Ⅰ 大學英語老師除了備課上課還有什麼任務
自我提高了:) 如果自己不充電,怎麼教好學生?
Ⅱ 誰能給我一份大學英語備課教案呀
章節名稱 Unit 1 (Book 2) 學時 8
內容 Language Structures
Dialogue I A Time of Change
Dialogue II Requests and Offers
Reading I Two Kinds of Football
Reading II The Olympics
Guided Writing
重點 Master the different progressive tenses in Language Structures
Retelling the content of Dialogue I
Grasp the main idea and analyze the structure of Reading I
Master the key language points
Note-writing: a note of invitation
難點 1. hold back, bring back one』s memory, couldn』t help doing, qualify for, qualify as, qualify sb. to do sth., be addicted to;
2. opponent, promote;
3. It was not until … that…;
知識點 1. master the following tenses: the present perfect progressive (indicating a finished action), the past progressive indicating a circumstance and the simple past indicating a past event, the past perfect progressive, and the 「I was wondering if …」 pattern as a polite form of request;
2. learn to make requests and offers, and to respond politely to requests and offers;
3. understand the main idea and structure of Dialogue I, Reading I ,and Reading II;
4. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
5. conct a series of speaking, listening, reading and writing activities centered on the theme of the unit.
教學組織方式 Integrate teacher』s lecturing with students』 pair-work, discussion, retelling and oral presentation.
課堂練習 Making dialogues, retelling, reading and answering questions
Complete some exercises in Workbook
課外作業 Interactive activities;
Preview Unit 2
說明 此表格任課教師可按教學內容的章節或單元填寫,每個章節或單元填寫一頁
Ⅲ 全新版大學英語綜合教程1教案
Ⅳ 哪位高人給我一份大學英語的教案吧
Paper 1
It is our long-held view that all the members of the United Nations should adhere to /abide by the purposes and principles of the charter of the United Nations.
China』s peaceful reunification can only be achieved through the adherence to the 「One China Policy」.
Population control, resources conservation and environment protection should be put on our agenda.
Chinese government has expressed its appreciation to the international community for its pursuit of the 「One China Policy」.
Taiwan is destined to return to the mother-land, so the early resolution of the Taiwan issue is beneficial to the both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
The state takes/adopts measures to effectively protect women』s rights against infringement.
The people in the mainland all concerns after the news that Taiwan has been struck by the earthquake.
Chinese people have long been hospitable to the tourists and business men throughout the world.
The national economy has been improved significantly.
This proct is characterized by the fine workmanship and rability.
We must consistently concentrate on the economic development.
1.關系正常化 normalization
2.有效的利用外資 more effective utilization of foreign capital
3.竭誠為您服務 We will offer warm-hearted service to you.
4.最具經濟活力的地區 the most dynamic region economically
Paper 2
1.歷史上建都最多的城市 be served as the capital city most frequently in the history
2.周邊國家以及發展中國家的經貿關系 the trade and economic relations with neighboring countries and other developing countries
3.和平協商 through consultation on the basis of equality
4.推動國民經濟和社會信息化 promote information instry to boost the national economy and society
5.一個對內開放,一個對外開放 to open both within the nation and to the outside world
China reinforced its image of the country committed to the independence diplomacy, by doing so China extricated the diplomatic predicament.
7.養老保險社會化管理 the socialization of endowment insurance
8.退休人員和企事業單位 the retirees, the enterprises and institutions
9.楊貴妃 Yangguifei, the strikingly charming concubine of the emperor in Tang dynasty
The implementation of this significant policy is a systematic and long-term project.
It is necessary to have a profound understanding of the long-term, tough and complex nature of the work against corruption.
3.在封閉的狀態下 in isolation
4.利用外資的形勢 utilization of foreign capital
5.穩定的政治局面 political stability
6.放在突出位置 the priority should be given to
7.合理開發和節水 rational conservation of water
8.促進了國民經濟快速發展 accelerate the development of national economy
9.骨肉同胞,手足兄弟 be of the same flesh and blood
10.剃頭挑子一頭熱 one-sided enthusiasm
Paper 3
1.國內有比較優勢的企業 domestic enterprises with comparative advantages
2.投資辦廠 found factories
3.加工貿易和資源開發 processing trade and natural resources development
4.買車的人數預計將達到 the car-purchasers are predicted to amount to
We should improve the service in the re-employment centre of state-owned enterprises.
