① 新概念英語練習冊1(新版) lesson43和lesson44答案
② 新概念第二冊44課 答案
Lesson 44
A tried to steal(1.4); started running(1.5); continued to run (1.7); needs mending(1.10) B 1 to see 2 working 3 ironing
4 to leave 5 to argue/ arguing 6 to come
7 seeing 8 knocking 9 waiting
10 to rain/ raining 11 working
12 taking
1(sample sentences)
In the last minutes of the race, Jim caught up with the leader and passed him. 2 The
farmer shouted at the children and they ran away.3.多項選擇題答案
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 b
7 d 8 a 9 b 10 a 11 b 12 d
③ 新概念英語練習冊Lesson 44至Lesson 94 郵箱1446483549@qq.com
④ 急求 新版 新概念英語4的筆記
Unit 1
Lesson 1 Finding fossil man發現化石人/1
Lesson 2 Spare that spider不要傷害蜘蛛/6
Lesson 3 Matterhorn man馬特霍恩山區人/11
Lesson 4 Seeing hands能看見東西的手/17
Lesson 5 Youth青年/22
Lesson 6 The sporing spirit體育的精神/28
Lesson 7 Bats蝙蝠/35
Lesson 8 Trading standards貿易標准/40
Unit 2
Lesson 9 Royal espionage王室諜報活動/46
Lesson 1 0 Silicon valley矽谷/52
Lesson 11 How to grow old如何安度晚年/58
Lesson 1 2 Banks and their customem銀行和顧客/64
Lesson 13 The searoh for o-l探尋石油/70
Lesson 14 The Butterfly Effect蝴蝶效應/75
Lesson 15 Secrecy in instry工業中的秘密/80
Lesson 16 The modern city現代城市/85
Unit 3
Lesson 17 A man-made disease人為的疾病/91
Lesson 1 8 Porpoises海豚/98
Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams話說夢的本質/106
Lesson 20 Snake poison蛇毒/113
Lesson 21 William S.Hart and the eady『Western』film威廉·S·哈特和早期的「西部」影片/119
Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress知識和進步/126
Lesson 23 Bird flight鳥的飛行方法/132
Lesson 24 Beauty美/138
Unit 4
Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise噪音的非聽覺效應/144
Lesson 26 The past life of the each地球上的昔日生命/151
Lesson 27 The『Vasa』「瓦薩」號/157
Lesson 28 Patients and doctors病人與醫生/164
Lesson 29 The hovemraff氣墊船/170
Lesson 30 Exploring the sea-floor海底勘探/175
Lesson 31 The sculptor speaks雕塑家的語言/181
Lesson 32 Galileo reborn伽利略的復生/187
Unit 5
Lesson 33 Ecation教育/194
Lesson 34 Adolescence青春期/200
Lesson 35 Space odyssey太空探索/206
Lesson 36 The cost of government政府的開支/210
Lesson 37 The process of ageing衰老過程/21 5
Lesson 38 Water and the traveller水和旅行者/222
Lesson 39 What every writer wants作家之所需/227
Lesson 40 Waves海浪/233
Unit 6
Lesson 41 Training elephants訓練大象/238
Lesson 42 Recording an ea~hquake記錄地震/245
Lesson 43 Are there strangers in space?宇宙中有外星人嗎?/251
Lesson 44 Patterns of culture文化的模式/258
Lesson 45 Of men and galaxies人和星系/266
Lesson 46 Hobbies業余愛好/272
Lesson 47 The great escape大逃亡/280
Lesson 48 Planning a share portfolio規劃股份投資/289
【內容提要】- 《新概念英語(新版)4》學習筆記
⑤ 新概念3lesson44的里的一道題,高分求助高手快來
先說第一個題吧,要首先學會斷句,從there being 開始後面看成一個整體句子,是個從句版,of是介詞後面權怎麼能跟句子呢,實際上C答案後面省略了一個that,結構是it's a great disadvantage/advantage that+句子。
再看第二個題,考點是hear的用法,其結構有hear sb./sth. do/doing,後面是不跟to do的不定式的,如果動作正在發生就用doing,若是瞬時動詞則用do
⑥ 新概念第三冊lesson14in return for做什麼成分