㈠ 求一篇英語作文,關於大學生就業難的原因,現象及解決辦法,100詞左右
(部分語法問題已修改,字數一篇英語作文差不多了,如果合適,望採納,謝謝)Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more difficult. According to statistics, about 30% of graate students can't find a job after graation. These college students who cannot find jobs are at their worst. Why college graates have difficulty finding jobs? Why is it a big problem that puzzled people for years?
The reason for it is various. The main reason has the following points: Firstly, the number of the college students is increasing faster and faster these years. In addition, many colleges fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy.
Secondly, It's easy for some students to find a job. But the fact is that these students don't want to do the job, they except to find a work with a higher salary. In addition, some graates did not work hard in college, so they are not competent for jobs they want.
How can we deal with the problem? In my opinion, students who are in colleges must work harder than before to keep their competitiveness. Only in this way can we find a suitable job. The government should take effective measures to expand employment. I do believe this problem will be resolved soon.
㈡ 求一篇關於就業焦慮的英語作文
㈢ 幫幫忙,按要求寫個英語作文(關於大學生就業問題).速求!
從就業形勢談大學生的人生定位從就業形勢談大學生的人生定位一,當前就業形勢分析每年一度,都會有一屆畢業大學生從"象牙塔"里走出投身與社會建設中,但在全國高校擴招下,全球經濟緊縮與國內經濟體制改革的形勢下,大學生就業形形勢越來越嚴峻,也怪乎許多高校學子有"畢業等於失業"的感慨。為什麼曾經是天之驕子的我們會處於如此尷尬的處境呢?我們先來看下面一組數據。北京市各高校2004年畢業生總人數將超13萬。目前,北京市市屬單位上報的用人需求為48000個,盡管考慮到中央機關、駐京部隊、外地駐京辦等單位用人需求,就業形勢依然嚴峻。在2004年的用人計劃中,對非北京生源的用人需求為27000人,而進京指標的數量為16000人左右,非北京生 源畢業生,如果屬於北京緊缺專業人才,可以優先進京工作。目前單位緊缺的專業已經劃定,分別是:計算機、機械、市場營銷、數學、英語、臨床醫學、建築、會計、企業管理、護理等10項。 有專家預測,2004年全國將有35萬畢業生找不到崗位。 究其原因,我覺得主要有以下幾方面:一是國際經濟面臨衰退的嚴峻形勢使全社會的整體就業壓力加大,高校畢業生就業同樣不容樂觀;二是畢業生數量迅猛增長,而社會有效需求在短期內增幅有限;三是由於計劃經濟的長期影響,畢業生就業觀念還存在偏差,就業期望值較高。這一切都要求在校學生應轉變就業觀念,切勿非知名企業不進、非高薪不就,一定要增強就業危機感,趁著大學四年多學點知識,用知識武裝自己的頭腦,用智慧增加就業成功率的砝碼,在學習掌握專業知識的同時,還要增強社會實踐的能力。 寫到這里,我突兀的想起一句蘊涵至深哲理的話"我們都是一群在黃昏下飛奔的羊群"。大學生句象飛快奔跑的羊群,一邊尋找青草,一邊又要躲過宿敵與獵人的追這樣方能在高度競爭的條件下"適者生存"。二.大學生的人生定位喬治.肖伯納有過這樣一段名言:"征服世界的將是這樣一些人:開始的時候,他們試圖找到夢想中的樂園,最終,當他們無法找到時,就親自創造了它。"職業對我們大多數人來說,都是生活的重要組成部分。但是,職業既不像家庭那樣成為我們出生後固有的獨特的社會結構,也不像貨架上的商品,可以供我們隨意挑選。它更像一位朋友或一位合作夥伴一樣。既存在,又不一定在眼前;與其結識不乏機緣,但更需要自我的設計和自我的奮斗。 面對嚴峻的就業形勢和為自己職業發展著想,我們有必要按照職業生涯規劃理論加強對自身的認識與了解,找出自己感興趣的領域,確定自己能乾的工作也即優勢所在,明確切入社會的起點及提供輔助支持、後續支援的方式,其中最重要的是明確自我人生目標,即給自我人生定位。自我定位,規劃人生,就是明確自己"我能幹什麼?"、"社會可以提供給我什麼機會?"、"我選擇干什麼?""我怎麼干"等問題,使理想可操作化,為介入社會提供明確方向。 1.明確自身優勢 首先是明確自己的能力大小,給自己打打分,看看自己的優勢和劣勢,這就需要進行自我分析。通過對自己的分析,旨在深入了解自身,根據過去的經驗選擇、推斷未來可能的工作方向與機會,從而徹底解決"我能幹什麼"的問題。只有從自身實際出發、順應社會潮流,有的放矢,才能馬到成功。要知道個體是不同的、有差異的,我們就是要找出自己與眾不同的地方並發揚光大。定位,就是給自己亮出一個獨特的招牌,讓自己的才華更好地為招聘單位所識;對自己的認識分析一定要全面、客觀、深刻,絕不迴避缺點和短處。你的優勢,即你所擁有的能力與潛力所在: (1)我學習了什麼?在學期間,我從學習的專業中獲取些什麼收益;參加過什麼社會實踐活動,提高和升華了哪方面知識。專業也許在未來的工作中並不起多大作用,但在一定程度上決定自身的職業方向,因而盡自己最大努力學好專業課程是生涯規劃的前提條件之一。不可否認知識在人生歷程中的重要作用,特別是在知識經濟日益受到重視的今天會得到滿意的結果。 (2)我曾經做過什麼。即自己已有的人生經歷和體驗,如在學期間擔當的學生幹部,曾經為某知名組織工作過等社會實踐活動,取得的成就及經驗的積累,獲得過的獎勵等。經歷是個人最寶貴的財富,往往從側面可以反映出一個人的素質、潛力狀況,因而備受招聘組織的關注,同時這也是自我簡歷的亮點所在和重要組成部分,絕對忽視不得。對一應聘者來說,經歷往往比知識更為重要,因為許多事情只有經歷過,才可能有深刻體會。判斷一個人的才能,只有在實踐的時候才會真正發現其長處與不足。
㈣ 求一篇關於大學生就業的英語作文