Efforts should be devoted to establishing a just and rational order in the international policies and economies.
Priorities/Prominences should be given to the development of science, technology and ecation.
In recent years, there has been significant progress in the export of Chinese carpets.
Export of Chinese carpets has witnessed the rapid/considerable growth in recent years.
We should strive to build a modern powerful socialist country.
Spring and autumn are supposed to be the best time to the tour cities like Shanghai and Beijing.
Shanghai and Beijing are at their best for visiting in spring and autumn.
1.各地景色,氣候差異很大 with the variations in landscape and climate
2.交通不發達 with inconvenient transportation
3.基礎設施的建設 the infrastructure construction
4.面臨人口老齡化的問題 be confronting an aging problem
When citizens buy houses on mortgage, they must not ignore the insurance in housing, though which they could indeed avoid worries in housing in the future.
The Chinese people have been living and multiplying on this land, where all ethnic groups have intergraded to forge a strong cohesiveness for the development of the value of cherishing and maintaining unity.
7.有關部門 the departments concerned
8.安居工程 the Comfortable Housing Project
9.抓住機遇迎接挑戰 seize the opportunity and meet the challenge
10.部分 one segment of
11.高原上喜馬拉雅山主峰珠穆朗瑪峰 the Everest, the main peak of Himalayas in plateau
Paper 4
1.歷史悠久,文化燦爛,為人類進步作出貢獻 with a long history, splendid culture and great contribution to human』s progress
2.綜合國力大大提升 with the remarkable enhancement of China』s overall national strength
3.與外灘的萬國建築博覽群隔江相望 facing a row of buildings displaying the different architectural styles of various countries on the Bund across the river
4.亞洲第一世界第三 rank first in Asia and the third in the world
The establishment and development of a social security system bears on the situation of reform, development and stability. It is of such a great significance that it brooks no delay and calls for effective efforts.
6.促進直接「三通」 promote the direct 「Three Links」
7.台灣同胞的正當權益 the legitimate right and interests of Taiwan compatriots
8.恢復對話和談判 the resumption of the dialogue and negotiation
China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of large-scale development of the west region for the China』s economy has grown to a new stage. In this stage, the economy in the eastern coast is approaching to the point of saturation and calls for new market while the development of the west is imminent.
2.建築風格獨特,造型優美 be unique in the architectural style and graceful in the shape
Throughout its long history, China has witnessed the changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, regional separatist regimes, foreign invasions and especially the aggression and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. Nevertheless, unity has always represented the mainstream in Chinese history.
In today』s world, the international situation is, on the whole, becoming less strained. However, the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors as well as the continuous tension in some areas have impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned, and have negatively affected the world economy.
Paper 5
1. 古樹搖曳春秋,山花爛漫,植被茸茸生煙 ancient trees wave the seasons amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation
2.圖案新穎,色調雅緻,美麗大方,富麗堂皇,光彩奪目 novel design, elegant colors, beautiful, spectacular, splendid
3.立場堅定,目光遠大,頭腦敏捷,業務熟練,才華出眾,風格高尚 firming in stands, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in capacity, noble in character
There must be laws to go by and laws should be strictly observed and enforced, and law-breakers must be prosecuted.
5.以身作則,廉潔奉公 Set a good example by performing honest.
6.長期共存,相互監督,肝膽相照,榮辱與共。 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the share of weal and woe
7.生於憂患,死於安樂 One prospers in worries and hardships and perishes in ease and comfort.
8.居安思危,有備無患 Thinks of danger in time of safety, and always be prepared for the worst.
9.功在當代,利在千秋 In the interests of current and future generations.
10.路遙知馬力,日久見人心 Time will see.
11.吃得苦中苦,方為人上人 No sweet without sweat.
12.船到橋頭自然直,車到山前必有路 In the end, things will mend.
13.風雲變幻莫測 be changing unpredictably
14.上下眾說紛紜 opinions vary among both authority and general public
Time does not stay and brief is the day. Long delay means hitches. A long night is fraught with bad dreams. Time and tide wait for no man.
Follow and size up the trend of our times.
fussy about trifles, and careless about important things.
Penny wise, pound foolish.
Inlge never in money and rank, apostatize never when in poverty and hardship, surrender never to power and force.
