies have been major adjustments in the implementation of prudent monetary policy in 10 years to "tight." 從緊貨幣政策與穩健財政政策將聯袂促進經濟結構調整和協調發展。 From the tight monetary policy and sound fiscal policy to jointly promote economic restructuring and development.

選舉新一屆國家領導人 Election of the new state leaders

2008年的全國兩會是五年一次的換屆大會。 In 2008 the two of the country is a five-year term of the General Assembly. 在十一屆全國人大一次會議和全國政協十一屆一次會議上,將選舉產生國家領導人,組成新一屆政府。 In the first meeting of the 11th National People's Congress and CPPCC National Committee Session of the 11th meeting, the leaders will be elected to form the new government.

黨的十七大對我國經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設和黨的建設作出了全面部署,兩會對關系國計民生的重大改革事項進行討論審議。 Seventeen big party on China's economic construction, political, cultural, social construction and party building up a comprehensive plan to make, the people's livelihood of the two major reforms in the consideration of matters discussed.

這次兩會是我國政治生活中的一件大事,將對未來5年乃至更長一段時間我國經濟社會發展產生深遠影響。 The two sessions in the political life of our country is a major event the next 5 years will be even longer period of time China's economic and social development of a far-reaching impact.

第29屆奧運會北京開幕 29th Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony

2008年8月8日,第二十九屆奧林匹克運動會將在北京隆重開幕。 August 8, 2008, the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing will be the grand opening. 來自世界各地的運動員將在28個大項、302個小項的爭奪中一決高下。 Athletes from all over the world will be 28, 302 small items for one match. 北京殘奧會將隨後在9月6日舉行。 Beijing Paralympic Games will be followed in the Sept. 6 to be held.

「民心因奧運而凝聚,精神為奧運而振奮。」億萬人民為辦好奧運會魂牽夢繞、群策群力。 "The support of the people as a result of the Olympic pool, the Olympic spirit and inspiring." Hundreds of millions of people running for the Olympic Games Hunqianmengrao effort. 古都北京為奧運會服務的各項「軟硬體」條件明顯改善。 The ancient capital of Beijing Olympic Games for the services of "hardware" conditions improved.

「同一個世界、同一個夢想!」中國將恪守承諾,依據國際慣例為奧林匹克大家庭和奧運會觀眾提供良好服務。 "One World, One Dream!" China will keep its promises, according to international practice for the Olympic Family and spectators the Olympic Games provide a good service. 通過奧運會的成功舉辦,一個更加開放、更加和諧的中國將展現給世界,也使奧林匹克精神在中國這一東方文明古國得到廣泛弘揚。 The success of the Olympic Games through a more open and more harmonious China will demonstrate to the world, but also the Olympic spirit in China, this ancient civilization has been widely promoting the East.

迎來改革開放30周年 The 30th anniversary of greet reform and opening-up

2008年,我國將迎來改革開放30周年。 In 2008, China will celebrate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up. 1978年年底,具有重大歷史意義的中共十一屆三中全會在北京舉行,拉開了改革開放新時期的序幕。 By the end of 1978, the historic Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC held in Beijing, opened a new era of reform and opening up the curtain.

十一屆三中全會作出的實行改革開放新決策,開始了中國從「以階級斗爭為綱」到以經濟建設為中心,從僵化半僵化到全面改革,從封閉半封閉到對外開放的歷史性轉變。 The Third Plenary Session of the 11th to make a new decision-making reform and opening up, China began from "taking class struggle as the key link" to focusing on economic construction, from the semi-rigid and rigid to the comprehensive reform, opening to the outside world to be closed or semi-closed historic Change. 這次會議是中國進入社會主義事業發展新時期的標志。 The meeting was the development of the socialist cause with China to enter the new era of the mark. 自此,改革開放經歷了從農村到城市,從經濟體制到各方面體制,從對內搞活到對外開放的波瀾壯闊的歷史進程。 Since then, the reform and opening-up experience from rural to urban, from the economic system to all aspects of the system, from the internal opening to the outside world to enliven the magnificent historical process. 改革開放,開辟了一條中國特色社會主義道路。 Reform and opening-up, opened up a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

多部法律力促社會公正和諧 More than the law urged a harmonious social justice

勞動合同法、企業所得稅法、反壟斷法、城鄉規劃法、就業促進法等一批重要法律將在2008年內實施。 Labor Contract Law, Enterprise Income Tax Law, the anti-monopoly law, the Town and Country Planning Act, the Employment Promotion Act and a number of important laws will be implemented ring the year 2008.