Today』s college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂擁) into job market or look every talent fair (人才交流會) for potential employers. The concept of selling (推銷) oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.
Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.Now more and more students lose their jobs when they graate from school. It's easy for some students to find work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don't want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.
Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it ,but somebody is free with no job.
As the job market gets shrinking, it has also become a must for undergraates (在校本科生)to work harder than before to keep their competitive edge (保持竟爭地位). More students are engaged in their studies with no distractions (分心,干擾). They are investing today for a promising (大有希望的,前途無量的) tomorrowAs far as I'm concerned, those students who want to find a higher salary but have no better job to do should be do a easy work from basic.Work hard on ,I believe through their hardwork they'll get a better job soon.
㈤ 急求關於大學生就業問題英語作文
There are several reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, undergraates fail to build appropriate employment prospects on the job market. For instance, they would not satisfied with either the salary or the working conditions provided by employers. Furthermore, lack of a proper match between specialty and the skills required by certain jobs should also be blamed. It means what they have learned from universities do not meet the demands of a number of sectors. Last but not least, mobility of population, especially talents, in the international job market, make it tough for domestic graates to find a job.
Several measures should be taken to solve the problem. First of all, Graates should be persuade to rebuild an anticipation of their future work based on reality and personal abilities. Moreover, schools and colleges need to adjust their syllabus to the requires of private sectors, and offer specific career training for senior students. Finally, a possibility is also for local government to create more job opportunities for young people.
㈥ 解決就業問題英語作文
If i was a policy maker,unemployment will not be a problem.Unemployment is the fact that many people are unable to have a job e to different reasons.The common reason is that shops and companies do not accept people who has a limited knowledge,especially people who has not finished university.I think this idea is very wrong because what if someone was too poor to go to school,that does not mean that the person cannot have a job.That's totally discrimination! would make the policy that shops cannot always employ people who have a lot of knowledge.Even with a lack of knowledge you may be able to learn.New policies are below:
1) Give everyone a chance,whether they are poor or rich,beautiful or ugly,knowledgeable or not.
2) Make a reasonable amount of money per week.
3) Do not make too many rules of employment,e.g.must be over 1.8m.
4) No racism is allowed,everyone should be treated fairly.
5) Every 3 months,100 dollars should be donated to those who are unable to work because of difficulties.
If anyone or any shopkeepers break one of the five rules above,punishments will be resulted.
