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❶ 急需高中英语说课的基本步骤和新版高一英语说课全套人教版的

备好课是教师上好课的基础,是提高教育教学质量的前提。备课是教师日常教学工作的重要组成部分,可以体现出一个教师的专业素养、教学理念与教学能力,也是教师从事教育教学研究的主阵地。高中英语教学的实际情况对教师的备课提出了比较高的要求,要求教师既能从宏观上把握教材的结构体系、编排的意图、教学策略,又要能从微观角度入手有针对性设计与选用具体的教学方法,制订详细、全面的能力培养方案,落实具体而庞杂的语音、词汇、短语、句式结构、段落篇章结构等语言、语法基础知识。要想在备课中做到宏观与微观的统一,兼顾到教学方法与具体语言语法知识点的有机结合,需要教师进行长期的实践与探索。高中英语教师的备课,可分为整体把握教材、单元备课、课时教案编写、教学反思四个层次,每个备课层次又包含着若干个基本步骤。下面,我就结合自己数年来英语教学工作实践谈谈高中英语教师备课的四个层次及其基本步骤。一、整体把握教材整体把教材是高中英语教师进行备课的首要工作,是从宏观上了解和认识高中英语教学在中小学英语教学乃至大中小学英语教育教学中的地位、作用、教学内容和教学要求的一个过程,教师可以从下面几个方面入手展开这一层次的备课。1.通读当前的《普通高中英语课程标准》,领会高中英语课程的性质、基本理念、设计思路,明确高中英语课程的目标,仔细研读《课程标准》中对语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面分别提出的具体内容和标准,弄清各个级别中对上述五个方面的具体要求,结合所提供的具体教学案例去领悟实施建议中的教学建议、评价建议、课程资源的开发与利用的建议、教材编写和使用的建议,以全面领会《课程标准》。2.通读或浏览当前高中英语教材,了解全部高中英语教材的基本内容和结构;重点阅读当前所要教授的教材,弄清本册教材的具体内容、教学要求和在整个高中英语教材中的地位与作用,大致了解一下初中英语教材的内容,做到心中有数。3.在以上两个步骤的基础上,结合具体的学情编写切合实际的学期教学计划。学期教学计划应包括学情分析、教材分析、教育教学目标、方法措施、教学进度安排、教学活动安排等内容。二、单元备课这一层次的备课是在对教材整体把握的基础上,以一个单元为单位进行备课,是一个从宏观到微观、从整体到局部的过渡。这一层次的备课要求教师将宏观的、总体的教学要求化解成为相对具体的教学任务,通过具体的教学内容与具体的教学过程去实现教学目标。所以,这一层次的备课既要求教师从宏观驾驭教材,又要求教师能从微观的角度出发去具体地分析研究教材,确定教学重点、难点,选用适当的教学方法,制定教学模式,搜集整理相关教学材料、合理安排课时等等方面的工作。具体说来,这一层次的备课应包括以下步骤。1.仔细阅读教材,熟悉教材内容,弄清本单元在整册教材中的地位与作用,分析本单元与其它单元之间的联系,理清单元内部各个部分之间的关系。2.阅读配套的教师教学用书,进一步理清单元教材的结构,明确教材编写意图,阅读相关背竟材料,借鉴其中的教学方法和教学策略。3.根据教师个人对教材的理解和教师教学用书的指导,并结合学生的实际情况,确定单元教学思路、教学重点、教学难点、教学方法、课时分配方案等。在这一步骤中,教师在教学重难点的选择中,一是要做到具体,应该具体到像词汇、短语、句子这样的层面;二是要做到全面,力争不要遗漏任何重难点;三是要切合实际,要根据学生的学情来确定教学难度与教学的重点。4.浏览二至三种与教材配套的教辅用书,广泛涉猎其中的文化背景知识、知识点的分析与讲解、教学例句、教学案例等教学材料。