2008年1月1日起實施的勞動合同法、企業所得稅法將對每一個勞動者和企業產生深遠影響。 January 1, 2008 come into effect on the labor contract law, corporate income tax law will be workers and businesses each have a far-reaching effects. 勞動合同法對用人單位必須與勞動者訂立勞動合同、引導用人單位合理約定勞動合同期限等勞動者十分關心的問題作出規定,保護勞動者合法權益有了更加有力的法律武器。 Labor Contract Law of employers and workers must be made by the labor contract, agreed to guide employers a reasonable period of labor contracts, and other issues of concern to workers is to provide for and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers with a more powerful legal weapon. 企業所得稅法統一了內、外資企業所得稅制度,不僅可以使國內企業得到實惠,而且有利於提高利用外資的質量和結構。 A unified enterprise income tax law, foreign-funded enterprises income tax system will not only benefit domestic enterprises, but also concive to foreign investment to improve the quality and structure.

反壟斷法將於2008年8月1日起施行。 Anti-monopoly law will be held on August 1, 2008 will come into effect. 這部法律禁止經營者達成壟斷協議,經營者濫用市場支配地位等多種壟斷行為,對促進中國經濟健康發展必將產生深遠影響。 The law prohibits the monopoly operator to reach an agreement, the operators of the abuse of market dominant position and other monopolistic behavior, to promote the healthy development of China's economy is bound to have far-reaching impact.

中國航天員將首次太空行走 Chinese astronauts will be the first space walk

神舟七號載人飛船將在2008年發射,屆時中國航天員將首次出艙進行太空行走。 Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft will be launched in 2008, when Chinese astronauts will conct space walk for the first time emerged from the capsule.

「神七」發射,將是中國載人航天工程中又一個里程碑。 "God seven" launch will be China's manned space program in another milestone. 在「神五」「神六」飛行中,航天員的任務主要是艙內操作和生活的自我照料。 "Shenzhou", "Shenzhou VI" in flight, the astronauts of the main tasks is to operate inside the life and self-care. 從「神七」開始,航天員活動的主動性大於被動性,對航天員的身體、技術和心理都提出了更高的要求。 From the "seven gods" to start, the astronauts of the initiative more than a passive activity, the astronauts on the physical, psychological and technology have a higher demand.

目前,「神七」整船已進入綜合測試階段,包括楊利偉、費俊龍、聶海勝在內的我國第一批14名航天員,正在接受「神七」任務的選拔和訓練。 At present, "the seven gods," the entire ship has already integrated into the testing stage, including Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, China's first group of 14 astronauts, is to accept the "seven gods," the task of selecting and training. 按照預定計劃,用於發射「神七」的長征二號F火箭正全箭總裝。 According to the schele for the launch of the "seven gods" long march II F rocket is an arrow-wide assembly.

國家元首10年來將首次訪日 Head of State for the first time in 10 years to visit Japan

2008年是《中日和平友好條約》締結30周年。 2008 "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship," marks the 30th anniversary of the conclusion. 在2007年底日本首相福田康夫訪華期間,中日雙方取得一致,中國國家主席胡錦濤將於2008年春天櫻花盛開的時候訪問日本。 At the end of 2007, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda ring his visit, the two sides agreed that Chinese President Hu Jintao will be in the spring cherry blossoms in full bloom in 2008 to visit Japan. 這將是中國國家元首10年來首次訪日。 This will be a Chinese head of state for the first time in 10 years to visit Japan.

