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發布時間:2021-01-01 04:34:55

Ⅰ 英文寫的英語學習心得


題目:Business English Study

內容:This year I have principium learning the Business English. I found there are very different to FCEAP. Business English more closed to our specialty. I am very interesting in it. Our teacher name is*** . He is a very friendliness and humor people. He guided us to enter into what he has learned about Business English.

Business English is a difficulty subject. Why I feel it』s very difficult? Because Business English not just a part of English, it have profound culture trait and it embodiment precise criterion to the vivid posture.

Business English have included: Business Correspondence, Synopsis of Minutes, Legal Document, Memoranm, Specification, Commercials, Notice, Report, Speech, Agreement or Contract and Bills and Forms. Business English』s characteristic is give priority to the recite, use word are very in e form, preciseness, criterion and sentential configuration very complex.

In all for those I feel Business Correspondence is most difficult. I think a good Business Correspondence will can deliver oneself of attitude with the appropriate word. That is needs people have a very large number of spacious and intensive glossary. Can use the most appropriate word to deliver themselves mean and not let the other side feel disrespect. English like Chinese there are several words have the same mean. It make people feel puzzle in use them in the Business Correspondence because if use the wrong words will be make the Business fail. I often learn the English for Business Studies handouts for ravel out those difficulties. I think the best way the ravel out those difficulties is more and more read and recite. As what we have said Business English』s characteristic is give priority to the recite, use word are very in e form, preciseness, criterion and sentential configuration very complex. Read and recite can help me remember the word usage and sentential configuration. Dictionary also is very useful in our study. Electron dictionary is very convenience in our English study but it make use can not understand the word』s mean very comprehensive. Uses the dictionary can help us exact and rigorous in translate. Before translate we must read the all article first. It will help us comprehensive understand the people』s mean in the article.

I have afresh the Report mean in the class. I wrote the report as the speech for a long time. In fact I feel I do not know the mean by report before this class. I often do not understand why I lose several mark in my report. Now I can improve my report form read and imitate several good reports. After studied those class I begin to read and imitate several good reports and I found my mark begin to hoist. I also have not studied the Specification before this semester. Now I can wrote some simple Specification by myself. Uses the exact and rigorous words are also important in here. I found the best way to improve people skills in specification. Some medicaments and plaything have the Chinese and English specification. There are several new man-made words, coalition words and ad extra words. So a nice commercial will be can catch the peoples eye, let people know what it said and remember it. The good commercial will show a nation』s environment of culture and the nation』s history. I found some good commercials and remember them.



Ⅱ 上網課的感受英語作文

First, online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location.
Second, online-learning can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge.
Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will become more popular in the future.

Ⅲ 「關於學習計算機英語心得體會」,英語作文

Thanks for Ecation, leadership, school leadership for us to provide the teachers to improve their own quality, master new technology. I have for myself to be one of them and glad to think there are many rural teachers do not have such opportunity to recharge, I secretly told myself: the opportunity to hard-won and should firmly grasp and change the past, the teaching of the old model, the use of multimedia teaching.

In order to have sufficient time to learn, practice. Teachers at the expense of lunch, dinner time, even only once a year we are also room to spend the summer. In the classroom, we will have one, multimedia on-line teaching methods, teachers, computer sync with our computers. In the teacher's lectures and exercises that we combine theory and practice, the teachers talk about the most basic knowledge of addition, but also with a large number of instances, the teacher was eloquent statements and skilled computer operations is really eye-opener for me. "Everything from scratch," I quietly said to myself.