有条件的教师,还可以通过互联网等媒体查阅与收集相关资料,为编写课时教案做好知识与方法的储备。5.准备配套的媒体材料。根据教学内容和教学需要,提前准备好幻灯片、录音、录像、多媒体课件等配套的媒体材料。6.准备好配套的单元练习、单元测试与单元课外活动。 三、编写课时教案这一层次的备课是对上一个层次备课的进一步细化与具体化,是教师教学理念、教学方法的具体体现,也是教师驾驭教材能力、教育教学水平的集中体现。这一层次的教学要求教师从非常细微的、具体的知识点入手,采用科学方法和手段去组织和设计好每一个教学环节,落实每一个具体的教学目标,完成每一个教学任务。由于高中英语教学仍然以英语基础知识的学习和英语基本技能的培养为主线,所以高中英语的备课有其自身的特殊性,要求教师既要重视具体语言知识及其相关内容的准备,又要做好具体教学方法的准备。可见,高中英语课时教案的编写是一项繁琐而复杂的工作,需要教师有丰富的知识,灵活处理教材的能力,还需要教师细心,有耐心。要具体编写好一个课时教案,应遵循以下一些基本步骤。1.根据单元教学要求和学生实际情况确定课时教学内容、重点、难点。这一步骤是教师编写课时教案时首先应考虑的问题,课时的教学内容的安排要适量,重点要突出,难点要适当分散。2.教学方法、教学手段与教学媒体的选用与设计。教师应根据确定的教学内容、教学重点和教学难点,结合学生的实际情况设计教学方法,选用与之相适应的教学手段与教学媒体,应做到教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、教学媒体之间的谐调统一。3.设计教学步骤,编写课时教案的具体内容。在上述步骤的基础上,教师将具体的教学内容,分成若干部分,结合具体的教学方法和教学手段,编写出具体而详细的教学步骤。在高中英语课时教案的编写的过程中,一定要兼顾教学内容和教学方法。教学内容要力求详实、准确、全面,因为高中英语课堂教学涉及到从语音、词汇、短语、句子、语法、段落、篇章、语言交际、文化背景知识等方面的内容和听说读写能力的全面提升。要想做到教学内容提要的详实、准确和全面并非易事,要求教师仔细研究每一课时教材的具体内容,广泛查阅各种教学资料、词典等工具书,精选各种背景材料、优美典型的例句等教学材料。由于高中英语教学有其特殊性,所以教学方法也显得尤为重要,应该把具体的教学方法、教学手段同每一个教学步骤紧密地结合起来,以达到最优化的教学效果。4.备作业与习题。作业与习题的准备也是课时教案编写的内容之一,要精选作业与练习,作业与练习的选择要有明确的目的,要考虑其有效性和科学性。5.备板书与课堂教学用语。在编写课时教案的同时,教师应根据内容设计出相应的课堂板书,备课时也应想一想课堂上可能会用到的教学用语,思考一下这些课堂教学用语以怎样的方式表达效果更好。四、教学反思教学反思是对教师备课和教学工作的一种自我评价,是一个总结经验和教训而提升教师教学素养的过程。把教学反思纳入备课,作为备课的一个组成部分,可以使教学反思经常化,也可以使教师在反思的过程中不断提高备课质量。1.记录好教学札记、教后感。做好教学札记,以便查缺补漏,有利于教师及时调整自己的教学策略与教学方法,提高课堂教学艺术与教学效率。写好教后感,教师可以在总结中,发现自己的教学闪光点和教学缺陷,在自我反思的过程中逐渐提高自己的教学能力,形成自己的教学风格。2.提炼整理教学反思,撰写教研教学论文。在经常坚持记教学札记和教后感的基础上发现一些共性的、有规律的教育教学现象,加以分析和总结,撰写论文。以上的四个层次及若干个步骤是一个从宏观到微观、从整体到部分、从感性到理性的过程,是一个相互联系的统一体,是高中英语教师在备课中应遵循的一些基本做法。希望我个人在高中英语教学工作中的这些做法和感悟能供各位英语教师参考,以共同提高高中英语教学质量。