㈦ 能給一篇關於大學生就業問題的英語作文嗎
造成大學生就業難既有主觀原因,也有客觀原因,歸納起來,有以下幾種因素影響著大學生順利就業。 狹隘的人才觀阻止大學生合理流動,減少了他們的就業機會。記者在河北省一些高校采訪時了解到,一些地方為了留住人才,不允許肥水流入外人田,對大學生到本地以外的地方就業進行限制,大學生就業機會減少。河北科技大學一名學醫葯的應屆畢業生對記者說,他與山東省幾家大型醫葯生產企業聯系,有兩家企業都願意接收,但因出省指標限制,他無法到山東的葯廠就業,至今仍沒有落實工作單位。一些高校的老師對記者說,一些地方留住人才、招收人才的動機是好的,但用限制流動的做法不妥當。他們希望政府不應對大學生就業進行過多限制,而應把精力用到為大學生就業服務上。 一些用人單位盲目提高用人門檻,把許多畢業生擋在就業大門之外。河北科技大學一些同學對記者說,一個只有十幾號人的普通日用化工企業,雖然沒有任何境外業務,竟然也要求應聘大學生有六級英語水平。稍微大一點的企業就盲目要求應聘者為碩士研究生。不少同學反映,現在大學生多了,一些企業選人的條件也苛刻了,有的企業甚至不從實際需要出發,盲目招收研究生、博士生為其裝門面。許多大學老師和學生希望,用人單位應從實際需要出發,把真正學有所長的大學生招收到單位來。 除以上兩個方面客觀因素的影響外,一些主觀因素也成為大學生就業的障礙。首先是大學生知識面過窄、實踐能力差,影響了擇業。有著多年指導大學生就業經驗的河北科技大學學生處副處長劉成龍對記者說,多數用人單位都希望大學生參加工作後能夠迅速適應工作需要,對動手操作能力強的大學生特別歡迎。現在不少大學生存在的問題是知識面比較窄、實踐能力不強,影響了他們的就業競爭力。 就業期望值過高,使不少大學生錯過了就業機會。大學生希望自己能夠到待遇好、工作環境好的單位就業,這本身無可厚非,但一些大學生不能正確認識自己,對就業抱有過高的期望就有些不切實際了。石家莊鐵道學院黨委副書記王岳森說,大學生擇業不應盲目提高就業目標,而應以適合自己的工作為標准。 此外,大學生不願離開家鄉就業、不願到基層就業等因素,也影響了一些大學生的及時就業。有關方面和大學生本人,都應正視當前大學生就業的困難,努力排除不利於大學生就業的各種障礙。
㈧ 一篇關於大學生就業問題的英語作文
Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jobs?(大學生求職為何難?)More and more college students, in recent years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most favored" people in society. They have received a higher ecation, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graating from colleges.There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them. They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, and so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them. Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a result, they canonly sit and miss opportunities.To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and weaknesses and have the right attitude towards themselves and the job vacancies. In addition, they should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job. They should put priority to their future development and their contributions to society in stead. Furthermore, they should think of receiving some further training to meet the demands of society.
㈨ 關於 大學生就業的英語作文
It has always been a major concern for people that college students have difficulty in finding ideal jobs they want. Some people say that students lack of social experience and most companies are reluctant to hire graates without practical experience. Others hold that almost all graates think that they deserve a higher salary than their ability. From my point of view, I think students should pay attention to enrich their social experience by doing some fundamental work rather than just expecting a high salary.
First, most students are unwilling to do the most fundamental job at the very beginning. Lacking of experience is a rather significant reality for graates. However, most graates think that the fundamental job neither can bring them money nor benefit, so they won』t choose to do it. As a result of this, most students just miss the chance of being a potential figure in a certain field.
Second, most companies are too strict to the graates. For example, some companies think that students without practical experience won』t conform to their position need, so they refuse the graates at the first time. There are some companies make severe requirements for students, such as certain height, just male or female, graate from national famous university, get certain certificate and so on. It is strange that these companies should have these conditions for students. Anyone could be a genius in a certain area, so it may be true that these companies may miss some talents.
Third, China is a country with a huge population, which leads to a rather fierce competition among students. However, limited job requirement and a great numbers of students flocking into job market at almost the same time will increase the unemployment rate of students.
In conclusion, not only the students themselves have limited ability to get a better paid job, but also, the social environment aggravates the difficulty of finding an ideal job. As a result, graates should not only focus on improve their capacity of handling things but also learn to adjust their vision to find new chance to lead a better life.