Ⅳ 請問大學的英語老師需要每天備課嗎
Ⅵ 英語教師如何備課最有效
【摘 要】 在新課程標准下,英語教師越來越關注如何高效率地備課,本文從三個要素、十二個環節系統地分析了怎樣備課效果最好。
【關鍵詞】 備課三個要素:教材、學生、教師;備課十二個環節:教學內容、教學目標、教學策略、教學重點、教學難點、教材分析、學生分析、板書設計、教學過程、教學小結、學生作業和教學反思
下面以《牛津英語》(上海版,山西改編)為例,在Mole2 Unit1 Animals I like的學習中,課文中共呈現了以下動物單詞:monkey,tiger,lion,panda,snake,giraffe,cat,dog,rabbit,elephant,zebra。句子共有8句:Do you like cats? No,I don`t like cats.I like dogs.I like cats.Do you like pandas? Yes, I like pandas. 經過分析,確定出教材內容為:本單元以參觀動物園和寵物店為話題,談論自己對不同動物的喜好,掌握如何談論個人愛好的交際語言,發展口頭交際能力,夾生對動物的了解,關愛動物,進而學會談論其他個人愛好。
本單元的教學目標之一的語言知識方面,首先必須掌握的四會詞彙有monkey,tiger,lion,panda,snake,giraffe,cat,dog,rabbit,zebra.語法方面要學會使用一般現在時的一般疑問句進行問答:Do you like …?Yes,I like…或者No,I don`t like…和I like …語言功能是互相詢問對動物的愛好,話題目標是想同學介紹自己喜歡或者不喜歡的動物。
語言技能方面,能聽懂對方的問句Do you like…?,說的方面是自由進行口語交際。讀的要求是能夠讀懂談論愛好的句子。寫的方面是抄寫、仿寫,進而自己寫出有關個人愛好的句子,同學之間互相了解喜好。
教學策略方面,要幫助學生建立交際意識,並且培養主動參與精神,從談論對動物的喜好,拓展到談論對生活中許多事物的喜好。教學重點是Do you like…?Yes, I like…和No, I don`t like…教學難點是部分動物單詞例如giraffe,zebra,rabbit和elephant。
其次,教師要用激情去感染每個學生。幽默的語言、巧妙的開場白和誇張的動作,都可以作為教學手段,去激活學生的求知慾。只有充分了解任教年級學生的生理、心理特點才能做到這一點。例如:《牛津英語》(上海版,山西改編)Mole2 Unit1 Animals I like這一課,要充分設計一個主題,如Let`s visit the Beijing Zoo today. We can make friends with some animals. First we know about some of them. 然後利用Do you like…?分別了解學生的不同愛好,此時通過運用不同的語言、體態、輔以滑稽的模仿動物的聲音體態,學生印象會很深刻。要讓學生當主角。可以創設情景,利用小組活動為手段調動學生積極參與。仍以Mole2 Unit1 Animals I like為例,可以教師在每個小組了解一名學生,了解他喜歡或不喜歡哪些動物,再由這名學生了解小組內其他學生,教師選擇綜合表現較好的幾組上講台展示。這樣人人參與,極大地激發例如學生的學習興趣。
在教學設計這一環節上,可以先熱身(Warming-up),唱一首chant、rhyme或者song,甚至講一個英語笑話或繞口令,迅速使學生集中注意力。復習導入階段(Leading-in)可以在黑板上畫幾幅動物的簡筆畫,利用學生耳熟能詳的What can you see?I can see a/an…同學生問答,逐步導入新授的動物單詞。教師馬上利用Do you like…?提問,直接導入本課知識點:Do you like …?Yes,I like…和No,I don`t like…,這樣巧妙地導入並且過度到新知識。
在呈現(Representation)階段,教師要板書新句型並且領讀,採用各種游戲化方式讓學生反復練習,並且相互對話。在此階段,要加入聽錄音模仿跟讀這一環節,最後讓部分學有餘力的學生馬上背誦下來。在表演深化階段,教師可以依據課本的Do you like…?Yes, I like…和No, I don`t like…,讓學生用自己喜歡的方式表達like與dislike。
注意,教師可以隨時穿插一些小游戲,比如:以小組為單位唱英文歌曲或者用英語報數,說錯者要說一個句子。還可以舉行單詞擂台賽,以在一分鍾內默寫單詞最多者為擂主。還有Guess游戲,讓學生猜猜老師喜歡的動物是什麼,有學生用Dou you like…?連續提問,直到知道結果為止。另外,還可以採用師生問答賽、搶答賽、連鎖問答賽、男女生對抗賽或小組對抗賽等。