❷ 人教版小学英语每个单元要怎么备课


❸ 人教版初一英语教案lesson 11 或备课有吗

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)
Teaching Aims
Learn some names about different kinds of shows
Learn to talk about likes and dislikes
Vocabulary Words
soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglasses, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word
talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal world, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about
Expressions what do you think of sitcoms?
I love them.
What does he think of game shows?
He doesn’ mind them. In fact he can’t stand them.
How about --?
I enjoyed reading your “What’s cool?” article in the school magazine.
I can’t stand that idea that old people can’t be beautiful.
Structures What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?
I can’t stand them. We don’t mind them.
What does he / she think of Pumpling king?
She doesn’t like it.
What do they think of Anna?
They love her.

Section A
Teaching goals
Master the new words: nothing, soap opera, sitcom, situation, stand, mind, king, host, culture, agree
Learn to ask and answer: What do you think of ...?
I like / love ...
I can’t stand ....
I don’t love / like / mind ...
Teaching proceres
Step 1: Warming up
Show students some pictures about fruits and ask students:
Do you like apples / bananas?
What fruit do you like?
What abut your parents / friends?
Help students answer using the following sentences.
I like / love them very much/ a little.
I don’t like / love them.
2. Ask students their feelings about different kinds of shows.
For example: Do you like comedies or action movies?

Step 2: Presenting
ask students to say out different shows they know.
talk show, soap opera, sports news, sports show, sitcom, game show, culture-China, animal world. around the world, thriller, Legal Report, action movie ...
Ask students: What do you think of ...?
Do you like / love ...?
Help them answer using the words: love, like, don’t mind, can’t stand, don’t love / like
Let students read the drills aloud.
Step 3: Practicing
Activity 1
Point to the five pictures in 1a. Let students guess what shows they are.
For example: T: There is a man playing baseball in Picture a. I think it’s a sports show.
Let students talk about the other shows in Picture b—e in the same way.
Point to the 5 phrases in 1a. Let students read them aloud.
Ask students to match the TV shows with the pictures.
Check the answers. 1.e 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.b
Activity 2
Students work in pairs, ask and answer about the shows in 1a.
Model: A: What do you think of sitcoms?
B: I love them. What about you?
A: I don’t mind them.
Step 4: Listening (1b)
Read the instructions to class. Let students listen carefully. Pay attention to what Mary says about TV shows.
Play the recording the first time, students only listen.

Jack: What do you think of soap opera, Mark?
Mark: I don’t like them.
Jack: What do you think of game shows?
Mark: I love them.
Jack: What do you think of sitcoms?
Mark: Sitcoms? Mm. I don’t mind them.
Jack: What do you think of sports shows?
Mark: I like them.
Jack: What do you think of talk shows?
Mark: Talk shows?!! I can’t stand them.

Play the recording the second time, students listen and write a letter a—e from activity 1a.
Check the answers: 1.b 2. a 3.c 4.d 5.e
Step 6: Listening (2a, 2b)
Call students’ attention to the five phrases in 2a and read them.
Draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the TV show.
Play the recording the first time, students listen and number the expressions 1—5 as they hear them.

A: What do you think of Dumpling King?
B: I love it.
A: Do you like Er Bao?
B: No. I can’t stand him. But I don’t mind his brother, Xiao Bao. How about you?
A: I don’t like him. In fact, I don’t like sitcoms.

