Ⅰ 《 典范英语7》第7本《送错的信》的英文梗概。或者是中文梗概。
Ⅱ 典范英语7
Flossie and Nessie the Loch Ness monster is two, Nessie is a celebrity, a lot of people want her on their newspapers, many people want to take her picture, and Flossie was not so lucky, it wants to be noticed, to be wantonly rendering, and people did not always find it, Flossie very lonely, it is looking for a really good friend, but Nessie said that we can not have friends, no one likes us, Flossie did not give up, he asked the animals, but they do not willing, even in front of people, people just scared off or does not believe it's there, but he saw a spectacle and fell into the water to pick up a girl, it saved her, then they became good friends, but the most girls and others when playing, he disguised as something else, but only friends can see him, Flossie found a true friend
不走运的怪物 以上
That is the story of the protagonist to watch sports shoes. In the evening he was sleepy and then fell asleep, and then jump directly to the sports shoes started to move, the story of the protagonist followed them down to the garden. There is a moth fly over at this time, the story of the protagonist sees a sports shoe laces a bomb, the moths into the shoes inside to eat. Then is the description of sports shoes how predation a beetle, an earthworm. Later, little mouse climbed out, the story of the protagonist shouted the little mouse fled, after never.
危险的运动鞋 以上
Flo Jones and satin Jones has the same name, but their personalities and hobbies are totally different. Flo like football, satin like horseback riding, one day the postman's eyes are bad, so the mistake happened like this. They went to the summer camp with each other, have won the trophy, they think these are in fact quite good fun. They met on the way home, and do a good friend.
送错的信 以上
classmate pearl in a flying carpet race,he ends up accidentally turning his teacher into a spider! The spider runs under pearl’s cupboard and when it is moved a stolen test paper is found proving that pearl is a cheat
This is a very interesting story . Jem is very kind and brave and honest. on the other hand. pearl is very unfriendly and self-centered and she is also dishonest. This story tells us Honesty is a very important thing and we should be kind to the people around us
精灵简姆斯通撞击事件 以上
Ⅲ 求典范英语7全部书名
1、《Walrus Joins In海象参加表演》
2、《Noisy Neighbours 吵闹的邻居 》
3、《Princess Pip’s Holiday皮皮公主的假期》
4、《Oh, Otto! 哦,奥托!》
5、《Captain Comet and the Purple Planet 科密特船长与紫色星球 》
6、《Jungle Shorts 丛林短裤 》
7、《The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om 来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 》
8、 《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save the Day 蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 》
9、《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Meet the Pirates 蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 》
10、《Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 》
11、《The Boss Dog of Blossom Street 花朵街的狗老大 》
12、《Cornflake Corn 玉米片硬币 》
13、《The Ghost Ship 幽灵船 》
14、《Micro the Metal Dog 机器狗麦克罗 》
15、《The King of Football The Story of Pelé 球王贝利的故事 》
16、《Arctic Hero The Story of Matthew Henson 北极英雄——马修•汉森的故事 》
17、《Pioneer Girl The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder 拓荒女孩——劳拉•因格尔斯•怀尔德的故事》
18、《My Friend, Mandela 我的朋友曼德拉 》
1、《Walrus Joins In 海象参加表演》
2、《Noisy Neighbours 吵闹的邻居 》
故事梗概:吝啬鬼 Mr Flinch 十分讨厌邻居发出的声响, 为此, 他用了许多诡计, 但都没有成功。 最后, 因此倾家荡产, 但还是没有摆脱他的邻居。
3、《Princess Pip’s Holiday 皮皮公主的假期》
故事梗概:讲述的是原本骄横的皮皮公主在一次海边旅行时, 结交了一个好朋友 paisy, 在她的帮助下改掉了身上的缺点。
4、《Oh, Otto! 哦,奥托!》
故事梗概:初入学校, 屡屡闹笑话的外星男孩奥托在一次寻宝任务中表现出色, 从而得到了大家的肯定。
5、《Captain Comet and the Purple Planet 科密特船长与紫色星球 》
故事梗概:在一次太空航行中, 科密特船长发现了一颗行星, 可当他走进观望时才发现那所谓的“行星”不过是一个全身长满尖刺的巨大地紫色怪物。
6、《Jungle Shorts 丛林短裤 》
故事梗概:小男孩 Lenny 原本十分讨厌自己的丛林短裤, 但在一次足球比赛时, 发现了许多与他穿着相同的男孩, 于是改变了他的想法。
7、《The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om 来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 》
故事梗概:Harry 国王城堡中的清洁工不干了, 因此, 国王为了清洁城堡而不被王后发现戴上了面具假扮清洁女工。
8、 《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save the Day 蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 》
9、《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Meet the Pirates 蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 》
故事梗概:一天, 正在城堡中打扫卫生的清洁女工遭遇海盗, 却与其斗智斗勇, 打败了海盗, 捍卫了王室宝物。
10、《Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 》
故事梗概:当 Scott搞恶作剧告诉 Laura:她的水晶鞋是用水母做成时,她立刻就把她的水晶鞋扔了,因为她很讨厌水母。 但后来她看到了许多可怜的水母宝宝的时候,她又改变了主意,最后Scott和Laura 一起拯救了那些水母宝宝。
11、《The Boss Dog of Blossom Street 花朵街的狗老大 》
故事梗概:花朵街的 Snap 随着它的主人搬家了, 离开了它最喜欢的街道, 但是后来它找到了一个很聪明的办法: 它会自己坐公交车回去。 所以它能够经常回去和小孩子玩并且继续当它的狗老大了, 最后还登了报纸, 它过得很开心。
12、《Cornflake Corn 玉米片硬币 》
故事梗概:Omar 和 Kerry 都很想参加一场寻宝比赛,开始他们只找到了一个玉米片硬币,他们把他当成了罗马币交给了老师, 受到了许多同学的嘲笑。但最后他们真的通过努力找到了一个罗马硬币, 并且赢得了比赛!