中方願與日方一道,以兩國高層互訪和紀念中日和平友好條約締結30周年為契機,遵循中日間三個政治文件確定的原則,本著「以史為鑒、面向未來」的精神,抓住機遇,多做實事,進一步加強對話與磋商,增進理解和互信,妥善處理兩國間的重大敏感問題;進一步推進兩國全方位、寬領域、多層次的交流與合作,拓展雙方的共同利益;進一步擴大民間交往,特別是青少年的交流,加深兩國人民友好感情,努力構築和發展中日戰略互惠關系,共同開創中日睦鄰友好與互利合作的新局面。 The Chinese side is willing to work together with Japan to high-level visits between the two countries and to commemorate Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, the conclusion of the 30th anniversary as an opportunity to follow the three Sino-Japanese political documents between the principle of the spirit of "learning from history and facing the future", Seize the opportunity to do more practical work to further strengthen dialogue and consultation, promote mutual understanding and mutual trust, between the two countries properly handle major sensitive issues; between the two countries to further promote all-round, wide-ranging, multi-level exchanges and cooperation, expand mutual Interest; to further expand non-governmental exchanges, especially exchanges between young people and deepen the friendly feelings between the two peoples to build and develop China-Japan mutually beneficial strategic relations and work together to create the Sino-Japanese good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

更多財力物力改善民生 More financial and material resources to improve people's livelihood

2008年,國家將拿出更多的財力物力來改善人民生活。 In 2008, the state will come up with more financial and material resources to improve people's lives.

醫療衛生體制改革關繫到人民群眾的切身利益。 Medical and health system reform has a bearing on the immediate interests of the people. 2008年城鄉醫療衛生體制改革將穩步實施,擴大城鎮居民基本醫療保險試點,新型農村合作醫療制度基本實現全覆蓋。 2008 urban and rural medical and health system reform will be steadily implemented, the expansion of urban residents in the pilot of the basic medical insurance, new rural cooperative medical system covering the whole basically. 國家將加大資金投入,支持建設覆蓋城鄉居民的公共衛生體系、醫療服務體系、醫療保障體系和葯品供應保障體系四大體系,推動解決看病難、看病貴問題。 The state will increase financial input to support the building of urban and rural residents covered by the public health system, the health care system, medical security system and security system of the four major drugs supply system, promote the settlement of medical treatment is difficult, expensive medical problems.

國家已決定,將提高對新型農村合作醫療和城鎮居民基本醫療保險的財政補助水平,財政補助標准將從現行的40元提高到80元,其中中央財政補助標准從20元提高到40元。 Countries have decided to raise the new rural cooperative medical care and basic medical insurance for urban residents of the level of financial assistance, financial assistance from the current standard of 40 yuan to 80 yuan, the central financial subsidy from the standard 20 yuan to 40 yuan.

2008年要在全國全面實施城鄉免費義務教育,這是我國教育發展史上具有里程碑意義的大事情。 In 2008 to the full implementation of the national urban and rural compulsory ecation free of charge, which is China's ecational development of a milestone in the history of the big things. 完善住房保障體系,加快廉租住房建設,改進和規范加強經濟適用房制度,將成為政府解決城市低收入家庭住房難問題的有力舉措。 Improve housing security system, speed up the construction of low-rent housing to improve the economic and regulate the housing system will be the city government to address difficult issues of housing for low-income families an effective measure.

② 改革開放30年「衣食住行」 英語作文


吃飯穿衣住房出行分析完了,我們來談談醫療.教育.社會保障等等。30年以前我們有比較完善的醫療保障體系,工人看病都是單位報銷,不用花錢,農民有合作醫療,大病統籌等,看病也基本不用花錢。那麼,我們假定一個人沒有單位,他看病是花錢的,進一次醫院需要多少錢呢? 30年以前,感冒這種普通疾病塊八毛的就解決問題了,即使打吊瓶最多10多塊吧,現在呢?少說20到30元,如果輸液了,100元根本不夠。如果病大,就更麻煩了。醫療費用上漲了80倍!
是的,現在我們國家推行了九年義務教育,以後小學初中的學費免了,但是我們沒有趕上啊!真的是很可惜啊 ^-^
由此可見,我們的家鄉越來越好了! 這全要歸功於改革開放啊!