4. Check the answers: 1 2 4 5 3
5.Play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart. Before listening, draw their attention to the dialogue in 2b.
6.Check the answers: 1)love 2)like 3)can’t stand 4)don’t mind 5)don’t like
7.Students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about TV shows they know.
Model: A: What do you think of the Pink Lady?
B: I love it very much. How about you?
A:I don’t mind it. What do you think of Xiaoping?
B: I like her a lot. What about you?
A: I can’t stand her.
Check some pairs.
Step 5: Practicing (3a)
Activity 1
Call students’ attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class.
Ask students to work in pairs: What do you think of English Today / Sports News ...?
Ask students to work in pairs. Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at Page 85. Ask and answer questions:
What do Yang Lin and Alan think of these CCTV show? Then fill in the blanks.
Check the answers: Yang Lin: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t like
Alan: loves, likes, doesn’t like,
likes, can’t stand, doesn’t mind
Activity 2
Call students attention to the conversation in 3b. Teacher reads it to the class. Ask students to pay attention to the blanks.
Work alone. Ask students to use the information in Activity 3a. Fill in the blanks.
Check the answers.
Yes, I do. 2) I like it. 3) I don’t like it. 4) English Today 5) I like it.
Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b. Then make their own conversations.
Activity 3
Students work in groups. Take out a piece of paper and list TV shows as many as possible.
Students write down what they think of the TV shows on the paper.
Ask one of students to do a report for their group. Listen and check.
Section B
Teaching goals
Master the new words: belt, wallet, key, ring, by, fashion, show, said, article, put, cap, idea, colorful, word
Learn some new phrases: show sb sth, enjoy doing sth,
This is what I think.
Can you please put my opinions in the next month's magazine?
Here are their likes and dislikes.
Teaching proceres
Step 1: Making a revision
Show some real object used in daily life and ask them "What do you think of ...?" "Do you like ...?" " What about ...?
Show students some school things and let students talk about their likes and dislikes. for example:
I like color pencils. I don't like .... I can't stand ....
Step 2: Presenting
Call students attention to the six pictures in 1a. Teach them the new words and let them repeat.
Show students some real objects used in daily life and let students shout out their names as quickly as possible.
Ask students: What do you think of ...?
students use the verbs they learned to answer.
Step 3: Practicing
Activity 1
Call students attention to the six words in 1a. Let students read them loud together.
Students look at the pictures; match the words with the pictures.
Check the answers. 1.b 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.f 6.d
Activity 2
Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer about the six pictures. For example:
A: What do you think of the belt?
B: I don’t' mind it. Do you like the sunglasses?
A: Yes, I like them.
B: What does your father think of the watch?
A: He can't stand it.
Activity 3
Read the instructions to the class. Let students tell the class what they have. For example:
I have a watch, a scarf and sunglasses.
Step 4: Listening. (2a,2b)
Point to the chart in 2a. Call students attention to the things that Maria, Carol and Paul talk about.
Play the tape the first time, fill what they hear in the chart.

Maria: Hey, guys.
Carol: Hello, Maria.
Paul: Hi. What’s up?
Maria: I’m writing the “What’s Cool?” article for the school magazine, and I want to ask you some questions. Ok?
Carol: Sure.
Paul: Uh-huh.
Maria: Well, look at these things. What do you think of them?
Carol: OK. Um, well ... Hmm. I love the watch.
Paul: Oh, I don’t mind the watch. My sister has one of those.
Maria: What do you think of the sunglasses?
Carol: I like them.
Paul: Hmm .... I do, too ...Yeah, I like them.
Maria: And how about the scarf?
Paul: Oh, I don’t like the scarf.
Carol: I don’t, either. I can’t stand those scarves. My mom wears scarves like that.
Maria: What do you think of the wallet?
Paul: I like the wallet. It’s really cool.
Carol: I love it.

3. Check the answers. watch, sunglasses, scarf, wallet
4. Play the tape again. This time students write down what Carol and Paul think about each thing. Fill in the chart in 2a with the following words: loves, likes, doesn't mind, doesn't like, can't stand.
5. Check the answers: Carol: loves, likes, can’t stand, loves,
Paul: doesn’t mind, likes, doesn’t like, likes
Step 5: Reading
Ask students to read the article in 3a indivially. At the same time, students get ready to answer the following questions: What did Maria Lee do this week?
Who likes the key ring / the sunglasses?
Who loves the wallet / the watch?
Who can't stand the scarf?
Ask several students to give their answers.
Students read Maria's article again. Fill in names of the students in the chart on Page 87.
Check the answers.
(watch)Gina Taylor loves. Ann Rice doesn’t mind.
(key ring) Jack Smith likes
(sunglasses) Ann Rice likes, Jerry Green likes
(scarf) Jordan can’t stand
(wallet)William Jones loves
(belt) everyone loves
Step 6: Writing
Teacher reads the letter to class and call their attention to the blanks.
Students look at the pictures in activity 1a on Page 68. Complete the letter with their own opinions. Use the words like, love, don't mind, don't like, can't stand,
Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and expressions:
enjoy doing sth,
This is what I think.
Teaching goals
Help students to review all the key vocabulary presented in this unit.
Help students practice writing about others.
Give students an opportunity to use the target language in conversation.
Teaching Proceres
Step 1: Learning words
Ask students to read the words in Part 1 aloud and know the meanings of them.
Ask students to divide the words into 3 different groups.
shows: talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show.
daily things: sunglasses, watch, scarf, wallet
words about likes and dislikes: don't mind, don't like, can't stand
Ask students to write 5 or more new words in their vocab-builder
Step 2: Reading and writing
Point to the picture in Part 3. Ask students to talk about what they see in the picture.
Ask a student to read what Rose Smith says to the class. Then ask students: Do you agree with her?
Let students talk about their own opinions in pairs about the idea that old people can't be beautiful. Use the words given below: can't stand, don’t' mind, don't like, love, like
Ask students to take out a piece of paper and write their opinions on the paper.
Ask some indivial students to read their opinions to the class.