為了有充足的時間學習、練習。教師們犧牲了午休、吃飯時間,就連一年僅有一次的暑假我們也在機房度過。在課堂上,我們人手一機,採用多媒體聯機教學方式,老師的計算機同我們的電腦同步。在老師的講解和我們練習相結合,理論和實踐相結合,老師除講最基本的知識外,還結合大量的實例,老師那口若懸河的語句和熟練的計算機操作真是讓我大開眼界。 「一切從零開始」,我默默地對自己說。


Ⅳ 網上學習雅信達心得體會英語作文

Thanks for Ecation, leadership, school leadership for us to provide the teachers to improve their own quality, master new technology. I have for myself to be one of them and glad to think there are many rural teachers do not have such opportunity to recharge, I secretly told myself: the opportunity to hard-won and should firmly grasp and change the past, the teaching of the old model, the use of multimedia teaching.

In order to have sufficient time to learn, practice. Teachers at the expense of lunch, dinner time, even only once a year we are also room to spend the summer. In the classroom, we will have one, multimedia on-line teaching methods, teachers, computer sync with our computers. In the teacher's lectures and exercises that we combine theory and practice, the teachers talk about the most basic knowledge of addition, but also with a large number of instances, the teacher was eloquent statements and skilled computer operations is really eye-opener for me. "Everything from scratch," I quietly said to myself.

Ⅳ 關於寫學習心得的初中英語作文八十字左右




Ⅵ 求英語學習心得體會作文一篇

一、 感情第一

In my opinion,要想學好英語或者說至少在學的過程中不感到痛苦,就必須學會將英語變成一種愛好,一種興趣,這樣在學習的過程中才不至於半途而廢、有始無終且學習時如座針氈、抓耳撓腮、味同嚼蠟、痛苦無比!我相信大多數的「非英語專業的、有遠大抱負的、酷愛本專業的莘莘學子」在最初面對英語時都會或多或少的有類似感受,萬事開頭難嘛。因此,如何克服這種感受,逐漸培養起自己對英語的熱愛是至關重要的!我們必須認識到進入21世紀,英語已經成了必不可少的重要交流工具(其其他重要性就不螯述了)而且是你進一步深造所必不可少的橋梁,不管你是出國還是考研。所以我覺得你必須學會「愛」上「它」,才不至於受其折磨、蹂躪、踐踏而又毫無對策。記住學會「愛」上「它」也是保證你將來成功的第一步!

二、 長期積累

「積累」可以說是任何學習所必需的,在英語學習中它顯得更為重要!For example :我將英語中的「單詞、語法、句子、結構、閱讀、寫作、聽力、口語」等等一切比喻成不同的層,你每學一些相關的東西就會在相應的層上加一些東西,而你學的越扎實,同樣層與層之間就砸的越扎實。這樣當你有著一日在使用的時候,儲存在層中的知識就會像水一樣被源源不斷的擠壓出來給你提供源源不竭的語言素材,你會感到好象有用不完的東西在不斷的向外湧出,這時我相信你的信心和成就感就會接踵而來了,而你的英語學習也漸入佳境了。

三、 執著追求

所謂「執著追求」,引用英國利茲大學一位教授的話就是一定要相信「the power of your dream」。我的理解是:first ,你一定要夢想,只有有了夢想你才有了追求的目標,才有力量,才有方向和動力。以我為例,考研可以說是我一直以來的夢想,只是由於種種原因,其中尤其是糟糕的英語,才暫時擱淺的,但是在我心中可以說這個夢想一直不曾消失,相反還越發強烈。我想這就是「the power of the dream」,它會一直在你內心的最深處呼喚著你,指引你,督促和激勵你。這種力量是潛移默化的,是永恆持久的,是無比強大的。因此我認為第一步就是確定你心中的「dream」,然後才能為之去拼搏努力。second ,夢想可能暫時被壓制,但當它再次被激活時,它會以排山倒海,不可逆轉之勢襲來,這時我們所能做的就是去完成和實現它,而方法之一就是執著追求!排除一切艱難險阻,用持之以恆的毅力去完成你的夢想,再大的困難在你和your dream面前都會變得不堪一擊,戰勝一切困難,迎來最終的勝利只是時間問題。我相信讀到這里朋友們應該有了足夠的信心和力量,去走屬於你自己的陽關大道。



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