③ 以改革開放為話題的初中英語作文

1949年新中國的成立使祖國母親徹底擺脫了被壓迫的境地,中國這頭東方睡獅開始慢慢覺醒,但卻步履維艱,直到1978年,中共十一屆三中全會作出全面實行改革開放的新決策;從此改革開放的春風使中華大地再次煥發了活力,中華民族終於踏上了民族復興的偉大征程! 30年的征程,中華民族以嶄新的姿態重新屹立於世界民族之林;30年的滄桑巨變,30年的光輝歷程,鑄就了一個民族近百年的夢想! 改革開放的30年,是中國經濟迅速蓬勃的30年!幢幢高樓拔地而起,人民生活水平不斷提高,1978年到2006年間,中國經濟總量迅速擴張,國內生產總值從3645億元增長至21,0871億元,增長近60倍!中國的經濟成就不僅寫在了中國歷史之上,也在世界歷史上刻下了輝煌的一頁,過去25年全球脫貧所得成就中,近70%的成就歸功於中國! 改革開放的30年,是中國社會和諧穩定的30年!自粉碎「四人幫」以後,中華民族猶如鋼鐵長城一般堅不可摧!97年香港回歸,99年澳門回歸;1998年面對南方歷史罕見的特大洪水,2003年面對讓人聞風喪膽的非典疫情,2008年面對十幾個省份百年不遇的冰雪災害,中華兒女眾志成城,手挽手將一個個磨難阻擊在腳下! 改革開放的 30年,是教育事業穩步發展的30年!1983年,鄧小平同志提出,教育要面向現代化,面對世界,面對未來!高考制度恢復之初,全國有570萬人參加高考,卻僅錄取27萬名;而到2007年,全國普通高校招生報名人數達到1010萬,錄取新生達567萬名!伴隨著教育規模的發展,更有越來越多的中華兒女在世界高精尖人才中占據著日益重要的位置! 改革開放的30年是中國航天事業不斷創新的30年!從1979年遠程火箭發射試驗成功,到2003年「神五」升天,首次載人航天飛行成功,再到2005年神舟六號載人航天衛星順利返回,中國航天人在摸索中讓祖國一躍成為航天科技強國!2008年,我國首顆探月衛星「嫦娥一號」發射升空,炎黃子孫的千年奔月夢成為了現實! 改革開放的30年,也是我國體育事業蒸蒸日上的30年!1984年許海峰摘得中國奧運首枚金牌,自此之後,中華體育健兒奮勇爭先:2000年悉尼奧運,中國代表團收獲28枚金牌,取得了金牌榜和獎牌榜均名列第三的佳績;04年雅典,中國軍團更是將金牌總數擴增到32枚,位列金牌榜第2位!而今年,在108天之後,奧運大幕將在中華大地上拉開,我們將成為奧運的主人! 我們堅信,在中華民族偉大復興的征程上,必將出現一個又一個輝煌的30年!中華民族的崛起,必將讓世界為我們自豪!

④ 跪求一篇關於「改革開放三十周年」約150字的英文版的文章

翻譯:Reform and opening-up The 30-year journey, with a new attitude of the Chinese nation to stand tall among the nations of the world; 30 years of great changes, 30 years of glorious history, a nation forged nearly 100 years of dreams! 30 years of reform and opening up, China's rapid economic boom in 30 years! 30 years of reform and opening up, Chinese society is harmonious and stable for 30 years! 30 years of reform and opening up, is the steady development of ecation in 30 years! 30 years of reform and opening up of China's space instry innovation for 30 years!We firmly believe that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's march, is bound to occur one after another glorious 30 years! The rise of the Chinese nation will surely make the world proud of us!


⑤ 改革開放30年關於家鄉變化的英語作文


⑥ 關於中國改革開放的英語作文

It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside world.This has resulted in great changes taking place in various fields.
With the nine-year compulsory ecation(九年制義務教育) program,all children have the chance to be ecated.In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and technology.In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in 2008.As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly improved.
In addition,there have also been great changes in sports.The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold medals.
I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 years.It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these possible.Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious society.I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier life.