Unit 11 课文重难点学习


① My sister’s baby can’t stand.
② Our teacher is standing outside the classroom.
③ — What do you think of soap operas?
— I can’t stand them.
④ — Can you stand the hot weather? 你能忍受炎热的天气吗?
— No, I can’t.

① I don’t mind hard work.
② — Would you mind my opening the window?
— Certainly not.
③ I don’t mind what young people think of me.

① I asked him to come with me and he agreed.
② He doesn’t agree with me.
③ I find it difficult to agree to your terms.
④ We agreed to leave at once.
⑤ I agree that you watch TV for an hour every day.


What do you think of soap operas? 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?
[重点释疑] 本句还可以说“How do you like soap operas?”,动词词组think of在此处意为“对……有某种看法”,等同于think about。如:
① What do you think of my singing?
② What does he think of the play?

In fact, I don’t like sitcoms. 事实上,我不喜欢情景喜剧。
[重点释疑] in fact是固定词组,意为“实际上;事实上”,常用于句首。如:
① In fact, he is a good student.
② In fact, she doesn’t know the thing. 事实上,她不知道那件事。
3. We’re talking to Alan, a thirteen-year-old boy.
[重点释疑] a thirteen-year-old boy意为“一个13岁的男孩”,注意其中的year是单数形式,这个短语还可以说成a boy of 13 years old。如:
① Tina is a seven-year-old girl.
= Tina is a girl of seven years old.

Cooking is for moms! 做饭是妈妈们的事!
[重点释疑] 本句的主语是动名词,即动词-ing形式。在英语中,如果动词作主语,要用它的动名词形式。如:
① Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.
② Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for your health.

And the coolest thing was the belt. 最酷的物品是皮带。
[重点释疑] the coolest是形容词的最高级,意为“最酷的”。如:
① Who is the tallest boy in your class?
② Linda is the youngest student in the school.
6. I enjoyed reading your “What’s cool?” article in the school magazine, and would like to tell you what I think.
我喜欢看校刊上的你的“什么是酷?”这篇文章,想告诉你我所想的。[重点释疑] enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。what I think是一个宾语从句,与you一起构成句子的双宾语。如:
① I enjoy listening to music. What about you?
② Do you agree with what I said?


❹ 请问小学英语教师资格统考面试抽题备课来自什么课本人教版

小学英语教师资格统考面试抽题备课所用的课本一般是当地学生使用的教材,具体的您可以参考职 业 培 训 教 育 网

❺ 小学毕业人教版英语总结

随着期末考试的结束,本学期的教学工作也步 入尾声。在这个学期中,我们顺利地完成了六年级下册的英语教学。在学期刚开始时,我所面临的问题,不仅是像以往那样,完成本册书的教学;学生这一学期要参加小学生毕业考试,我必须在本册书的教学结束后,拟定一个小学英语的系统的复习计划,根据计划合理地安排自查前的复习工作。六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期以做好后进生的转化工作为主。面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。学生经过一个学年的英语学习后对英语的学习产生了一定的兴趣,对英语的基本知识与基本技能已有初步的了解。同学们的听力能力、口语表达能力、阅读能力等都得到了相当程度的提高。为此我做了一下工作:
1、在复习阶段,大部分学生在课堂上的学习状态是积极的,但是有少数学生由于紧张而繁重的复习没有更多地关注到他们的课堂学习情况,也没有尽最大的努力引导他们抓紧课堂的每一分钟。于是,为了让他们取得进步,我们的做法却是进行“课后辅导”,增加师生的负担 。



❻ 哪有免费人教版九年级英语课件下载

网络搜索英语备课大师 然后有九年级备课室 点击进去 有相应的音频课件和习题

❼ 市面上英语学科的教案很多,哪个版本的比较好呢小学的课本是外研社的,初中的课本是人教版的




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