13、《The Ghost Ship 幽灵船 》
故事梗概:Ernie 感到很震惊,因为他发现了一艘幽灵船在学校的操场上行驶,但是班里只有他和Jade能看见它。他们一起帮 Pegleg 船长找到了他的宝藏,最后幽灵船开始渐渐消退,消失了。
14、《Micro the Metal Dog 机器狗麦克罗 》
故事梗概:Daniel深感失望,因为她的妈妈给她买了一条机械狗Micro, 但他一直想要一条真正的狗。所以 Micro开始改变自己,它向真狗学习,改变自己的思想,最后变成了全世界最好的狗!
15、《The King of Football The Story of Pelé 球王贝利的故事 》
故事梗概:巴西的球员贝利参加过四次世界杯,进了 1000 多个球,但是这期间他也曾因膝盖受伤而被迫放弃,最后他还是又重新站在了世界杯的领奖台上!人们都称他为“球王贝利”。
16、《Arctic Hero The Story of Matthew Henson 北极英雄——马修•汉森的故事 》
故事梗概:Matthew Henson 和他的朋友一起去北极旅行,但每次都被正在融化的冰,暴雪等击退,但是他们没有放弃,反而每一次都比前一次更接近北极,在他们觉得这是他们的最后一次希望时,他们成功了,他们成为了全世界第一波到达北极的人。
17、《Pioneer Girl The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder 拓荒女孩——劳拉•因格尔斯•怀尔德的故事》
18、《My Friend, Mandela 我的朋友曼德拉 》
Ⅳ 典范英语7读后感
典范英语6 7:
Ⅳ 典范英语7 主要内容及总结
【译文】A teacher always wears a dirty pants,however for the sake of a parent will the teacher made change a new pants and the new blouse of kit that he likes very much.
But Derek carelessly put on green pigment while painting at the teacher's pants up,hence he and Janey decide to secretly bring back the house to the teacher's pants and clean,Derek carelessly makes glue being puts on as washing powdering on the pants again,afterwards they have to and decide and take dry cleaner,arrive dry cleaner just think of pants and fall on the bus.
They again go to bus stop and found out pants of becoming a complete mess already.
不得已只好向老师坦白,刚要向老师说,老师却发现厨房着大火了,于是用自己的新上衣盖住了大火,这下两件配套衣服都脏了,老师要再买一件白的,Derek和 Janey建议买绿色的
Against will have to frank toward the teacher,just wanted to say to the teacher,but the teacher discovered that the kitchen wore wildfire,hence covered up wildfire with own new blouse,this next two kit clothes were all soiled,the teacher wanted to bought a white again of,Derek and Janey suggested that buying is green
Ⅵ 典范英语7 大好时机 从这篇文章可以学到什么啊 现在就要 很急啊
Ⅶ 关于典范英语7
典范英语7共18本书,有很多位作者和插图者,如第一本《海象参加表演》的作者是Simon Puttock,插图者是Julian Mosedale。
Ⅷ 典范英语7水母鞋,英文简述,75词以上,不要用在线翻译器和书上的简述。
Laura has a pair of crystal shoe, she like this pair of shoes is very, but Scott told her this shoe is done by jellyfish, she threw away the shoes, because she hated jellyfish, but Scott admitted the error, and advised him to save Laura and together they make the jellyfish, jellyfish Laura don't hate Laura, but does not want to retrieve the crystal shoe, she wanted to keep the shoes to their marine animal. Also the line.