⑦ 改革開放三十年英語作文

改革開放的 30年,我們國家在進步,人民生活達到小康水平,聽爸爸媽媽講,他們小的時候,生活非常困難,吃飯用糧票,買布用布票, 很多商品都憑票供應,有時為買生活用品需排很長時間的隊,吃的是玉米面,只能在逢年過節時才能吃上大米和肉,只能在過年時才能穿上新衣裳。對此,我們現在的生活真是發生了翻天覆地的變化,我們衣食無憂,每天的生活都像是在過節一樣,我們可以在計算機上學習查找資料,可以在計算機上玩游戲,享受網路世界帶給我們的快樂,這都是改革開放帶來的幸福生活。

30 years of reform and opening up, our country is progressing, the people well-off standard of living, listening to his father, they small, life is very difficult to eat with food stamps to buy votes with a cloth fabric, a lot of goods are pay and display supply sometimes to buy daily necessities for a long time to be ranked team and ate cornmeal, when only in festivals in order to eat rice and meat, only in the New Year can be put on new clothes。In this regard, we are now life really has changed dramatically, we have enough to live comfortably, daily life is like in the holidays, we can search on the computer learning is available at the computer playing games and enjoy the Internet world with give us happiness, this is brought about by the reform and opening up a happy life


⑧ 誰能幫我寫一篇關於「改革開放30周年」的英語作文。

2008 is a comprehensive implementation of the party's 17 major strategic deployment of the first year is to implement the "11th Five-Year Plan" link of the year. 可以預見,2008年將大事不斷。 It is expected that the 2008 event will be continued.

「兩防」確保經濟穩健運行 "Anti-" to ensure the sound operation of the economy

中國經濟在連續5年保持10%以上增速基礎上,2008年能否保持穩健運行的勢頭,防止出現大的顛簸和起落,為社會各界所廣泛關注。 China's economy in 5 years in a row to maintain the growth rate of over 10% based on the 2008 can maintain the momentum of stable financial operations, to prevent big ups and downs and the ups and downs, all sectors of the community concern.

按照中央經濟工作會議的部署,「防止經濟增長由偏快轉為過熱、防止價格由結構性上漲演變為明顯通貨膨脹」成為2008年宏觀調控的首要任務。 In accordance with the central economic work conference, "to prevent fast economic growth from overheating to prevent prices from rising structural evolution of the obvious inflation" in 2008 to become the primary task of macroeconomic regulation.

2007年以來,物價持續走高,通脹壓力加大。 Since 2007, prices continued to rise, increasing inflationary pressures. 自8月起,居民消費價格指數連續4個月同比漲幅超過6%。 Since August, the consumer price index for 4 months or more than 6% year-on-year. 其中11月上漲6.9%,創近10年來最高。 Which in November rose 6.9 percent, hitting a 10-year high.

明顯通貨膨脹是經濟穩定運行的大敵。 Inflation is clearly running the enemy of economic stability. 基於當前經濟面臨的突出矛盾問題,2008年宏觀調控政策已作出重大調整,穩健貨幣政策實施10年後轉為「從緊」。 Based on current economic issues facing the outstanding contradictions, in 2008 macro-control policies have been major adjustments in the implementation of prudent monetary policy in 10 years to "tight." 從緊貨幣政策與穩健財政政策將聯袂促進經濟結構調整和協調發展。 From the tight monetary policy and sound fiscal policy to jointly promote economic restructuring and development.

選舉新一屆國家領導人 Election of the new state leaders

2008年的全國兩會是五年一次的換屆大會。 In 2008 the two of the country is a five-year term of the General Assembly. 在十一屆全國人大一次會議和全國政協十一屆一次會議上,將選舉產生國家領導人,組成新一屆政府。 In the first meeting of the 11th National People's Congress and CPPCC National Committee Session of the 11th meeting, the leaders will be elected to form the new government.

黨的十七大對我國經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設和黨的建設作出了全面部署,兩會對關系國計民生的重大改革事項進行討論審議。 Seventeen big party on China's economic construction, political, cultural, social construction and party building up a comprehensive plan to make, the people's livelihood of the two major reforms in the consideration of matters discussed.

這次兩會是我國政治生活中的一件大事,將對未來5年乃至更長一段時間我國經濟社會發展產生深遠影響。 The two sessions in the political life of our country is a major event the next 5 years will be even longer period of time China's economic and social development of a far-reaching impact.



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